The Death Knell

Chapter 1380? Big killer weapon

As for why there is something like catnip on Deathstroke, it is actually not prepared for the spirit star. It's because he met the element-devouring beast in Marvel. Although it is now Carol and Mary's pet, it is still a beast after all.

If one day the evil spirit breaks out in the Antarctic Sanctuary, of course, one must prepare means to restrain it.

It looks like a cat, but it is essentially an alien creature. There is only half a chance that catnip will be effective on it, but as long as there is this probability, you can give it a try. If plan A doesn't work, there is still plan B.

Since the element-devouring beast was very good in Antarctica, the priority of the experiment was not high. Su Ming returned to DC first, but he met the spirit star, so this thing was a real killer weapon.

Although the spirit star is strong, its essence is still that of an earthly cat. Not to mention domestic cats, even lions and tigers are not immune to the power of catnip.

What about the red lantern demon? Su Ming has ten lamp rings, and he has also mastered the biggest weakness of the spirit star. The kitten can become a tool cat. If it is obedient and provides valuable information, just reward it with a little catnip to suck on. .

fair enough.

"Do you think I am an ordinary cat? Haha, I am the red light messenger. Although my willpower may not be as good as the green light, the anger in my heart..."

Spirit Star looked quite angry, as if Deathstroke had insulted it by taking out the catnip, and the blue hairs on the cat's face stood up.

But Deathstroke expressionlessly unscrewed the jar of catnip...

It couldn't speak anymore. Not only did its hunched back collapse, it also floated to Su Ming's arm and rubbed it, looking soft and cute.

"Meow meow, it smells so good."

Diana rolled her eyes. She thought Ling Xing was about to start a fight, but it turned out that he was so unyielding and unyielding as mentioned before, as if the red light's anger made him fearless.

As a result, it smelled really good the next second? Are you still trying to act cute despite the death knell? Is there such a red lantern demon?

However, she seemed to see her own shadow in Lingxing. When Deathstroke was not around, she was thinking about how to give him a beating so that he would dare to leave her and disappear again.

But when Deathstroke came back and actually appeared in front of her, she seemed to not feel the anger anymore. On the contrary, she just ate a bowl of instant noodles he made and seemed to be bribed.

It is true that the main world is short of food now, but she should not have been bribed by a bowl of instant noodles. As a first-line superhero, there is no shortage of her food.

But it just felt different. She knew that Deathstroke didn't know how to cook, so she could eat the instant noodles he made and said that she had been working hard recently, so she wasn't angry at all.

It's just a little sour here, what's going on between him and Harley? Not to mention provoking Donna, then the three goddesses, and now it’s Harley?


She began to lose focus, leaning against the doorframe worrying about what was going on.

Bobo, who was at the back, sighed secretly. He knew it would be like this. Lingxing had a violent personality, and would get excited when he saw others using something to restrain him.

In fact, if it held its breath immediately and used the vacuum survivability of the light ring to breathe, it might be possible for Deathstroke to come up with Plan B. Unfortunately, after smelling the catnip, it never had a chance to turn over.

Now in the universe, in such a remote place, only Deathstroke has catnip in his hand. Just like controlling humans through drugs, he can use this kind of thing to control spiritual stars.

It's too careless. This Deathstroke is even darker than Batman. Facing such a human being, you will fall into a trap if you are not careful.

The orangutan couldn't help but feel sympathy for Lingxing, who was also a hairy animal.

But that was all. He knew what the red lantern demons were like. If he could control them, then control would undoubtedly be his first choice. Deathstroke did nothing wrong at all.

Su Ming took out a handful of catnip the size of a fingernail from the jar, put it under Lingxing's little nose and gave it a sniff. As expected, it was so happy that it rolled in the air.

Plan passes.

"Ling Xing, let me ask you, since this is the space station of the Purple Lantern Corps, why is your red lantern in it?"

While petting the cat, Su Ming turned his head and motioned with his eyes for everyone to follow. They began to move along the metal corridor towards the center of the space station.

Lingxing's two front paws hugged Su Ming's fingers, greedily inhaling the scent of catnip, and its voice became like a babble: "The Red Lantern Corps has returned to their home planet, and Atrocitus arranged for the new recruits to be soaked Blood pool, meow, I don’t want to go there, but when I passed by here, I found a relatively complete space station that was still observing the ghost star field, so I came in to take a look.”

The floor in the corridor is not smooth. Although the lamp above the head is still lighting, there are obviously not many traces of biological activity here.

The oxygen content in the air is also slightly lower than that of the earth. Considering that Lingxing said before that this space was damaged and was pushed from the origin wall to the ghost sector by the shock wave. Lingxing easily entered here, so it can be preliminarily assumed that it has lost its ability to move. , and protective functions.

