The Death Knell

Chapter 1347? Targeting

Su Ming wasn't sure why the fallen had to raise their chins to look at the sky in the universe. Strictly speaking, there was no concept of up, down, left, and right. Maybe he thought it was embarrassing to look at people with their nostrils, right?

It's just that in Marvel, generally only people with mediocre strength can act so arrogant, and the real strong people usually act very arrogant.

For example, the big black cat is probably still sleeping on a big tree in the Purple Plain, and the old naughty boy doing research in the London Temple.

A single universe-level miscellaneous fish like the Fallen has no qualifications to fight against him.

Su Ming nodded towards Carol, and the tool man rushed out immediately.

In Deathstroke's message to Carol, the Fallen were described as a disgusting collection of evil.

It is said that the fallen ones like to humiliate female creatures, and they will not let them go from the age of nine to nine hundred and ninety-nine. After playing with them, they will kill them like chickens, play with them again and then kill them.

Not only humanoid creatures, but also an alien species that looked like a wild boar were exterminated by him. The hundreds-year-old sow screamed, tut tut...

Carol, who had given up thinking, believed in the death knell. Didn't she see that this alien even learned English? It must have been specially learned for the fun of torturing people on Earth!

Language is a very powerful weapon that can make people's spirits feel extremely painful. This blue-skinned demon must be planning to humiliate the creatures on the earth.

Never forgive!

So Carol's strength was fully activated as soon as she came up. The cosmic energy in her body surged like a physical flame, and she rushed over instantly with a strong light and shadow effect.

Black Bolt is a little smarter. He feels that Deathstroke may have exaggerated the crimes of the Fallen. But the other party's attitude was really bad, and he was an enemy, so there was no need for him to hold back.

So he looked at Deathstroke, who nodded at him, so he let Tetanus teleport him to the side of the battlefield between the two, shouting to the enemy from an angle that would not affect Carol.

The Fallen was shocked. He didn't know where two human cosmic energy users appeared from. He had traveled a long way to get here. Even if he wanted to use beams to fight waves, he couldn't compare to others who were waiting for work.

What's more, they are all users of cosmic energy, and there is no big difference in energy levels. It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

And this broken star area doesn’t even have any usable celestial bodies...

So he turned his bad brain and planned to use his high speed to defeat his opponent.

He smiled coldly and immediately began to speed up, hoping to engage in kiting tactics with Carol and Black Bolt.

However, Carol's flying speed in the universe is also faster than the speed of light. In addition, because she is a pilot, she can fly better and can theoretically outperform the Fallen in air combat.

Black Bolt is even simpler. There are big dogs teleporting one after another, which are faster than the speed of light. One person and one dog will always appear on the side of the battlefield, and they can't get rid of them.

Seeing two figures, one white and one blue, dragging their flame tails like comets as they collided and chased each other in the still-warm Death Star area, and then looking at the bat's skillful way of shooting black guns, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction.

As expected, Carol completely suppressed the Fallen, at least until the Fallen sought the help of Galactus, he was no match for Ms. Marvel.

In fact, the fallen one only needs to shout "Master, save me", and Swallowing Star will give him a steady stream of huge energy, making him very strong.

But the problem is that one of Carol's superpowers is to absorb energy.

She can absorb radiation, heat, magic attacks and cosmic energy beams and other energy, transform and store it in her body, and use it for her own use.

To put it bluntly, if you use energy means to beat her, the more she is beaten, the stronger she will become.

This powerful ability is a physical gift. She can master it even if she doesn't know it, or even has no brain. When enough energy is accumulated, Carol will enter the binary star form. At that time, the battle will be over, and she will have the final say. of super combat power.

Therefore, if you want to defeat Carol, the more reliable way is to use fists and kicks. However, she has a very strong physique and is not so easy to defeat.

Of course, the little cousin restrained Carol. She would vomit when she saw Deadpool's face, and she would lose all her fighting power.

It was deduced that the Fallen's defeat was only a matter of time, and now Su Ming could go find Galactus.

He slowly floated up from the rubble of space, and his cloak carried him along the path of the Fallen.

Galactus' vehicle, the Taia II, is so big that it can't be missed.

Speaking of which, Galactus has a rather peculiar setting. In the eyes of different races, the images of Galactus are different.

For example, when humans see Galactus, Galactus looks like a man wearing purple and blue armor. When a bug sees Galactus, he looks like a big bug wearing armor. When the Kree see him, he is a blue-skinned Kree, and when the Skrulls see him, he is a green-skinned one.

In order to save energy, Galactus is only 3.6 meters tall at ordinary times, but when entering combat form, he can become infinitely large, even so big that the earth is like dust compared to him.

