The Death Knell

Chapter 1320? Prove yourself

Betty saw Banner shrinking into a ball and quickly took General Ross's hand.

"Dad! Don't scare him."

"Hmph! Come with me! Although I hate Tony Stark too, at least he is rich and more successful. You should spend more time with successful people, not this kind of waste in the laboratory."

Seeing Banner's obedience, General Ross wanted to strike hard.

This man has no blood at all. Even if he jumps up to argue with him and talk back to him, it is still better than shrinking into a ball!

Look at Tony Stark, even if he is surrounded by Ross's army and sees so many guns, he still doesn't hesitate to say what he wants to say.

Although the guy said whatever he didn't like, which made Ross want to shoot him with a flamethrower... but in comparison, the general still felt that Tony was more manly.

"You are not allowed to say that to him! Banner is very capable, but he has not realized his talent yet, right?" Betty glared at her father, like a female cat protecting her cubs, and then whispered to comfort Banner, hoping that he would not mind.

It's just that the topic of realizing scientific research results is more acute for Banner now. He can only nod with a wry smile.

Betty didn't know why he seemed listless, but she still pushed her father out, turned to Banner and said, "Believe in yourself, you can do it, come on."

Watching Betty and the general leave, Banner felt heartbroken when he thought of his girlfriend dressing up beautifully to have dinner with the so-called successful person.

But he had no choice but to continue working except for sniffing.

One day Betty will know that he is right. In ten years at most, he will definitely be more famous than Tony and become the second Dr. Erskine.

"Do you believe in yourself...?"

Dr. Banner murmured, stopping what he was doing and thinking.

Then, he removed some parts installed on the equipment and replaced some parts. He went to the next door and got a cage of mice, ready to skip all the steps and start the biological experiment stage.


While Banner was replacing parts, Tony was sitting in the helicopter drinking champagne and waiting for others. Ross could enter a high-end hotel in military uniform, but Betty needed to change out of her T-shirt and short skirt, which took some time.

Today's contact with the military went smoothly. They should be able to realize what kind of genius he is. Tony was very satisfied and even opened the champagne in advance.

Obaday was a little uneasy. He was not sure whether Tony's behavior of raising his eyes above his head today was appropriate, and he noticed that several times General Ross's finger made the action of pulling the trigger, but he was just holding back.

But he didn't dare to get in trouble with Tony. This kid always had his own way of doing things, so Obadiah changed the topic:

"Tony, is what you told Dr. Banner true?"

"You don't understand even if I tell you." Tony half-closed his eyes and poured a glass of wine for Obadiah: "Anyway, if he doesn't listen to me, then there will be no Banner in the world."

"I thought you deliberately misled him, causing his experiment to fail, causing the military to purchase more of our weapons." Obaday drank a little disappointedly, and he knew that Tony was not thinking straight: "So Is it right to use that...small caliber one?"

If you can get tens of billions of revenue for a company by murdering another unrelated scientist, then it's a profit no matter how you look at it.

"Small-caliber filter, not fairing." Tony rolled his eyes, crossed his legs angrily and launched a tactical retreat: "Do you think I am an unscrupulous arms dealer? Uncle Obaday, I have a bottom line. Yes, a genius scientist has made greater contributions to human society, and I cannot kill him for my own benefit."

Obadiah smiled awkwardly, but he didn't agree with Tony's words in his heart. Only the U.S. dollar is the closest thing in the world, and the child is still young.

What does human development have to do with them? They are arms dealers and dealers of death! The most important thing to consider is how to convert other people's lives into money.

However, the plan to manipulate Tony should be carried out slowly. The most important thing is to cultivate trust first...

So he still nodded to Tony like an uncle, with a loving look on his face: "Yes, you are right, Tony, you are such a good boy."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue telling me about President Reagan. Did he and Judy really get along? And the man who shot him was not a psychotic groupie? Isn't it said in society that Judy is a lesbian?"

Tony smiled proudly, the corners of his mouth raised like an animal's tail, and he drank the champagne in one gulp while asking curiously.

"Those are just a few arguments to fool the people, but I think Tony, you can definitely see the essence. After all, you are the most talented person on earth." Obaday started blowing immediately, making Tony feel happy.


"Fortunately, Steve and I can repair cars and are super soldiers." Bucky got out from under the car angrily and took the towel Pim gave him to wipe his hands: "If my grandma is still alive, she will leave It will give you a better sense of direction."

Steve also closed the hood of the car and came over to wipe his hands with the same towel as Bucky: "Bucky? Don't use metaphors, that will look mean. I've repaired the engine, how about you?"

"I don't mean any harm, I'm just saying casually." Bucky spread his hands with an innocent look on his face: "Anyway, the German mustache left something good. The structure of the Volkswagen Beetle is very strong, and the gear rack has a hydraulic system. The power steering is also relatively easy to repair, and yes, I have also repaired the brakes and steering structure.”