It's almost enough to call it space junk. A space station without an energy shield has no resistance at all based on its structure alone.

"Besides you, what other creatures are here?"

The spirit star was already wrapped around Deathstroke's arm like a ball of hair, and its bones seemed to have disappeared. He closed his eyes and sucked on the catnip, and replied lazily: "Meow, besides me, there is another one named Hux Zamaron scientist, and a very mysterious 'mystery' wrapped in a purple uniform."

"How many days have you been here?" Su Ming asked again.

"How long has it been since the Origin Wall exploded? I have been here for almost as long." Lingxing closed his eyes and yawned, his face full of intoxication: "The basic living facilities here are quite complete. Hax said that this space station It has Zamalon's space teleportation technology on it, and it can take out things from the closed ghost sector. I'm also very curious."

Yes, anyway, in order to avoid taking a shower, the Spirit Star is the same wherever it is. The Purple Lantern Corps and the Red Lantern Corps are not complete strangers, it just stays here and won't leave.

It is said that it provides force protection, but it is actually to satisfy curiosity.

Su Ming winked at Bobo, and the orangutan nodded slightly, indicating that he would pay attention to any high-tech products.

"Did she take anything out of the sector?" Deathstroke continued to interrogate the half-asleep cat.

"Hucks said the machine was damaged in the impact. It was just repaired today and was about to be run. Suddenly someone invaded the space station, so I came over to check it out. Meow meow, it smells so good."

Lingxing turned over and squirmed desperately in the air to rub Deathstroke's arm. The mint was a bit on its head, and it felt a little itchy.

"Who has the final say here?" Su Ming asked again.

"That mystery." Lingxing answered without thinking. It was completely excited: "Maybe Hux knew that person because she called him master."

"Isn't she a star orchid? Purple Lantern Messengers will not admit that men are stronger than them. Within Zamalun society, men are only women's accessories, let alone their masters."

Su Ming raised a question, because the women of the Purple Lantern Corps are more Amazon than Amazon. Although they can risk their lives for love, they also think that men are inferior to them.

Lingxing seemed to have lost his strength, hanging on Deathstroke's arm like a noodle and going to sleep: "She's not, she's just a very ordinary blue-skinned woman from Zamaron. Apart from being good at technology, she is dull most of the time. "

Su Ming put away the catnip and stuffed a small leaf into the cat's mouth. He thought for a moment: "Bobo, what do you think?"

"There must be something fishy about this." The orangutan took off his hat and wiped the sweat on his head. Because these people walked very fast, he had to run to keep up with them: "If the Zamaron people call a man ' Master', there can only be one situation."

"Are they a couple?" Barry scratched his face. He probably knew about this kind of gameplay. What kind of master or slave? Oh, it's so dark!

Bobo shook his head, he was talking to Deathstroke, and Barry couldn't understand, so why bother to interrupt?

"Even if the Zamaron women find the one they like, they will only treat that male as their 'private property' and his status is below them. There is only one possibility for the male to be called their master, and that is him It’s some god.”

Bobo gave his own judgment, and this god was once believed by the Zamaron people. He was one of the gods of science and technology, that is, the new god.

Like the Olympus pantheon in Diana's family, although Olympus has not existed as long as Apokolips and Creation Star, all beings who use faith or witchcraft to form divine power are collectively called the Old Gods.

The Zamaron people have no requirements for the beliefs of their own people. Most people are superstitious about the 'purple crystal', which is the Zamaron crystal. But there are also scientists who worship new gods with higher technological levels.

The New Gods are divided into two groups, the Apokolips Star and the Creation Star.

If it's Apokolips, then Enigma and Hux are followers of Darkseid, enemies of the Justice League, but targets of Deathstroke's wooing.

If the mystery comes from the Genesis Star, then it has little use value. After all, the Genesis Star has died. An exile paired with a scientific believer is of no use to the Death Knell.

Su Ming smacked his lips, wrapped Lingxing around his neck like a scarf, and bent down to pick up Bobo. He walked a little slowly.

In this way, he looked like he was from the circus, with cats and monkeys, and he looked very unserious.

But the expression on his face was serious, as always.

"New God? So, they do have the ability to take out things from the blocked ghost star field, so let's wait and see what happens. Barry, do you know what to do if we can't reach an agreement after a while?"


Barry was confused, what should he do? Never said that.

Su Ming rolled his eyes. Barry was too forgetful: "What was our last tactic against a god? Do you remember it?"

"Speed ​​Force Storm."

The Flash understood. He hit his fist and suddenly realized.

If the opponent is really a new god and won't cooperate, the tactic is to create a speed storm to give Deathstroke a field advantage, and then wait and win.

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