The Death Knell

Chapter 13 Gotham’s most dedicated reporter

Coming out of the basement, Su Ming replenished some ammunition from the man in black. After all, it is not always possible to solve problems with knives and sticks.

Then, he returned to the police station lobby, where Cindy was waiting for him.

She seemed to be staring at the dark sky outside the door in a daze, letting the rainwater flow freely on her body and gradually flowed into the room.

"Are you thinking about the end of the world?"

Su Ming walked to her side and looked outside quietly. The sky was full of black clouds, and nothing could be seen except the bat-shaped light spot.

Cindy was probably looking at that too, because her one-eyed eyepiece also reflected the shape of a bat.

"Well, why do you think our world is like this?"

"I don't know, but although I don't want to die, I have no fear in my heart and am very calm."

Cindy shook her head and nodded again. She didn't know what she was thinking. She walked to the eaves and stretched out her hand to catch a handful of rainwater, but the water quickly slipped away between her fingers.

"After being transformed by the military, we all lost our sense of fear and reverence for life. Isn't that what weapons should be like?"

Su Ming's soul comes from the real world and is not a person who has been transformed, but he roughly knows what the situation is like from the comics.

Deathstroke's problem is that his brain's thinking ability is nine times higher than that of ordinary people, which makes his rational thinking overwhelm everything. It is not a disease or sequelae.

"Yes, but we are not perfect weapons because the military still left behind our feelings."

"Haha, you're right, that's why they lost us."

Cindy seemed to be laughing at the military, but also at herself. Even if she left the military, some things had been changed forever.

She was used to being used as a weapon, and she also used herself as a weapon.

At this time, Barbara rolled her wheelchair out of the corridor. She was stuck under the stairs in the basement. She didn't know how to get up. She saw two people there, but she didn't dare to speak.

Cindy walked over and easily lifted the wheelchair up.

Barbara was wrapped in a raincoat and still holding her computer in her arms. She was a little nervous and a little worried. She was worried about Director Gordon's situation, and she was also a little confused about the purpose of the Deathstroke.

But the current atmosphere was relatively peaceful, if she didn't look at the bloody and tragic scenes around her, so she closed her eyes...

Su Ming originally thought that finding a car would be an easy task, but when they walked to the parking lot in the wind and rain, they discovered that it was not only the vans driven by the men in black, but also several police cars parked here. , have all exploded, leaving only the steel vehicle frame and various charred wreckage in place, with not even a trace of smoke left in the heavy rain.

These men in black had no backup, and the cars were not remote-controlled bombs. The only explanation was that Cindy blew them up.

Seeing Su Ming looking at her, Cindy shrugged and said that it was indeed her fault. Since she didn't have any professional equipment, she could only guess that the signal jammer was on a certain car.

At that time, she never thought about taking Barbara with her. No matter where she went, she and Su Ming only needed a unicycle, so she blew up the fuel tanks of these vans, and the explosion detonated the surrounding police cars. In the end, it became so.

It turns out that the signal was indeed restored.

Su Ming walked to a police car that looked a little better. As soon as he put his hand on the door, the four tires of the car flew off and a thick smoke came out of the hood.

"There aren't even any good cars in this place. Does the police station have another garage?"

He used rainwater to wash away the black dust on his hands and asked Barbara. In the wind and rain, Barbara could only shout the answer with all her strength:

"Underground garage! But... the door is going to explode!"

However, just when he was about to find the entrance to the underground garage, things took a turn. Suddenly, a very 'beautiful' van drove quickly from the street and drifted to a stop in front of the police station.

It was white overall, but it looked like it had been driven a short distance in the rain. Even the car was covered with splashes of mud and water, like a big painted face, and there was a lid on the roof that looked like a radar. .

However, I could still barely make out a row of yellow letters on the carriage, which said GCTV1, Gotham City Television News Channel.

"I suddenly had an idea." Su Ming supported his helmet with his hand, as if stroking his beard.


A few minutes ago, in a moving car, a young and beautiful female reporter was arranging her golden-red hair. As the car swayed from side to side, she took out a small mirror and quickly applied makeup on her face, but the dim lights in the car The road conditions were so bad that she almost stuck her lipstick in her eyes.

"Oh! Slow down, Pete, I don't want to die today. I have a date tomorrow."

