The Death Knell

Chapter 1286? Changes

Electronic communication stores, to put it bluntly, are places that sell mobile phones. The main mobile phones in this era are Mobile Phones, including those produced by Stark Industries, as well as miscellaneous brands from other manufacturers.

People can choose the mobile phone that suits them according to their different financial levels, and for people like Carol who don't have a penny...she chooses to have them all.

"Think about it, think about it...ugh! Damn it!"

The communicator on the left arm of the Kree Empire uniform was crushed by her and thrown aside. She was holding a mobile phone and making calls constantly. There were mobile phones of various brands around her, scattered around.

These things looked like telephones, but after struggling for a long time, she still couldn't find where the coin slot was.

She had asked the security guard before and confirmed that this was her earth. She also asked him where the phone was, and he pointed her here.

But who knows how long it has been since I left the earth? Why is it that the current telephones not only don’t have a landline, they don’t even have coin slots. How can this be used?

"You can go to the counter to get a prepaid mobile phone card. If you are fashionable enough, you can also pay online. The premise is that you have your own registered mobile phone number, the kind that is bound to your driver's license."

Just as she was squatting in the corner playing with her big brother, a hoarse voice came from behind.

She was startled, turned around and took a defensive posture, and saw a tall figure suspended in mid-air, floating so quietly behind her, red light shining in the darkness.

"Deathstroke? Do you really exist?"

Carol recognized him. Although she still maintained a guarded posture and a look of disbelief on her face, she recognized him.

Su Ming frowned under the mask, and Carol recognized herself, indicating that she had memories from the Earth period, so this should be similar to the unfolding of the world in 616, rather than the amnesia of 199999.

But his tone did not change. He landed lightly on the ground, picked up a Stark mobile phone, patted the dust on it, and put it back on the counter: "Didn't your mother tell you about me?"

Carol's mother, Mary Earle, captain of the Queen's Guards of the Kree Empire, was a white Kree abandoned on Earth.

She had met Deathstroke decades ago.

At that time, Deathstroke gave her some money and allowed her to live on Earth, in exchange for Mary not to continue with the ridiculous Star Wars plan after the Queen was overthrown by the Supreme Intelligence.

Afterwards, Su Ming sent people to follow her. As an elite warrior, Mary quickly adapted to life on Earth. Although she did not leave Maine, she moved to Echo Island in the town of Harpersville, which is closer to the sea. Life in a fishing village.

There is a coastline full of strange rocks, as well as countless seabirds that can 'drop bombs' on people's heads. It is about two hundred kilometers away from Deathstroke's mountain resort villa.

She really lived like a human being, starting from working in a bar, saving some money to buy a small farm, and then married a veteran and gave birth to three children.

Carol ranks second. She has an older brother and a younger brother.

Her father... was in bad shape, and like all soldiers with battlefield stress syndrome, he sometimes felt like he was living on a battlefield overseas, and it all made him upset.

He had a serious drinking problem and would beat his children after drinking. He also favored boys over girls. He did not allow Carol to go to college, but asked her to work after graduating from high school to earn money for her brother's tuition.

Her mother was busy making money to support the family, and rarely cared about her children's thoughts. Besides, from the perspective of the Cree people, the education policy of punching and kicking was conducive to cultivating strong warriors, so Mary didn't think there was anything wrong.

So Carol joined the army. She felt that if she died on the battlefield, her family would at least receive a pension, and she would not have to suffer so much.

After comparing pension benefits, she chose the Air Force.

However, the peace era lasted for a long time. Because of her academic qualifications, as an attendant at an air force base, Carol did not even have the opportunity to sacrifice her life for the country.

But it was also at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas that she met her master, a legendary woman named Helen Cobb.

Helen was the leader of the "Banshee Squadron", a team of female pilots in the U.S. Air Force during World War II. She was the most capable woman in all mankind at that time in flying and fighting.

When she met Carol, Helen was already very old, but she still wanted to fly, so her method was to teach an apprentice to fly for her. She felt that Carol's eyes were very similar to those of her youth. of myself.

She is strong and resilient, like most children from unfortunate families, and she likes him very much.

As a meritorious pilot in World War II, the old lady has a lot of authority and connections within the Air Force.

Maybe it’s not enough for the apprentice to get promoted and make a fortune, but it’s enough to create conditions to teach a small town girl who knows nothing how to fight, how to shoot, and how to fly a fighter jet.

Carol herself doesn't know it, but she has half Kree blood in her body. Her mother once flew a starfighter and performed countless feats for the Kree Empire in the universe.

So she also inherited this talent, and soon, Carol became the best flyer in the entire Air Force system.

After learning that Carol needed more money to treat her father's illness, Helen introduced her to a friend of hers, Dr. Lawson, an aerodynamicist, engineer, and physicist. At that time, Lawson The Doctor has just taken over the Pegasus Project from the 'passed' Dr. Tesla and really needs a test pilot.