There are complete living facilities in Taa II, such as research rooms and entertainment rooms, but the chairs that are used the most are usually used. In order to save energy, Galactus spends most of his time curled up in the chair.

However, there are also special periods when he has abundant energy or is in a hurry. He will also turn into a cosmic giant and ride the Ta'a II like a motorcycle. The giant ship with a total length comparable to the diameter of the solar system is one A lazy vehicle without a single cannon.

Isn't it? If you want to ride a battleship, wouldn't it hurt your butt if the battleship has a main gun?

While thinking wildly, Su Ming flew through the vast space. Radioactive dust and particles rubbed against his armor. From time to time, there would be weak sparks, which made him appear to be flickering.

He didn't fly very far. Three planet systems away, at the edge of Andromeda, he saw the terrifying giant ship advancing silently.

Wherever it passes, it messes up the gravity of nearby galaxies, and disasters always happen one after another.

Su Ming thought for a while, let Strangler change his appearance, and then flew towards the battleship. He planned to negotiate a deal.

Galactus cannot be killed. If you kill him, the talisman will come out.

The concept of the talisman is multi-destruction. Even if you stand still, the entire multiverse will begin to collapse. If the Life Tribunal charges you with affecting the balance of the universe, then you will have no choice but to keep fighting.

It's not that he can't restrain the court, the worst he can do is find Toba under all things, but that will do no good at all. Instead, he will become a pawn in the game between Toaa and Toba, and he will suffer a loss.

It's better to negotiate terms with Swallowing Star and take advantage of the opportunity.

Yes, Swallowing Star is definitely the most generous and easiest to fool among the five creation gods. He loses his mind when he is hungry. As long as he has food, it is easy to manipulate him.

The advantage that Su Ming likes is cosmic energy. Marvel has no means of emitting energy, so it is always a shortcoming.

Galactus can give living creatures the ability to use cosmic energy. He is very generous, as long as he is willing to be his messenger.

So Deathstroke becomes someone else, goes to Galactus to defraud the cosmic energy, and then feeds Galactus a dollar or four worth of cornbread...


The grand bridge of the Taa II.

The area of ​​a ship's bridge alone is larger than that of a human city. Apart from some miscellaneous instruments, there is only a purple armchair tens of meters high inside, which looks unusually empty.

In other words, with Galactus' current size, even if he wanted to get up from the throne and touch the console, he would have to fly dozens of kilometers away.

But now he was so hungry that he didn't want to move. He just covered his belly with his hands and huddled up on the throne, fighting against the hunger in his head and the talismans that kept attacking the seal.

There is not much time left for him. If he doesn't eat something, the universe will be destroyed.

In the pitch-black bridge, only his eyes were shining, a green light like a hungry wolf. All he could think about now was eating, eating, eating.

You must eat living planets, and absorb soul energy to strengthen the seal on the talisman. The cosmic energy obtained from decomposing planets is used to maintain your body's operation and raise children, uh, and employees, that is, swallow Star Messenger.

If he had a choice, he would not want to eat planets with intelligent creatures. After all, stars undoubtedly contain more energy than planets. He could just go to uninhabited galaxies and eat the stars there.

It's a pity that it doesn't work. As long as the talisman exists for a day, he must use the energy of his life and soul to fill the conceptual bottomless pit.

He was so hungry, hungry and tired, but he still held on. At this moment, he suddenly heard a knock on the bridge door.

"Dang Dang Dang."

He smiled bitterly and closed his eyes slightly.

‘Is it a hallucination? Or is it the magic rune? very hungry......'

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but were soon replaced by hunger.

The knock on the door came again, and this time someone spoke in the earth language: "Is anyone home? Delivery!"


Galactus's eyes lit up, he knew the word.

The Fallen picked up a human spacecraft, which was the reason why the two of them went to Earth. Inside that thing was a very primitive data storage device, and there was an explanation of the word takeout on it.

A profession developed by a man named Wilson to pass food and drink between living things.

Because it was related to eating, Galactus remembered it. By the way, he took a second to learn all the languages ​​and cultures on the earth. Because he was going to eat the earth, at least he had to remember what this planet had done for the universe. sacrifice.

They once existed.

Galactus usually remembers the planets he ate, and they were sacrificed for the greater universe. Of course, this is a normal situation. If he is so hungry that he loses his mind, he will not bother to write down those things.

Because at that time, he ate whatever the messenger told him to eat, without any regard for discernment.

It's just that he feels that the name Earth seems a bit familiar... Their language seems to be native to him, so don't care, he's starving to death! forget about it!

Hearing the word takeout at this time awakened his reflexive memory of food. Almost without thinking, he pressed the button on the armrest of the throne, opened the hatch, and looked at the door with drooling eyes.

A short creature walked in, looking completely unthreatening.

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