The Death Knell

Chapter 1358 Promise

Facing the domineering Fury, Ross narrowed his eyes in the cold rain.

The water was rolling down his face, and the boat's engine was still roaring. He really felt a little envious of these people from SHIELD.

Although the army he belongs to can be regarded as a special department, it still has military regulations and has its own set of rules for doing things.

S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have no rules. These agents fly around every day. When they see something they are interested in, they show their ID and get involved. Because the ID says either CIA or FBI, so even if it fails, someone else will take the blame.

But what's the use of envy? It took SSR, Logistics Department, and S.H.I.E.L.D. so many people to fight for it for half a century. My own special forces still need more accumulation.

"The Hulk belongs to us." Ross wiped his beard vigorously: "He is military property and we must recycle it."

"Dad?" Betty looked begging. When her father said that Banner was property, she was worried that he would be dissected.

Fury's dark face remained expressionless. He turned around and jumped onto the spacecraft, grabbing the edge of the hatch and pulling himself into the back cabin.

"make a deal."

Yes, Luodan no longer cares about gamma radiation experiments. After seeing the energy of the universe in Carol's hometown, he realized that that energy was more powerful and high-end.

The military wants the Hulk, and he wants the body of the Red Skull, and the deal is established. At least in this operation, the military is an ally.

Fury has super soldiers like Steve and Black Widow, as well as four top agents Melinda, Coulson, himself, and Paige, plus a Skrull space fighter, which can be said to represent high combat effectiveness. Elite.

And Ross has a lot of big soldiers who can provide enough cannon fodder.

In this way, both parties have a basis for cooperation, and everyone gets what they need.

Ross's sentry robot and various high-tech weapons may not have been transported due to weather and terrain reasons. Fury saw this clearly before showing up to negotiate terms.


When Fury returned to Earth, he knew that his position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was gone. When he left Earth, the person who took over was Pierce.

Pierce has a good relationship with him and is considered a very capable person. He upholds the hard-line stance that "SHIELD never negotiates", but he is not an enemy to Fury, who likes to negotiate terms.

After Fury's wife ran away, Pierce took him to his home for dinner and drinks in order to comfort Fury, implying that he wanted to marry his beautiful daughter to Fury.

Fury refused, believing that he and Valentina were just 'separated', not divorced.

Even though he is not Fury's father-in-law, Pierce still admires Lu Dan very much. He is also very nice to people he interacts with in the past. He always smiles. Even a person like Lu Dan, who is full of darkness, feels like a breath of fresh air when talking to him.

Luodan thinks that he still has humanity, and people are so kind to him, so he can't use the same method he used to deal with Kohler to deal with Pisier.

Then continue to wait as before, Pierce is not young anymore, and humans will eventually run out of life. When Pierce is gone or promoted to the Security Council, it won't be too late for Fury to take the position of director.

Fury, who has had unlimited prescriptions for injections, can afford to wait. He has plenty of time.

Back inside the spacecraft, Fury first greeted Paige, because he realized that Paige's presence here meant that she had seen through his previous trick.

It's best not to get too serious.

But Paige is now holding Steve's arm happily, not caring what Fury did before, she won in the end anyway.

Fury roughly checked Bucky's injuries and found that he had no choice but to sigh: "General Ross and I have reached an agreement. In order to protect the United States and protect the people, we have to take the Red Skull and the Hulk together." Down."

Steve was silent while holding his shield, thinking that the two of them were fighting in the sky, and even if he had a fighter plane, it would be for nothing.

Seeing Fury's earnest eyes on him again, Steve could only lower his head and shake his head, tell everyone what he knew from Deathstroke, and then express his stance directly.

I have no choice, I can't help, I'm very helpless.

He took the initiative to understand the three consecutive periods of fatigue.

Fury took a deep breath and looked at Natasha again. The red-haired woman in a tight black leather coat was pulling her hair in the corner like a cat playing with a ball of yarn, as if she didn't even listen to what he said.

But just when everyone was silent, Coulson, who was still wet, stood up with a smile on his face.

"Sir, I have a way. Judging from Deathstroke's arrangement, he knows that the Red Skull cannot defeat the green monster, and we actually know the green monster's weaknesses."

Fury's eyes lit up, and after Coulson reminded him, he also thought about it.

According to the intelligence relayed by Steve, the green monster is Dr. Banner, and General Ross’s daughter is Banner’s girlfriend. If the Hulk really has a split personality, then Banner’s mind should still be inside the Hulk. .

One body, two souls, so like all patients with schizophrenia, Banner should be able to influence Hulk to some extent.

Then that girl is the trump card.

All he has to do is wait for Hulk to defeat the Red Skull, and then use his girlfriend's move to cause internal strife between Banner and Hulk. Isn't it easy to deal with a Dr. Banner?

The only problem is that this is a gamble, a bet on whether Banner in Hulk's body is still human, and whether he has such deep feelings for Betty.

If the bet wins, of course everyone is better off. After losing the bet, Hulk slapped Betty into a meat seemed like there was no loss to SHIELD?

