The Death Knell

Chapter 1388? Return of Naboo

Since you are planning to attack Darkseid's weak eyes, spreading lime is a good idea. Fine powder is not easy to defend against, and Darkseid does not have any armor such as a mask.

As for fighting and throwing lime, isn't it a bit mean? Originally it was a matter of life and death, as long as you can win.

The super energy network composed of strange boxes is right in front of you. Although it looks like a football-shaped network, there is an invisible energy film in those transparent areas. This feeling is a bit like the crystal wall on the Faerun continent.

It's just a little different. The energy here is more active and seems to have its own consciousness.

It's not a big problem to break in with the Night Sword, but this behavior will definitely be sensed by Darkseid, which means that the time for action is limited.

He raised his hand and drew his sword. The X-metal blade smoothly cut through the invisible barrier, and he dodged in without any hesitation.


Looking at the burning fire pit, Darkseid, with his hands behind his back, cast a long shadow on the ground. The flames jumped up from the fire pit and then fell back like a fire dragon. Between light and darkness, Darkseid's expression It's also cloudy and sunny.

The disappearance of Green Lantern's body was a bit unexpected, but he quickly recognized it as the cell transfer teleportation from the Genesis Star, so he sent the demonoid to investigate.

He found a small space station, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, someone might have picked up the technology of the Genesis Star, so he let the demons kill it.

As a result, he saw his brother.

It seems that the Heavenly Father is not only not dead, but also seems to be stronger. At this time, he is watching covetously outside the ghost sector, not knowing what he is planning.

Heavenly Father and I are 50/50 equal in technological level and 50/50 in combat effectiveness, and they are evenly matched in all aspects. His only advantage is that he is inside Sepurk, and it is not easy for Heavenly Father to get in here.

"Ping ping." The steel frame behind him made an electronic sound.

"No, you underestimate Heavenly Father too much. Except for me, no one here is his opponent. Let's stabilize our defense first." Darkseid shook his head, still looking down at the fire pit. Sepulke is operating normally, and now all he needs to do is sneak away when Pepatua makes a big move, and everything will be safe.

"Ping?" Cyborg said again, this single byte contains a lot of information.

Darkseid thought for a while, but still shook his head: "You don't need to investigate, it's a death penalty. I know him very well, and he will definitely come against me. Ha, it has always been like this."

Cyborg: "Ping Ping!"

Darkseid was expressionless and replied in a positive tone: "Yes, I am always here. You go on patrol and clean up the scavengers."


At this time, the earth.

Next to the Tree of Wonders not far from the ruins of the Tower of Destiny, dreamy translucent light balls are suspended in the surrounding air. Colorful lights of various colors are refracted from them, making the tree itself shine.

The intricate magic network is connected to the world below through the big tree, and both magicians and elemental creatures sense someone's arrival.

Before, they sent their teammates to a distant country, an unreachable plane, and this conspiracy was planned by the two of them together.

They send their teammates on a mission that is unlikely to bear fruit so that the threat can be stopped.

They knew that this might be the end of the two of them, but so what?

The Parliament of Trees has collapsed, the Parliament of Flowers has suddenly risen, and the Queen of May, who represents the vines, has become the biggest winner. No matter how hard Swamp Monster tries to find his surviving predecessors in the green of all things, compared with the enemies he will face, Still too far behind.

He is not sure if he also dies, whether the green of all things can find a more suitable spokesperson in the main world.

John Constantine's lung cancer was rapidly deteriorating, and he continued to experience heart-pounding pain. He often thought that he was a perfect liar who could figure everything out, but after the Upside Down entered the main world, he found that he could not.

For example, he didn't know before that the blood of first-fall victims also has analgesic effect, but now he knows. Although it was effective to use the blood of other demon kings to maintain his life in hell, he seemed to still hear the sound of his lungs withering when he was in pain.

Swamp Thing and the Wizard have known each other for a long time, their destinies are intertwined, and it might make sense if they ended up together.

Constantine lowered his head and took out the cigarette case, flicked one into his mouth, took out the lighter from the pocket of his dirty windbreaker, lowered his head to light the cigarette and took a deep breath.

"It's time you showed up, Neb," he said, blowing smoke.

A golden portal suddenly opened in front of him, and an empty uniform flew out from it. What caught the eye was the helmet. Although the style was similar to Doctor Fate's previous one, this new golden helmet was now full of... It is a relief like an abscess or scar.

Deathstroke killed Kent V. Nelson, the seventh-generation Doctor of Destiny, and eliminated the golden helmet, the carrier of the Naboo god in the main world at that time.

But Naboo himself was already a god, invisible and colorless, but present in every aspect of the concept of order. Now he seemed to be back, changed his clothes, and was very unhappy.

