The Death Knell

Chapter 1318? Dr. Banner

"Oh? Serious ones?" Tony didn't feel embarrassed either. He took his hand back and wiped it on his clothes: "I like serious soldiers, just like Captain America."

Rose did not react to his provocative little move, but turned around and made a gesture of invitation. The guards protected several people in the crowd, and the general lowered his voice.

"Captain America is just one man, and our country needs more, and that's why you're here."

"Uh... are you sure you know what physics is and what biology is?" Tony wore sunglasses, swaying one step at a time, and kept waving to the female military cadets in the distance: "I know there are many uneducated people. People can’t figure it out. By the way, how old were you when you joined the army?”

Ross was very disdainful of Tony's performance. He liked serious and upright soldiers, not pretty scientists, not to mention Tony's mouth seemed to be quenched with poison.

But the Starks are undoubtedly geniuses. In this society, whether they are geniuses or billionaires, they are all privileged.

He was completely immune to Tony's cynicism. He just used himself to block Tony's view of the beautiful woman and said coldly: "I know the difference between the two very well. We are now studying the effect of gamma rays on living things. The only difficulty is, It’s just that the original instrument was damaged, and the new instrument couldn’t perfectly achieve our purpose.”

In fact, it is not damage. It is a side effect of gamma rays to enlarge living creatures. If the military now wants to take advantage of this side effect, the instruments and equipment made by Janet's father will be useless and must be redesigned.

Over the years, they found another talented physicist, Dr. Bruce Banner, to take over the research, but he has not achieved certain results until today.

This process was too long, even longer than Rose's promotion process. In order to avoid accidents, Rose still found a way to make some detours and asked Tony to help take a look.

Tony smacked his lips and wiped his beard: "Okay, I'm not an expert in studying radioactive materials, but I'm probably better than your military scientists. Take me to see it, finish it as soon as possible, and then I'll ask you Let’s go to New York and have fun together.”

When it comes to building relationships, Tony has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Even though these American soldiers are so sanctimonious during the day, they can't escape the combination of eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and smoking once it's dark.

He's just a major general, how much money does he get every year? Invite twenty Hollywood female stars to entertain him tonight, and it will definitely be done.

Ross didn't feel any emotion at all. He didn't even want to laugh. Who did this playboy think he was? Ross is a true patriot!

The conversation didn't go well, and the rest of the way between the two of them was basically just Tony chattering, and Rose didn't talk much. Seeing that the situation was not good, Obadai quickly took his brother to the side and made a phone call to find out how to find out about Rose's hobbies.

Under the protection of soldiers, a group of people walked into a remote building located in the corner of the campus. The second floor here was an isolated laboratory, with many soldiers and armored vehicles standing guard nearby.

Ross didn't say anything, showed his identity to the sentry and went up the stairs.

In fact, these are his soldiers, but it is also his rule for the general to reveal his identity when he passes the gate. Even if the soldiers know him, they may have to act according to military regulations.

It's just that Tony was secretly pouting at the side. He couldn't stand this pedantic attitude of the older generation, and he almost dozed off.

When he reached the second floor and opened the door of the laboratory, Ross suddenly stopped because he saw suspicious movement in the laboratory just now.

"Betty? How did you get in? What are you doing here?"

He walked over and questioned his daughter. He seemed to have seen his daughter coming out of Dr. Banner's arms just now?

"Nothing, father, I just came to see you."

Betty smiled guiltily and pushed her messy hair back.

Ross has been on the battlefield for a long time. He has battled wits and courage with the enemy since the Vietnam War, and he does not believe a word of his daughter's lies.

So he turned his cannibalistic gaze to the thin man with glasses who was arranging his white coat: "Dr. Banner, you know Betty is only seventeen years old, right? She is still a child, but you are not!"

Banner, who was submissive, was actually a tech geek. He had never seen a soldier with murderous intent, so he hid behind Betty.

"We're fine, General, just... discussing some physics."

Tony smiled. He held down Rose's hand that wanted to touch the gun with one hand, pointed at Banner with the other hand, and whispered: "Lipstick."

"Oh." Banner quickly wiped his mouth.

Okay, now everything is clear, but Tony has become somewhat interested in Dr. Banner. Did he have an affair with the overseer's daughter while he was employed by the military?

He likes scientists who take an unconventional path!

Taking off his sunglasses and throwing them into Obadiah's arms behind him, Tony rolled up his sleeves and began to visit the room filled with instruments and equipment:

"I'm Tony Stark, and although I've never heard of you, you must know me. If it's bad news that General Ross wants to shoot you, the good news is that you can ask me for physics lessons before you die. It’s a question, a ‘real’ physics question, not a ‘verbal’ one, understand?”

In one sentence, Tony made several puns. He felt that he was very funny and full of charisma.

But Betty just glared at him, and then pulled the panting General Ross out of the room. She wanted to persuade her father not to hurt her boyfriend.

Although Bruce Banner looks old, dull, and as slovenly as all scientists, as a classmate at Caltech, Betty thinks he is a good person, at least much better than the sperm-obsessed school football team members of the same age. Got it!

Banner smiled bitterly, maybe Tony was right, he might not survive today.

Compared with Tony's completely outgoing character, Dr. Banner is honest and dull. Although he is only twenty years old this year, not much older than Tony and Betty, due to his long-term exposure to radioactive materials and his research work day and night, He looked as aged as a forty-year-old man.

He is not very good at speaking well, especially when others talk about topics that have nothing to do with science, he is a little transparent.

However, he was indeed unsure about some aspects of gamma rays. Compared with scientific research, life was not important.

"Here, Dr. Stark, the filter cover of this gamma transmitter is where I'm a little unsure." He pushed up his glasses and pulled Tony to a huge instrument in a daze. .

The front half of this large instrument looks a bit like a hospital's shadowless operating table, but the back half is more like a jet engine. Tony has never seen the need to use radiation in this way, because no matter what kind of creature it is, it will be exposed to this dense lamp head. Down below, it's all dead.

"Don't call me Dr. Stark, that's my damn dad, call me Tony... Do you have the drawings? Show me, and how do you plan to use gamma rays?"

Tony held his chin and circled the instrument. When Banner wanted to hand him a stack of drawings, he said not to hand him anything, but to put it aside for him to take.

Banner was a little embarrassed. He thought it was because Tony disliked him for not washing his hands. He wiped his hands on his white coat again and again, waiting uneasily for Tony to express his opinion.

Tony didn't pay attention to what Banner was doing. He just flipped through the documents and blueprints quickly. The more he saw, the more he frowned.

In the end, he threw the document aside and looked at Banner seriously: "To come up with this kind of thing and want to achieve this's either an antisocial madman or a physics genius, Dr. Banner, tell me Me, which one are you?"

"Uh... madman?" Banner was a little unsure. He stretched his neck and asked tentatively, then quickly shook his head: "But I have never been antisocial. I just want to use gamma rays to help people." ..."

Tony suddenly laughed. He shook hands with Banner and patted each other's shoulders affectionately: "Just kidding, Banner, you are such a genius. It's an honor to meet you."

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