The Death Knell

Chapter 1350? Energy obtained

A gust of cold wind seemed to be blowing through the bridge. Galactus had no intention of smiling at all. He couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

"Why is it considered despicable to wrap around the enemy's body? Is it because the fighting method is not honorable enough? But using poison is no better."

His huge head was tilted, and he frowned and asked Su Ming. It was difficult for him to understand the way of thinking of earth creatures.

Needless to say, Su Ming was almost stopped by his question, because judging from the literal meaning, it was impossible to understand what the point of the joke was.

But he can still make it up, isn't it just a normal reason? coming!

"Poisonous snakes are generally small snakes, and their strength is often only one percent of that of large snakes like anacondas..."

Swallowing Star suddenly realized, and a smile appeared on his face, which looked very strange: "Oh, then I understand, it is the weak who envy the strong's efficient means, so I say that. I remember there is a saying on Earth: ' If you can’t eat the grapes and say they are sour, that’s right, haha, it’s really ridiculous.”

"Haha...yeah." Su Ming pressed his temples. Fortunately, Swallowing Star's mind was not normal right now, so he actually found another point of laughter?

"No one has ever cared about my mood, no one cares about what I think..." Swallowing Star waved his hand, looking a little touched.

All the screens in front of him were turned off. He no longer needed to know about the Skrulls. Everything about them was recorded in the main unit of the ship.

This giant ship was snatched from the Observer billions of years ago. It can instantly read all the information of a low-level civilization. No matter whether there is an electronic network or not, there are no secrets in front of it.

"When it comes to how to eat well and how to eat nutritiously, I have the most experience."

Su Ming's transformed Yin caressed Galactus's arm with concern. The defensive power of his armor was amazing. It didn't deform even if he squeezed it so hard. In other words, could it withstand the strangulation force of hundreds of thousands of tons?

Galactus did not notice the small movements of humans. He was still more than three meters tall. He patted Deathstroke on the shoulder with satisfaction and said:

"Mom Yinta, I like you very much. You are very capable and should contribute to a larger cause. Are you willing to help me find food? Since you know what I need, you should also know why I do this."

Su Ming immediately raised his head and patted his chest: "It's an honor, Wulang. From today on, I, Yinta's mother, will be your good helper, helping you eat well and be full."

"Okay, Silver Mother, when I devour this planet, I will give you truly powerful power."

After a psychotic conversation between the two, Galactus generously made his promise, because he saw that the radiant giant planet had appeared within the range visible to the naked eye.

The Skrulls did not sit still and wait for death. In addition to a large number of small spacecrafts seizing the opportunity to escape, their fleets left behind on the capital star had all taken off to meet Galactus.

Even though they knew they were just moths attracted to the flame, they still came. Behind them was their home planet, where their relatives and families lived.

Yes, the first batch of people to evacuate were the royal family and nobles. Their relatives, such as the big soldiers, were still behind. At this time, we had to 'let the leaders go first'.

have opinions? Where is the supervising team? !

Seeing the densely packed fleet across the sky, Su Ming turned to Swallow Star and said, "Wu Lang, why don't you give me some power first, and I can go out and get rid of these people?"

Without thinking, Yan Xing raised her hand and pointed at Yin's mother. A bright light suddenly burst out. In just a short moment, Su Ming felt an unusually powerful energy enter her body.

This energy is very similar to the energy of X metal, but slightly different. Just like one is cold water and the other is hot water, two distinct veins are formed in the body.

And compared with the semi-liquid X metal, the cosmic energy is more active and transcendent, with vigorous vitality.

For Galax, these cosmic energies may not be much. After all, he is still hungry and cannot give much. But for a human, if it weren't for the support of the X metal, and the help of the strangle and the cloak, Su Ming might have been 'gilded' with energy like Yin Hua.

It would be too ugly if it turned into a metallic bald head. Besides, he himself does not lack the ability to fly in space and resist high and low temperatures, so there is no need for gold plating.

Deathstroke himself took 60% of this cosmic energy. If it couldn't be accommodated, Strangler took 10%, and Cloak took 30%, so they all got their share.

Strangler only stores it, and it is not very compatible with the cosmic energy system. However, the courier scarf turned into a cloak seems to be a little more shiny.

Galactus held his stomach and closed his eyes and leaned on the chair. He didn't even have the energy to wave goodbye: "Go."

I lowered my head and clenched my fist, feeling the energy flowing in my hand, like a living little animal. It seemed to have thinking and will, like it was part of something huge.

But let’s study it later. Now that the plan is more than half successful, the energy of the universe has passed away. The next step is to help Galactus eat the Skrull Prime.

There is no way, just let the Skrull Empire sacrifice in order to maintain the seal of the talisman. This is for the good of the universe.

Anyway, the earth belongs to Su Ming and cannot be eaten by Galax.

"Okay, 300,000 battleships, give me thirty seconds." The fish-eyed natural volume turned around confidently and prepared to leave. With the energy radiation system, the fleet is just a number.

