The Death Knell

Chapter 1309? Invitation to dinner

Thinking about these things in his mind while deducing, it does not delay Deathstroke from doing other things.

He dragged a chair to the door of Mary's house and chopped up dumpling fillings in the warm sunshine.

Making noodles takes some time, but making dumplings itself is a waste of time. If you even care about this little time, it is no different from the supreme wisdom.

"There are no leeks or celery here. I only have some heart-shaped grass in my bag. Can I use it to make the dumpling filling?"

While chopping the meat, Su Ming was mentally asking for his opinion on strangulation.

It doesn't matter if it means strangulation or not. It doesn't matter whether there are dishes or not. It eats several dumplings in one bite.

"There's no egg white either, just Faerun's spider eggs, is that okay?"


The strangulation method is fine. Anyway, it has eaten there. The giant spider eggs are bigger than a human head and taste pretty good.

"Okay, then you first take off the large intestine from the chimney and wash it with water."

Seeing Deathstroke constantly taking out various ingredients from his pocket, the eyes of the orange cat that had been wandering not far away turned red.

It also wants to eat, but the symbiote is strictly guarding it and does not allow it to get close to the host. It could only meow continuously, looking very pitiful.

Perhaps it was the cat's meow that finally brought some people on the second floor to their senses. Carol walked out together with Mary, who was supporting her son.

"What are you doing?"

Carol raised her hand to block the sun's light, trying to see clearly what Deathstroke was stirring in the big basin and why it looked blue.

Su Ming sprinkled salt on the stuffing with a soul-injecting gesture, and said with a smile: "Add the stuffing to make dumplings."

Seeing his smile, Carol couldn't help but feel her heart flutter. This face was so charming, but she immediately shook her head.

"I've eaten dumplings before, but they didn't have blue meat filling."

“Isn’t that Kree Clearer just now blue?”

Su Ming innocently picked out a piece of fingernail from the meat filling and threw it aside.

"! You actually...!"

Carol took a few steps back in horror. Are the stories she heard as a child true?

Su Ming lowered his head and continued working, turning a blind eye to her violent reaction: "It's not for you to eat. It's for feeding pets and entertaining guests. Go find me a pot to boil water."

"No! Don't use my pot to do this."

Carol looked defensive, she never expected Deathstroke to be such a person. It was so evil, it simply exceeded her cognitive bottom line.

"Here comes the pot, Supreme Mage." But then Mary came out with a smile.


Carol's mouth opened wide. She felt unbelievable. Is this world so dark? Why is my mother’s reaction always different from what I expected?

After passing the cauldron, Mary smoothed her daughter's hair, and picked up the orange cat that was spinning around on the ground and put it into her arms: "The Purge is not an intelligent creature, it is a physical weapon cultivated in the laboratory. Their The brain is like a biological computer, but the whole body is made of protein."

"But she is humanoid and can talk..." Carol shuddered.

"But symbionts eat other living things." Mary pointed to a few black tentacles that were washing the large intestine: "Our universe is based on the law of the jungle. You have been in Hara for so many years, and you have seen many aliens that eat humans. Race, right?”

Carol was a little silent. She had indeed seen it, and it was not uncommon.

As an executioner team, to put it bluntly, they are scouts and quick reaction troops. They have been to many strange and dangerous planets, and even she herself was almost eaten by alien natives several times.

"Symbiotes... I have seen many records of them back-devouring their hosts in Hala."

Carol took a few steps back while holding the cat. She couldn't stop Deathstroke and her mother. At least she could still suck the cat and not see the cruel scene over there.

Although she couldn't bear it, what her mother said to Deathstroke was right, and she also knew something about Deathstroke. That person would not do anything meaningless.

The strangled crescent moon glanced at her, but it was too lazy to argue with the fool. Can those other coquettish bitches compare with itself? A symbiote that always changes hosts has absolutely no future.

Mary took her to sit on the grass aside and told her the story of a Kree warrior who once had a symbiote, and that symbiote was called Venom...

She told the story of how the symbiote lurked for more than ten years before devouring its host and escaping from the fleet, ending with Venom's whereabouts unknown.

After Carol finished listening to the story, she found that the dumplings were already rolling in the pot, and there was a strange fragrance coming out. It was too late to stop them.

"It smells so good."

She said in a daze and sniffed.

Deathstroke quickly shook his head at her: "This thing is not for people to eat. Don't be so delicious. It is a rule of the universe. You have to eat it if you say so."

"Huh?" Carol didn't understand what Deathstroke was saying at all.

However, Su Ming had no intention of explaining, and instead said to Mary: "The venom you mentioned has arrived on Earth, and it is now participating in a research study at SHIELD."

Mary nodded seriously and looked at the roof of her house: "That symbiote learned badly from its previous host. I also know that Kree warrior. Even if I look at the three empires, I can't find such a cruel and cunning person. Come on, you need to be careful with it on Earth.”

"It's still being studied. Even if it sneaks out at any time, it's still no match for strangulation."

Su Ming nonchalantly stirred the dumplings in the pot with chopsticks and added some cold water to them, while the man on his shoulder drooled and nodded.

The host is right. If Venom continues to be a superhuman guerrilla like Universe 616, then it will never be able to surpass itself.

The orange cat in Carol's arms was struggling in the shit shovel's arms and kept meowing. It just heard the death knell say that it can eat dumplings as long as it tastes really delicious. It kept using Fraken's The language is so sweet.

However, this dumpling is destined to be without its share. Let alone strangulation and not giving it to it, even if it is placed in front of it, Carol will not allow her cat to eat such a thing.

Joseph, who had just woken up from a vegetative state, had a weak stomach. He couldn't stand the stimulation and ran back to the house to vomit.

While Mary and Deathstroke were chatting, the dumplings were ready, and they were steaming with a weird meaty aroma.

The crystal-white large dumplings were taken out of the pot and placed on the plate.

But at this time, Su Ming took out the Night Sword and thrust it into the lawn beside him. He also took out several lead jars filled with Cavor crystals and stepped on them.

He lit a cigarette and leaned on the back of the chair, stepping on the can and shouting into the trees not far away.

"You guys from Halla, stop hiding in the grass and come out, or do you...want to be dumplings?"

As the words fell, rustling sounds came from the woods. A small group of Kree warriors removed the invisible camouflage of their combat uniforms and walked into the yard.

They were obviously a little nervous, but they still managed not to show too many expressions, but their faces were stiff. Several of them stood stunned for a while, and then a blue-skinned girl walked out of them and said hello to Carol.

"Ka, we meet again."

Carol sighed and stood in front of her mother: "Mi Nerva, and all the executioners, you shouldn't come, you will die."

"Even if you don't come, you will still die, you understand."

Minerva also sighed. The orders of the Supreme Wisdom cannot be violated, especially for low-level warriors like them. There is no chance of disobeying them...

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