The Death Knell

Chapter 1324? Tony at the theater

There is actually a helicopter in the sky at this time, belonging to Tony Stark.

Although General Ross said that the playground was safe, it was too far away from the battlefield to see the situation clearly, so Tony ordered the helicopter to take off and looked at the details below from above the battlefield while sipping the champagne.

The windows of the cabin were not big. With Betty and Tony occupying one side, Obadiah couldn't see anything. He could only sigh on the side. He also wanted to see how the monster slaughtered the soldiers.

"Tsk, the big green guy has such a loud voice. He keeps calling Hulk. Is that his name?"

Tony held the slender goblet and swung it under his nose and sniffed lightly. Although he drank a lot during the meal, the more of the wine, the better. Anesthesia could make him forget his worries and be happy every day.

Betty kept some distance from him in disgust. Tony was not only greasy, but also inhumane. The monster below is killing people. They are all American soldiers, but he is drinking champagne and chatting with his uncle in the air? !

How smart is Tony? He immediately noticed Betty's disgusted look, and he gave a bad smile: "What? Do you think I'm inhumane? Do you let this monster kill people?"

"Isn't it?" Betty curled her lips.

Tony glanced at Obaday, then at her, and sniffed: "If the helicopter we are riding in is an Apache, I will immediately fly it myself and dive and fire, but this is not the case. We even have a gun." nothing."

"You are an American and an American arms dealer. I don't believe there are no weapons on your plane. They must be hidden somewhere." Betty looked suspicious.

Not to mention helicopters, many people have guns on the passenger compartment or sun visor of their cars. This is the American spirit!

Obaday interjected cheerfully, he still had a kind look on his face: "Miss Rose, Tony didn't lie to you. Even if we are arms dealers, if we reach our level, as long as we don't go to Kosovo to sell goods in person, then There’s no need to go out with a gun.”

Tony leaned against the cabin glass and watched the Hulk twisting the armored car. He also took out a small telescope from somewhere and said while watching the excitement: "Yes, in the city, our wealth and name are the best weapons. I just You can get in and out of the Pentagon with that face, and you can't do that even if you're given a tank."

"Who said that? I can follow my dad in." Betty immediately retorted.

"Ha." Tony laughed and didn't say anything more. He despised this kind of big-breasted and brainless girl the most. Wasn't it because of his own father? Betty's IQ and personality are far worse than Cassandra!

Damn, I think of that woman again...

Shet! Tony quickly poured himself wine with a gloomy look on his face. In order to wait for the dizzy feeling to occupy his mind again, he stopped talking.

Betty thought she had convinced Tony Stark, but she was not very proud. Instead, she continued to lie on the glass and look down with a worried look on her face. Not only was he worried about his father's accident, but he was also worried about whether Banner was still alive.

"Dad, Banner, nothing will happen to you... God, please bless them." She murmured to herself.

Tony, who was leaning against the glass like a salted fish, rolled his eyes. Betty had acquired another trait he hated, which was superstition.

People can only rely on themselves and hope in an illusory God? No chance, God does not exist at all. There is no God in this world, only the U.S. dollar is the most real.

"I thought you were praying for those dead soldiers." Tony teased with a condescending look: "After all, General Ross is in the command vehicle a few hundred meters away, so he is very safe."

Betty glared at him: "Are you implying that my father is a coward??"

Tony shook his head with a smile and motioned to Obadiah to refill his drink: "No, I didn't hint, I said it clearly. All generals are the same, they will only command soldiers to die, and then take the credit for themselves On the head."

"Why don't you think it was those soldiers who fought bravely to protect our country?" Betty was very dissatisfied with Tony's 'mourning'. This man's thoughts were too dark.

Tony shook his head as if he had heard a joke and made a hissing sound: "Come on, sir, even if a soldier becomes a sergeant, it only costs more than a thousand dollars a month. Even the weekly salary of a Stark Industries security guard Not as good as risking your life for this little money? Are you crazy? Hahahahaha..."

Obaday, who was pouring wine diligently on the side, also smiled and said: "That's right, that's right, Tony, you are right."

Betty sighed. These uncle and nephew only think about money. Such people are disgusting. Don't they have more lofty ideals? For the sake of doctrine or something?

Tony really doesn't have any lofty ideals now. All he can think about now is making money and development, and then completely defeating Jasper Military Industry and making Cassandra feel the pain...

No, I still didn’t drink enough, I thought of her again, come again!

He tilted his neck and drank the wine in the glass, gritted his teeth, and then handed the empty glass to Obadiah: "Change it to vodka, the champagne is boring."