"Wait." Swallowing Star suddenly seemed to remember something.

"What else is there, Wulang?" Su Ming turned around and looked back, wondering if this guy had regretted it?

"Help me get the Planet Lion Head ready."

It turned out that Swallowing Star was still thinking about the lion head, and wanted to try to see if it was really as delicious as the description.

Deathstroke breathed a sigh of relief.

This is simple. Onions, ginger, and garlic can be used to return the cloak to Earth. Su Ming has cosmic energy and can fly faster than light. After getting various condiments, he can use Pym particles to amplify them, use the planetary extractor as a frying spoon, and put them on If Double Star is stir-fried, it can definitely replicate the braised lion head.

Dead Fish showed a frivolous smile, and he gestured with his thumb: "Leave it to me."


"Hoo Chi, Hoo Chi...who are you?"

Dozens of planet systems away, the Fallen was breathing heavily, looking at Carol flying in front of him with a painful expression.

The opponent was hit by his own cosmic rays as if nothing happened, but the photon crushing punch of the opponent's punch hurt like hell.

And that woman was just like a berserker from Asgard. She got better and better as she fought. As the fighting time increased, she became stronger and stronger.


Carol didn't know why, but she was hit by the enemy's rays several times. She thought she was going to be doomed. The diameter of the beam was simply thicker than the moon, and the empty star field was illuminated by it.

As a result, not only did I feel fine after being injured, but I felt quite comfortable after the pain passed. My body felt warm, and there seemed to be a voice in my head saying:

'Come again, come again, it's not enough...'

This made Carol deep in thought. She wondered if she had awakened a special inhumane habit through contact with Deathstroke? Like to be abused?

"Uh-huh! Huh?"

She wanted to answer the fallen one that he was the protector of the earth, and the bad guys could not even get close to the earth.

However, she was still holding an oxygen tank in her mouth, and had no ability to speak in the universe. She could only make whining sounds, which only she could hear in the vacuum environment.


The fallen man showed a look of astonishment. No wonder, the man could only yell, but the woman could not speak. These two were really a strange pairing.

"Huh? Ouch!"

Carol glared at him, you are the mute, your whole family is mute!

The Fallen stood there in a defensive posture, but his face was full of pride: "It's useless, Earthlings, the time has come, my great master will arrive soon, bugs like you will Will dissipate under his unparalleled power!”

Big Dog brought Black Bolt to Carol. He stood on a piece of gravel and held up a sign to Carol: "Gatra is coming."

Carol frowned and her long golden hair slowly shook. She did not agree with Black Bolt. Since Deathstroke said he was looking for Galactus, he must have a way to solve it. She believed Deathstroke.

The Fallen was floating in the universe, spinning slowly like a windmill. He opened his arms and looked up to the sky and laughed: "If you beg for mercy now, I can let you live, as long as you are my pets, hahaha ..."

Black Bolt's face was expressionless, as if he didn't hear anything. He just put away the sign and lowered his head to think. He couldn't figure out why Carol had so much confidence in Deathstroke. It was because she didn't know how big the power gap was between humans and the conceptual gods of the universe. What?

Carol burst out with stronger energy again, and her whole body began to glow brightly, like a new star in a dead galaxy, so that nearby planetary debris and space junk began to rotate around her like a nebula.


She meant 'Never! ’, but I couldn’t say it, I could only hum it.

Although the Fallen couldn't hear her voice, he saw her shaking her head and knew that this was a human action to express denial.

He also learned to shake his head, expressing regret with a disdainful expression on his face. The shadow of gravel drifted across his face, making him look even more evil.

"Well, since you seek death...witness the power of my great master Galactus!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and his big blue face glowed with a hint of red. He turned his head and looked at the route he came from, making a humble gesture to welcome his master.


However, the road he came on was still empty, not to mention the huge Taa II, not even a hair on it.

Black Bolt's eyes narrowed, it seemed that Deathstroke had succeeded.

Carol also smiled. She knew that she was so smart and she definitely didn't trust the wrong person.

The Fallen is a little embarrassed. No, according to the speed calculation, the master should have arrived at the M31 planetary system in these few minutes. Where are the people?

Well, maybe you are slowing down and want to see the beauty of exploding stars? It's understandable, but the few seconds between himself and the enemy in a daze should be enough for him to arrive, yes, that's it.

"Witness my great master, the all-powerful Galactus who ends all things!!!"

He shouted louder, and even turned and bowed at a much larger angle, making him look like a blue space prawn, not to mention his sincerity.

Unfortunately, there was still silence behind him, with nothing but the stars in distant galaxies twinkling, as if they were laughing at him.

His great master disappeared to nowhere.

Feeling the unkind eyes of the man and woman on the opposite side, and the gradually approaching, sympathetic and sarcastic smiles on the other side, he suddenly felt his anus tightening, knowing that this time it might be bad.

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