A man's voice came from the cab, answering her loudly amid the sound of the heavy rain pounding on the glass.

"It was you who asked me to drive faster just now to grab the news. Now it's you who asked me to drive slower so that someone can put on makeup. I'm your photographer, not your driver or boyfriend!"

"Well, it's all the same, are we there yet?"

The beautiful woman pouted in front of the mirror and tried different smiles, dealing with it without sincerity.

Photographer Pete seemed to be used to this. He knew what kind of character his partner was, so he called himself out of his home in the middle of the storm. The two stole the TV station's car, saying that an informant told her there was big news.

Looking at the pitch-black environment outside, Peter really doubted the authenticity of the news. If the TV station leaders found out that they stole the car in the middle of the night just to pursue an urban legend, they probably wouldn't be able to keep their job.

But his partner has always been a woman who would risk her life for the news. She doesn't seem to have to sleep. Whenever you see her, she is either reporting the news or on the way to pursue the news.

In the TV station, only he is strong enough to carry the camera and keep up with this woman, but there is almost no time to rest after get off work every day, because he can be tricked by her at any time with sweet words or pity, and he can look for clues during the break.

"It will probably take a few minutes, but there is water on the road and the car could stall at any time."

The female reporter moved her chin as if to warm up her facial muscles.

"Then don't let it go off."

"What did you think I was doing before?!"

Peter used to think that he was a very docile man, although in this world men who grow to over 1.9 meters tall are obviously not liked by women.

But after joining his current partner, he realized that his temper was not as good as he thought, and he gradually got used to yelling, like a bad guy.

After calming down for a while, he asked her again: "Weike, is your information reliable?"

The female reporter replied confidently: "Of course, do you still remember the beggar without eyes we interviewed before?"

"Well, remember, that guy called the police and said he saw a fast food restaurant cutting human flesh in the back kitchen." Peter turned the steering wheel and avoided the manhole cover on the ground that looked like a hidden spring: "Since he is blind, the editor and director put our social news The interview was placed on an entertainment comedy show, and I didn’t have the face to see anyone for probably a week.”

"But it turns out that the blind man was right! That store was eventually discovered by Batgirl to be making human sausages, even though it was not a fast food restaurant, but a laundry room, and there was no kitchen, just a garage."

Wei Ke got into the cab from the back car and emphasized to Peter seriously that his news was accurate, but the leader didn't know the truth!

Pete looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said helplessly: "How else do you think I still have the nerve to work in a TV station? But that incident slapped the studio director in the face, and she will definitely hold on to the car theft this time. of."

"She can hold on to it, provided we don't find the news!" Wei Ke raised a slender finger, shook it from side to side, and corrected him: "As long as we catch this exclusive report, bang! I will let him She knows that I’m not someone to be trifled with!”

Pete rolled his eyes. The entire TV station had long known that she was not easy to mess with and was known to be a crazy woman. If Wei Ke had not obtained a lot of exclusive news, the two of them would have packed up and left by now.

Seeing his expression, Wei Ke patted him on the shoulder carelessly: "Don't worry, have you heard that some blind people actually have special powers? Legend has it that their soul vision is very powerful and can see through or predict the future. Last time I So I developed that blind man into my informant, and today, he gave me a big piece of news, and I spent 200 yuan on it."

"Okay, now our source of information is a blind man who can see, because you believe in illusory supernatural legends."

Pete wanted to know if the TV station would give the two men a lighter sentence if the car was returned now.

Vicko shook his head and smiled proudly: "It's not what he saw this time, but what he heard. On a stormy night, he slipped into the city court to take shelter from the rain, but not long ago, he heard the news from the Gotham Police Department There was a dense sound of gunfire, which he said was as dense as the sound of a rabbit having diarrhea."

Pete has a black question mark on his face. What kind of metaphor is this? Do rabbits have diarrhea?

Wei Ke also rolled his eyes and said with an awkward smile: "In short, the hearing of blind people is better than that of ordinary people. This is based on science. Then we have reason to believe that something big happened in the police station. In such a storm, this Isn’t this our exclusive news?

When Pete heard this, it made sense. As long as he grabbed the exclusive news for the TV station, his previous behavior of stealing cars would become the reporter's eager pursuit of news. There would be no problems and there would be bonuses!