"Haha, okay, uncle will drink vodka with you."

Obadiah hoped that Tony would be as confused as possible. For every day the young man was hungover, Stark Industries would have to listen to him. Anyway, his mineral water has been prepared for a long time. When Tony drinks, he can just drink the water mixed with him.

"Captain America!" Betty suddenly shouted in surprise. She saw the uniform through the gap in the smoke above the battlefield, and she suddenly felt like she saw a savior.

Tony opened his hazy eyes, picked up the telescope and looked down: "That old man, Captain America? Well, now you see the craziest man in the 20th century. He helped the United States win World War II but got nothing good. The fool he caught, and what is he doing now? Is he going to die?"

"Why do you say that about Captain?!"

Betty was even more unhappy. If they weren't hundreds of meters above the ground and the pilot didn't listen to her, she would have wanted to jump out of the plane.

Being in the same room with Tony Stark in the cabin is simply a kind of torture. This man has completely crooked views. Sure enough, it is better to be an honest person like Banner.

"I'm just telling the facts. According to historical records, the maximum strength the captain showed was about twenty tons. He couldn't even lift the No. 4 tank back then." Tony knocked on the glass and made a ping-pong sound: "This green What about the monster? Those armored vehicles he tore up just now, each one was specially modified, but in the hands of the monster, it was lighter than a feather. This is not a battle of the same level at all. "

"This is how to do?"

Betty has one more person to worry about, including Captain America.

Tony crossed his legs and took the vodka delivered by Oba: "Simple, this monster has a nose and a mouth, which means he needs to breathe. If you let me deal with him, then I will cut off his oxygen, but I seem to have discovered What..."

"What?" Betty looked at the window, but she didn't see anything.

"The jeans this monster is wearing are the same type as Dr. Banner's, no, they are the same pair, even the stains are in the same position." Tony put down the binoculars and said with some emotion: "Have the wide bell-bottom pants turned into pants? It’s interesting, indeed, the quality of Wilson Enterprises’ products is really good.”

"That's Banner?!" Betty was shocked, she didn't even know what to say, she just opened her mouth.

Tony smiled, poured the vodka into her mouth, and looked at her embarrassment as she choked and coughed: "If Dr. Banner hadn't changed pants with another man, then I'm sure that this is him. It looks like he The experiment... was successful?"

"I'm afraid this can't be considered a success, right?" Obama's expression was a little weird. Is turning himself into a monster considered a success?

"I've seen his experimental design. The ultimate goal is to obtain a green monster. So apart from the explosion and the fact that the test object is his, it can be considered a success." Tony asked Obaday to pour wine again: "Of course. It’s natural that he can’t compare to me. It’s true that studying biology at the same time will lower one’s IQ. It’s a pity for a scientist.”

"No!!!" Betty screamed after coughing. She couldn't accept Banner becoming like this, so she cried again.

"It's really sad that the equipment doesn't match it, just like I bought a drill but found it couldn't fit into the electric drill at home..." Tony sighed and looked at the ceiling of the cabin: "If I hit a woman, now it's Shouldn't we knock her out? To prevent her from being too sad?"

Obadai drank a glass of water with Tony and pretended to grit his teeth: "I'll do it. After all, uncle always has to solve your troubles."

"Forget it, by the way, do you know a female star with such a name? Someone who is more realistic than her, find a few for me, I have a good idea tonight." Tony showed a greasy expression.

Obaday understood instantly and showed the same manly smile: "It's simple, just find a few people who act in horror movies."

"Well, that's it. Let's find a place to land now. Alas, only a genius like me can handle this kind of scene." Tony wiped his hair and showed a cocky smile: "After all, the United States The captain is a friend of the devil’s father, and I can’t watch him being torn alive by Dr. Banner.”

"What are you going to do?" Obadiah was a little nervous. He didn't want to go to the battlefield at all.

"Go to the exhibition hall of the military academy, give me some time to transform the old missile into a launch vehicle, and then cooperate with the captain to launch this 'Hulk' into the universe." Tony had a plan in advance, and it was absolutely effective.

After all, all you need to do is send the green monster out of the earth. There is no need to think about entering orbit at all, so just add a booster without any thought.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that the company still has something that I need to sign." Obadiah backed down with a smile.

"Go ahead, I can handle it all by myself. It's no use to you." Tony rinsed his mouth with vodka and then let the helicopter land. He had already seen the World War II weapons display beside the playground. It was probably used for brainwashing education. , and no fuel.

But those are all small problems. Let alone the old missiles from World War II, even if Tony is given a boiler, he can transform it into a rocket and send Hulk into the universe.

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