The Death Knell

Chapter 1284? The girl named Quill

"Okay, you can stay on Earth for the next few days to recuperate. With your current physical condition, it will be too painful to experience the spacecraft jump." Su Ming put out the cigarette butt, stood up and patted his pants: "There is no way to send magic. You go back, Sparta is too far away and the cost is too high, and the Rainbow Bridge is not accessible there..."

The sound of insects chirping at night came from the mountains and forests not far away. It sounded a bit chilly and looked very desolate.

"Will it allow me to experience the life of ordinary people on earth? I mean, get in touch with more ordinary people and understand how people on earth who are not as powerful as you live."

Jason thought for a while and made a reception request.

"This is easy to handle." Su Ming took out a few hundred dollars in cash from his pocket and put it in Jason's arms: "This is the currency of the country you are currently in. You just need to lie here and wait for those who want to watch the excitement. Just let the Americans come to rescue you, are you armed?"

Jason looked at his belt: "I have my gun and sword, but my hands..."

"That's enough. I wish you a happy recuperation on Earth. I will tell your family about your recovery and trade. Bye." Su Ming smiled evilly, and the mask flowed around his face. , and suddenly took off into the air and left.

Hangzhou noticed that someone was coming. The slight vibration on the road indicated that there was a car. There was a faint smell of perfume in the air. It was a woman.

Jason wouldn't die at the hands of a woman just because of his face, so Su Ming left with peace of mind.

"Hey! Is the security of the earth so good? But what do you mean when you ask me if I am armed?! Don't leave me alone! Hey!"

Jason could only shout on the spot, but the death knell disappeared without a trace as quickly as it came.

Maybe his yelling attracted other people, but just a moment later, a tractor came roaring down the mountain road. The driver was a typical American southern girl who spoke quickly. The language is clear and crisp.

She was still wearing a nightgown and a black vest on her upper body, and she just rode a tractor.

She woke up from her dream when she was sleeping at night because she felt a tremor, maybe it was a meteorite or something. The traces in the sky seemed to have fallen into her field. She hurriedly came from the small town at the foot of the mountain.

She heard experts say on TV that a meteorite crash would bring a lot of heat and even cause a serious fire near the crash point. She was here to save her crops.

However, when she jumped off the tractor with a fire extinguisher and came to the edge of the field, she did not see the fire. She only saw a broken airplane and a person lying on the edge of the field.

"Oh my God! Please don't die! Are you from the Air Force? I've never seen an airplane like this."

The four-wing aircraft is completely different from the aircraft on Earth, and there are no US Air Force wings and stars on the wings, but a sun emblem like a spiked ball.

She ran over to rescue Jason, but she didn't find that all his limbs were broken. She was still pulling on his arm, trying to help him up.


The Spartan king was speechless in pain.

When the woman saw that he was just staring at her fiercely, she quickly revealed her identity: "I am an American, a pure American."


Unfortunately, Jason fainted from the pain and couldn't answer her.

Before he fell into coma, he was still thinking, was it a mistake to ask to experience the life of ordinary humans? Isn't this life too painful?

The woman found out that he was unconscious and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the scrapped plane and the destroyed fields, and then saw a stack of U.S. dollars on Jason's chest.

She picked up the money, stuffed it into her hood, and dragged Jason to the tractor.

‘It seems that he is an American, and this aircraft is a secret project of the government. This money should be compensation for me, right? Being speechless and unconscious could be from hitting his head during the crash landing, that's for sure. ’

Like Scarlett, the protagonist of "Gone with the Wind", the Southern girl is passionate and has an excellent brain-computing ability. She has already filled in the ins and outs of everything in her head.

So she used her car to take the injured soldiers home.

I don’t know if it was a secret test flight by the Air Force, so I won’t call the police for now. Anyway, I have received the compensation, five hundred US dollars, which is more than the crop losses caused by the plane crash, and it also saves the transportation fees for selling grain.

As long as there is no fire or fuel leakage, everything is fine. The land is not damaged and can be replanted with other crops.

So the little tractor puffed out black smoke and carried the King of Sparta down the mountain again.


When Jason woke up again, he found himself lying on a clean big bed with all his limbs splinted. It seemed that this was Earth's treatment method.

Warm orange light spreads on the mattress, and the small radio on the bedside table plays the late-night music program on the radio. The song at this time is the nostalgic old song of the Blue Swedes, Pinewood Rally.

Jason didn't know this song, but as a Spartan he had very good artistic accomplishments, and this cheerful song made him feel a lot better.

The girl who took him home was sitting on the bedside, playing with Jason's luxurious saber and his elemental pistol shaped like the word "work".

"Are you awake? I don't know that the Air Force has started to give pilots swords again, returning to the tradition of World War I?" She put down the knife and gun with some embarrassment, and sat by the bed: "So I was curious, so I took Get up and take a look, do you need me to help you contact any leader or headquarters?"


Jason wanted to say something, but was interrupted by her. She raised a finger, showing a look of realization.

"Needless to say, I understand that for confidential projects, don't contact anyone and wait for others to contact you, right? This way you can keep it confidential."

After saying that, she smiled and showed an expression of waiting for praise, and crossed her hips proudly.


Jason was a little confused as to what was going on in the minds of the people on Earth, but it was good to avoid having to make up lies, so he closed his eyes, blew a breath, and nodded, acquiescing.