The eyes of the strange golden helmet exude the light of order magic. As a member of the ancient mage group 'Prometheus', Nabu stole a lot of power from Hecate.

After all, Nabu was the one responsible for imprisoning her back then. He kept torturing her and got many secrets from her, secrets that were enough to make him a concept.

Naboo did indeed do it. He became the Lord of 'Order' in the DC Universe, a concept that only appeared after the emergence of human society.

However, the last time he and Deathstroke played against one another, Deathstroke found the weakness of his human host and drove him out of the main dimension in one fell swoop.

Now, what floated in front of Constantine was an empty uniform, like a scarecrow stuffed with straw called "Order Energy". Naboo had indeed made up for his shortcomings. This time he didn't want a host.

The golden cloak opened, and Nabu flew in front of Constantine, looked at him condescendingly, and said in a peculiar voice with echo: "Constantine, I once told your friends that it would be foolish to go against me. .”

Constantine still smoked calmly, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Huh, I think he is the same type as me, and he never listens to what others say, right?"

Neb came closer, and the golden helmet was almost touching the end of Zha Kang's cigarette. The relief on the helmet looked like countless melted wax figures, and they were stuck together, showing expressions of pain.

These miniature sculptures come together to form this new Naboo helmet, but there is nothing between the helmet and the collar.

Naboo's voice came again:

"Destruction is approaching, do you still want to fight me? You must know that putting power in the hands of God is far stronger than the monster of the Upside Down Man, and it will be finished."

Constantine talked about the cigarette ashes, pressed his ears with his little finger, and wiped them on his windbreaker: "Come on, sir, you are also afraid of Pepatua. If I really help you deal with the Upside Down, let you seize his power. and position, you will immediately turn around and go to your new master, Circe, and sell us all in order to survive...because if it were me, I would do the same thing."

Nabu floated in mid-air, emitting strong golden light from his body. The light converged into golden lightning, which continuously fell around the three people.

He was silent for a moment and then said: "If you want to fight me, that requires magical power that exceeds the limit of human imagination. The main dimension cannot bear that much energy."

Constantine smiled evilly and stretched: "Yes, I know, but the premise is that we all want to live, and now, I have lived enough. Alec, show the little thieves our New trick.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the swamp monster next to Constantine instantly grew larger. He communicated with the Tree of Wonders through the energy of the green of all things, and transformed it into his own body.

So in just an instant, he gained hundreds of meters in height, became a super giant made of green and earth, and possessed "miraculous" power.

Constantine shrugged at Nabu, stretched his waist, and continued to smoke while saying to Nabu: "We have prepared a trap for you to die together. Thanks to the invasion of the Laughing Bat and the alien Poseidon, I think I I've probably prepared a back-up plan, a huge cosmic beacon of magical energy, plus a plant god with concepts, which might be a little exciting to you?"

Naboo, floating beside him, looked at the giant tree man coldly: "This is unwise, Constantine."

"Indeed, but I don't really care... kill them, Swamp." Constantine took a few steps back. He must eliminate Naboo here, at least drive him out of the main dimension again.

The world is already chaotic enough, and there is no need for the concepts of ‘order’ or ‘chaos’ to cause further trouble.

"my pleasure!"

The swamp monster that turned into a giant god kicked Naboo. This was not just a physical attack, but also mixed with the power of the green of all things and miracles.

A large dense forest suddenly burst out from under the ground like a volcanic eruption. The branches of these towering trees wanted to entangle Naboo and strangle him, but their enemies could fly and flew back and forth among these branches very nimbly.

If Su Ming were here, when he saw the Swamp Monster's move, he would definitely call it 'Wood Escape - Birth of the Tree Realm', and name the golden Nabu's fleeing movement 'Flying Thunder God'.

Although the trees grew fast, they still couldn't keep up with Nabu's flying speed. Apart from changing large areas of the landscape, the two of them fought without causing any harm to the other.

At this time, Constantine took a long puff of cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and began to form seals with his hands to cast spells.

He rarely releases large-scale magic, but once he needs magic circles or seals, it means he is serious.

As soon as he closed his hands, spells poured out of his mouth quickly, and then the red hellfire light ignited on his body. When he opened his hands again, two plate-like red magic circles appeared in his hands, and he Lift it high.

"You know, I have learned a lot of magic over the years. I have read every book of Commanders and Chaos, written by the black wizards you have fought against since ancient times." Constantine maintained carefully. He pointed the two-handed magic circle at Naboo, and kept firing off cannons from his mouth: "But just the thought of using them makes half of my body numb, let alone actually releasing them. There is a price. Naboo, the price is too damn high!"

Nabu, who was flying around, didn't answer at all. He didn't even look at Constantine, as if he felt that Zha Kang was deliberately distracting him, and he acted dismissively.

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