So the two looked at each other and smiled, like two foxes rushing to the chicken coop, full of expectations for a better future.


The car arrived at the door of the police station. Needless to say, they all saw car wrecks and corpses scattered everywhere. Wei Ke knew that his 200 yuan was worth it.

If this isn’t big news, what else is?

She and Pete quickly put on their ponchos, wrapped up their cameras and microphones, and were ready to record and broadcast. The rain was so heavy that Wei Ke had to shout loudly in order not to affect the camera's sound.

The female reporter adjusted her makeup again and styled her hair into cute bangs under the raincoat. She looked at Pete, who nodded to indicate that the radio and video recording were operating normally.

She jumped out of the car, followed closely by Pete. She chose an angle, using the wreckage of a car that had been blown up to only the black frame as the background. Not far away, you could see that the door of the police station had been broken, and many police officers were there. Falling to the ground like a sack.

Wei Ke signaled to start, and when she saw the familiar red light on the camera turn on, she immediately showed her most intellectual look.

"Viewers, I am your old friend Vicki Vali. Now, we have arrived outside the door of the Gotham City Police Department. You can see the tragic scene behind us."

Peter had been cooperating with her for a long time, and he immediately gave her a long shot of the ruins and corpses behind her.

"We still have no way of knowing what exactly happened in the police station, but please follow our camera and go to find out. Please remember that this is exclusively reported by Weike."

As she spoke, she playfully raised her finger, pointed at the camera, and showed a cute smile, as if she was joking with an acquaintance. Her style made many people in the city like to watch her news.

She led Pete to the police station, showing various expressions in front of the camera along the way.

"Oh my god, this is hell on earth!" It was panic, she was like a little girl who discovered a man-eating monster under the bed.

"Who are these men in black?" This was a question of doubt. At this moment, she acted like a detective, trying to find clues as if she was shrewd and capable.

"These police officers fought until the last moment. May they rest in peace, and I hope their families will accept my sincere condolences and condolences." This is sadness. She was even more professional than the speaker of the city council, and she bowed to the cold bodies on the ground. .

All in all, she showed Oscar-level acting skills, which is enough to make her proud among news anchors.

She entered the lobby of the police station. The situation here could be said to be even more tragic. If there was still rain outside that could wash away the blood, then this would be a world of blood.

Whether they were civilians or police officers, they were all on the floor of the hall, which looked like a massacre scene.

"Oh my god, audience friends, Wei Ke feels very scared now. I don't know if the murderers have left, but as a reporter, I decided to explore the truth! Please remember me and look forward to my follow-up reports, I am Vikvali.”

She performed appropriately, fully embodying the image of a reporter who wants to explore the truth in the face of danger, with firm eyes in fear, as if she was driven by a great mission.

But she didn't actually feel dangerous. The scene here was a gunfight between gangs and the police. They were not perverted murderers and would not stay at the crime scene.

She just wants to get some attention for herself. With her popularity, even if she no longer works in Gotham, she can still get by in the metropolis.

At this time, she saw a frightened expression on Peter's face, as if he was imitating her, but this tall man did not suit this look at all.

"Kakaka." Wei Ke put down the microphone and said helplessly: "I know you also want to be a news anchor, but your physical condition... almost, not everyone can eat this bowl of rice. .”

Pete's mouth fell open, looking more frightened this time.

"Oh, I really can't help you. Why are you opening your mouth so wide? It's too exaggerated." Wei Ke shook his head in a funny way and expressed his disdain for Pete's performance: "The male anchors are much more competitive than our female anchors, but Who do you think we are partners? Let me teach you, look at my face, slowly squeeze your eyebrows, and then open your mouth slightly."

Wei Ke was kind enough to slow down his facial expressions, and that was enough for the news recording. When he returned to the car, he would edit the video and send it back to the station for TV.

The bitch in the studio must have nothing to say this time, so Wei Ke is in a good mood now and plans to support his partner. After all, TV station is also a place that talks about connections. If the relationship with his partner is not good, then the prospects will be Worrying.

Peter seemed to have heard Weico's correction, but he did not act according to Weico's words. Instead, he acted freely. He held the camera on one shoulder, wiped his eyes with the other hand, then covered his face and screamed. stand up.

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