Originally, the four of them set off from Pym's house and headed straight to the SHIELD Tri-Wing in Washington. However, they didn't know whether it was because the classic car had traveled too many big consortiums the day before, and it created a sense of crisis that it would be eliminated, or if it was really true. Some enemies have done something to it.

After getting on the road, Pim, who was driving, gradually realized that the car was out of control at all.

The brakes failed, the steering worked intermittently, and the car not only continued to speed up, but the water nozzle also sprayed water all over the windshield.

Fortunately, Bucky, who noticed something was wrong, squeezed from the back seat to the front seat, punched through the ceiling, looked out at the road, and controlled the steering wheel, so that the speeding car did not collide with other vehicles in New York City.

After arriving in the suburbs, Steve jumped out of the car and gave chase. He grabbed the car with brute force and lifted the wheels off the ground. Bucky cooperated with his actions and took the opportunity to jump out of the car and pull out the engine.

This can be considered as stopping the wild horse.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. If it had hit someone else and caused a car accident, it would have been troublesome.

Pim looked at his broken car with some embarrassment, because this car was an antique and he had finally gotten it, and he had never been willing to replace it. He didn't expect that it would cause such a fuss.

Steve didn't say much. After all, he had ridden in many broken down vehicles during World War II. He just relied on his memory to continue arranging the next way: "We missed the entrance to the highway and can't take the highway from New York to Washington. No, we can only take the Western Suburban Highway."

Bucky doesn't care. Maybe taking a small road can avoid more assassinations. The problem with the car must be the arrangement of some black hands.

"Oh? Is it the road that passes by McNair Military Academy?" He nodded and agreed with Steve's opinion, as always: "General McNair died a bit unjustly."

"I've met him. He was a good man, a defensive warfare expert in the early days of World War II." Steve got in the car, and this time he drove: "I heard that when he was bombed, his first reaction was to order him The soldier and his adjutant took cover, leaving him a step too late."

Bucky got into the passenger seat and put the Pims into the back seat. As the car started churning like a tractor, he added:

"What kind of pilot would bomb the commander of his own army? Hey, do you think it was arranged by Eisenhower? Because at that time, the only person competing with him for the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces was McNair."

"Don't think about those conspiracy theories. We are soldiers, not detectives, and yours are all baseless guesses."

Steve rolled his eyes at Bucky. His brother just had a too active mind and liked to think about everything. The key was to talk nonsense.

Bucky raised his hands in surrender and made a zipper motion on his mouth, indicating that he would stop talking and let Steve drive properly.

Janet was very interested in this. She rocked Bucky's chair from behind: "Bucky, tell us more about World War II. Hank and I are both very interested."

What interest could Pym have? He is a physicist and not a historian. This is purely because Janet has nothing to say.

Bucky immediately smiled. He liked chatting with people the most. He adjusted his posture in his seat, then turned around and started blowing towards the two young people.

Of course, it mainly talks about Steve's embarrassing things, such as Steve being dragged away like a dead dog by Peggy and Fury in the Paris sewers, or Steve being fished out of the sea by Deathstroke and a plane. Come on, wait.

Steve didn't mind either. Except for a few words occasionally, he mostly smiled wryly and shook his head. The group was enjoying themselves.

Although the car could barely be driven after repairs, even though Steve was a super soldier, he didn't dare to drive too fast in case something went wrong again. If things get worse, a few of them may have to run to Washington.

So when they passed by the military academy, two hours had passed.

But they are not in a hurry, because Fury has not given any confirmation on the Red Skull matter. Their main task at present is to ensure the safety of Pim and his wife. There are very few cars encountered along the way, so naturally it is extremely safe. .

"...Howard once made a toy, which was a lighter that looked exactly like the Hydra energy gun. Dugan was about to try out a cigar that day, but Steve happened to see it when he entered the tent, and he rushed over to He punched Dugan and knocked him unconscious. Howard asked him why he hit Dugan, and he said: 'To stop Dugan from swallowing the gun and committing suicide, you're welcome', haha!"

Bucky applauded himself and told Steve's jokes. He was so happy that he could tell Steve's jokes for days.

The Pyms were also very happy. They felt that they had seen another unknown side of Captain America, a side that was more like a human being.

But Steve could only sigh and continue driving, lamenting that he had been betrayed by his brother.

Just as a group of people were talking and laughing, an explosion suddenly occurred at the military school not far away. A building collapsed instantly with smoke and dazzling green light. The strong explosion impact even spread to the highway, causing people on the roadside to The wild flowers and grass swayed for a while.

Steve's eyes narrowed and he stepped on the brakes. The Beetle stopped on the side of the road with a harsh brake sound.

He and Bucky looked at each other, and Bucky also put away his smile and looked at him, waiting for his order.

Almost without thinking, Steve picked up the shield under the seat, put it on his arm, pushed the door and got out of the car: "Let's go rescue people."

Bucky put on his black blindfold and clenched his fists: "I'm just waiting for your words."

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