It was a harmless plan, and Fury knew that his investment in Coulson was correct. This good-guy-looking agent was really 'extremely smart'. Unlike my acquired bald head, it is natural.

Fury liked this plan.

"Agent Carter, what do you think?" Fury also asked Paige hypocritically. If she comes back, then as long as she agrees, Steve will most likely agree to this plan.

Peggy naturally knows it well. Although such a plan is a bit cruel and does not respect Betty as a human being, it may be the only plan that her own strength can execute at present.

"I'm no longer the director. You can judge for yourself."

She spread her hands easily and continued to rest on Steve's shoulders.

Fury did not hesitate and immediately started to implement the plan: "Let's start. I'll talk to General Ross. Of course, Steve and Natasha, you can also go out and beat the Red Skull with guns or something." , let the military see that we not only made plans but also made efforts."


"If you had it to do over again, would you love me? Love makes people happy, but it also brings torture..."

Next to the gas stove of the star S Andromeda, Deathstroke, who used cosmic energy to create two clones, was teaching Galactus to dance, and he was singing and dancing to the famous song "Love River".

Thanks to his superb skills and memory, he danced very well.

Unfortunately, Galactus has absolutely no talent for dancing and can't even coordinate his body.

Sure enough, before the previous song was finished, Tunxing waved his hand to indicate that he would not learn anymore. He couldn't learn the horse riding dance. He asked Ginta's mother to change it to a simpler one, but he still couldn't learn the new song.

It's okay to relax a little after gaining energy, but after dancing for five minutes, it's unnecessary to consume energy needlessly. After decades of starvation, there was only such a short time to relax, but swallowing star was already content.

He shrunk his figure and returned to the ship with Ginta's mother. He sat on his throne, and this time he didn't hold his stomach anymore, and he could finally put his hands on the armrests.

The interior of the bridge was still dark, and he had made a habit of saving energy.

"Mom Ginta, do you know what to do next?"

"Of course, I'll look for the next planet you can eat, Goro."

Su Ming took back his shadow clone, and the process of dancing was actually a process of him becoming familiar with the energy of the universe.

This kind of energy flows through the body, and even Deathstroke needs to get used to it a bit, how much force is required to do something, and how to develop the application of cosmic energy.

It is currently known that cosmic energy can be used to drive the Time Stone, and it can also form a strange repulsive resonance with the X metal. At the same time, it also has a subtle connection with the counterfeit Black Lantern Ring.

In addition to being externally plated on the body surface as a protection, it can also be used as a propulsion force and a means of long-range attack. It can also create controllable virtual images, and there are many more functions waiting to be developed.

Su Ming's original goal when he returned to Marvel was indeed cosmic energy, but he planned to obtain it from the World Tree in Ragnarok.

The appearance of Galactus was an accident.

Fortunately, he had a plan to deal with it in advance so that he could turn danger into disaster and achieve his goal more directly from Swallowing Star.

With the cosmic energy, he finally became the bridge between the two original powers of the universe, and the next plan can be implemented.

As for helping Tunxing find the next food?

That's Yin's mother's mission. What does Deathstroke have to do with me?

Well, the matter of becoming a user of cosmic energy will still be covered up. He is still an ordinary Supreme Mage with no magic and no energy radiation means.

And Yinta's mother... There has never been such a person on the earth, and the Star-Eating Messenger disappears into the universe without knowing where to go. Isn't it normal?

Galactus didn't know what the dead fish eyes in front of him were thinking. He really just thought this human was interesting, but dancing was the last time to relax. He should think about the next meal.

"Very good, you have thirty Earth years to find me a better meal for my next meal than this planet." Swallowing Star rested with his eyes closed, and his dull voice sounded in the darkness. : "I will teach you how to contact me using the energy of the universe, and I will return to the edge of the 'Matrix of All Things' and wait for your good news."

As soon as Yanxing raised his hand, a beam of light enveloped Su Ming. He suddenly found that he had learned how to use energy to communicate over long distances, as if he had become enlightened.

What a good person, not only giving you energy, but also giving you abilities. Swallowing Stars is great.

How about letting Silver's mother appear again thirty years later to help Galactus eat the Kree home planet? This time it’s Sixi meatballs. Next time, braised pork elbow?

"Don't worry, Wulang, I'll take care of your business." Su Ming patted his chest with a loyal look: "Is it okay not to eat the earth?"

"Of course, as long as you can find me suitable food, I will not touch your home planet. This is my promise." Swallowing Star agreed very generously, feeling the satisfaction in his body, he said very easy.

Of course, Galactus's guarantee is actually just that, and you would be foolish to believe it. When he is so hungry that he loses his mind, he will forget all the promises he made before.

But it can be delayed for thirty years, which is enough.

So the two of them separated very happily. Silver's mother danced a shoulder-shaking dance, slid out of the bridge step by step, and disappeared into the sky with a white light in the eyes of Galactus.

Galactus also launched a warship jump and jumped directly to the edge of the Marvel Universe, where he usually rested.

After the huge ship disappeared, a black and yellow figure emerged from behind a piece of cosmic rubble...

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