And it needs to be the best, because what needs to be tested is a spacecraft.

Su Ming didn't pay much attention to what happened after that, because originally it seemed that the direction of the story was not much different from that of the MCU, but when I saw it today, I found that the story took a 180-degree turn.

"I said... almost every night when I was a child!" Carol looked helpless, and her eyes became like dead fish. She stood up and rubbed her long hair: "My mother and All mothers are the same. When she comes back from her part-time job at the bar in the evening, she always brings the leftover fried onion rings from the customers, and then goes to my bed to tell your ghost story to me who doesn’t want to sleep!”

Su Ming tilted his head, rummaged around on the counter, found the prepaid mobile phone card, unpacked it, and handed it to Carol.

It turns out that Big Brother in his previous life did not use SIM cards. It was his suggestion to Howard to separate the SIM card from the mobile phone in Marvel's Big Brother, because in this way, the mobile phone card can be sold for another profit.

Value-added services such as number selection, caller ID, weather forecast, etc. are also online. Although Americans don't like numbers like '666' or '888', they are willing to avoid the number '13' and choose their own. lucky number.

Overall, after years of saving this inconspicuous amount of money, the materials purchased and shipped to Vanaheim were enough to build a fleet of space frigates.

"You sound a little emotional. Are you suffering from the aftermath of the crash?"

"Before I realized that you were just one of many masked people, your image in the minds of little girls was no different from that of a devil or a ghost. It was the same for children all over the United States. What do you think?" Carol took it. I got the phone card and tried to install it into mobile phone.

"I'm honored. Here is the card ejector. Use it to poke the small hole on the back of the machine." Su Ming handed her a metal needle: "You won't be afraid of me when you grow up?"

"Humph, of course, I am very strong now, super strong." Carol said confidently while playing with the big brother.

Su Ming was noncommittal about this. Captain Marvel certainly had the strength. Carol's biggest problem was that her brain was not very good, and like Diana, if someone said something discriminatory against women in front of her, she would immediately lose her mind.

This is not strong.

"So strong that you can't even use a cell phone?"

"I have been away from the earth for a few years. In order to find out the cause of a friend's death, I went to the planet Hara to lurk. Who knew that the earth's technology was developing so fast." Carol blushed with embarrassment and still retorted harshly.

"Is there something wrong with Marvel's cause of death?"

Standing in the darkness with his arms folded, he looked at her face, which was indeed not square at all, so strange.

Carol raised her head and looked at Deathstroke suspiciously: "How do you know? And from the beginning, you have acted very familiar with me. Who are you?"

"No need to guess. I have been wearing a mask since 1930. Do you think I am someone you know?" Su Ming shook his head, took the Big Brother phone card from her hand and installed it: "I know a lot of things. And it looks like you don’t have time for these details.”

The woman looked at him deeply and took the big brother: "We will talk about this after I finish my work, but now I have to call the person in charge of the Pegasus Project. Our earth is in a bit of trouble."

Watching her input the number skillfully, Su Ming shook his head: "The Tianma Project has been shut down, you can't contact anyone."

Listening to the empty numbers on the phone, Carol changed a few more numbers in disbelief, but got the same answer: none of these numbers existed.

"No, I've made these calls hundreds of times before..."

"If you don't believe me, you can fly over and see for yourself. If I remember correctly, the base of the Pegasus Project is in the desert of Nevada, right? It won't take you a few seconds to fly there, so why are you calling?" Su Ming shrugged and gave the answer. suggestion.

Her hand that was dialing the number stopped, and her neck was like a bearing that was short of oil, and she slowly turned around with her little head.

"You can fly anywhere on earth?"

"No one stipulates that it can't be done. This is not Hara, or do you think the Air Force radar can lock on human-sized objects moving at the speed of light?"

Su Ming shook his head in amusement. If the earth has flight control authority, then this authority is also in the hands of Kama Taj, not the US military.

This girl seemed to have stayed in Hala for a long time, and her whole person was affected by the 'rules' of the supreme wisdom.

"You know Hara, and you know about the Pegasus Project, and maybe you know my identity. You are becoming more and more suspicious." Carol left Big Brother behind, she slowly floated up, and prepared to fly away angrily: "You Come? It’s not fair that you are the only one who understands me, but I don’t understand you.”

"Of course it's okay to follow me. I'm on vacation now anyway, but are you going to fly dressed like this?" Su Ming pointed to the Kree military uniform on her body, which was as green as cabbage: "There are many people on the earth now. They just like to fight aliens, and the Kree undoubtedly don’t have a good reputation in the universe.”

She suddenly froze and fell to the ground, feeling that Deathstroke's words made sense. She really couldn't run around in a Kree uniform.

"so what should I do now?"

"Of course it's a different look. Come on, let's go next door to find some inspiration."

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