"Your current location is Colorado, an ordinary American town under the Rocky Mountains. This is my home. My name is Meredith Quill. What about you? Pilot."

She looked at his face. Although it was a bit strange to have a beard at a young age, there was no doubt that he was strong and handsome, and he had an air of nobility even when he was unconscious, which intrigued her.

"Jason Spartacus, I'm... uh, yes, pilot."

Jason almost said the title 'King of the Spartan Empire', but thinking that he had to experience the life of ordinary humans, he quickly swallowed that half.

"Spartacus? What a strange surname. Do you have Greek ancestry? Your ancestors were once the kings of Sparta?"

Meredith's mouth didn't stop at all, asking questions as she busied herself with getting Jason dinner, water, and painkillers.

Jason's heart tightened when he heard the words King of Sparta. He thought he had been exposed, but he suddenly remembered that no one on earth except Deathstroke knew about the existence of the Spartan planet, and this woman was ordinary except for her beauty. Any fighting power, so she should only be talking about the ancient earth country of the same name.

"It's possible, probably." Jason smiled along with him.

"Come on, I'll feed you, then take the medicine and have a good rest, so you can get better quickly."

The girl picked up the plate with a smile. Wilson Enterprises' new product microwave oven is really easy to use and can heat up leftovers very quickly.

"I hope that's true." Jason wanted to move his arms, but he couldn't move at all: "If I get better, maybe I can try to repair the fighter plane."

"Can you still repair fighter planes? Great! Tell me about the air combat? Did you go bombing Iraq?"

Meredith looked curious. She was not very interested in the war, but as an American girl, she knew that you had to talk about things that a man is interested in, so that he would be interested in you.

Sometimes there is a thin line between romance and reality. After all, if she can be with a pilot who is obviously a confidential project, she won't have to farm anymore, right?

Meredith's parents died, leaving her with only a barren farm. She had long known how cruel the reality was.

She is young and beautiful now, but what about the future? Marry another farmer in town who has no vision at all? And then let his children continue to farm and repeat his own life of digging in the fields?

But now the opportunity to change our destiny is right in front of us. All US military pilots start at least as warrant officers. The highest active-duty pilots can reach the rank of colonel. The treatment of military family members is very good...

But what does Jason know about Iraq? He is an alien!

There were things he couldn't say, and all this made the girl increasingly doubt his identity.

As questions were asked, her movements became slower and slower, so that in the end, Jason opened his mouth dryly, but the feeding spoon stopped in mid-air.

"You're not American, are you?"

She tilted her head and her attitude cooled down a lot, but in Jason's opinion, this was a normal attitude towards strangers, and he felt much better.

"Yes, I am indeed not an American. I'm sorry that I lied to you before."

"Then where are you from? The Soviet Union? Germany? Who made your fighter plane?" Meredith began to consider whether to call the police. Treating pilots from his own country is one thing, but treating foreigners is another matter. Another thing.

If she was approached by some secret agency that did not exist in the legend, agents in black suits might pull off her skin to check whether she was a foreign spy in disguise.

"In your earth terms, I am an alien. Yes, although we look exactly the same, I am an alien."

Jason stopped pretending and showed off his cards because he was completely unable to move and he was really not good at lying.

Meredith looked embarrassed, then thought about it carefully and frowned. The plane was so advanced that it might actually be an alien, and he would be injured and bleed, so there shouldn't be any threat.

He's also very handsome, why not... take a gamble.

"No one discovered you, right? I mean, you weren't captured by the United States, right?" She rubbed her hair and tied it into a ponytail.

"Earth's technology is not enough to detect my fighter planes. People who can detect me...don't care about me." Jason replied resentfully.

She crossed her legs, took out a cigarette from somewhere, lit it, and used the vigor of a southern girl to blow out a smoke ring: "Uh... aliens, I believe it, on TV I saw someone here said, do you have money?"

The King of Sparta squirmed on the bed and rubbed against the head of the bed: "Money? You mean the currency of the earth, right? There isn't much. If you hadn't taken it away, it would have been left in the fields."

"I took it as compensation for my crops." The girl had nothing to admit. She did take the money: "Then how do you aliens live in your hometown if you don't have money?"

"I am the king of Spartacus in my hometown. I never have money in my pocket. I have no interest in money."

Jason wanted to scratch his head. He didn't know why she asked for money, a worthless piece of paper, because Deathstroke obviously didn't like such things, so he just threw a pile of them to him.

There are many valuable things in the universe, such as human power, energy, and souls.

The only thing that doesn't have stamped paper is the banknotes? It looks too fancy even for writing.

The currency in circulation in Sparta is precious metals. A metal brand about the same size as Pai Gow. The metal itself has value, so it can be called money.

But when he came back to his senses, he found that Meredith, who was smoking a cigarette and looking social, was gone. She was replaced by the passionate southern girl from before. She touched Jason's lips with a spoon. , said softly:

"Ah~~~Open your mouth and eat well. When you get better, I will help you repair the plane. I am very capable and smart."

Jason shook his head. It seemed that he had been hallucinating before. Was he really hit during the crash? Why do you think the ordinary human in front of you has the same transformation skills?

It's better to eat and sleep, I'm really a little dizzy now.


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