The Death Knell

Chapter 1391??New Concept

After collecting a large number of bones, Su Ming found some plastic and wooden boards to build a raft, transformed into a local aborigine, and drifted with the waves on the sea.

There is no sun above the head, and the shining mechanical star should be Darkseid's Sepurk. After entering the ghost universe, I found that it was even more exaggerated.

Since it's a lifeboat, why did Darkseid make it so big?

And why does he drag so many planets and mortals with him when he can obviously live alone?

Now not only is Darkseid full of doubts about the fake Heavenly Father, but Deathstroke is also doubtful about Darkseid's behavior.

He doesn't think the dark tyrant needs cannon fodder or any kind of logistical support. Darkseid never cares about those things, such as demonoids. For that guy, it's okay to have them. The more the better, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't have any. .

Darkseid also doesn't care much about followers and helpers. He did have a super team called the "Dark Elite" when he was on Apokolips. But with the fire pit, Darkseid can create new gods at any time. Without Which subordinate is indispensable.

But he had previously modified the memories of the people in the Ghost Sector so that the three Cyborgs were considered gods. In the end, he actually turned the three people into new gods. This seemed to have been premeditated.

Watching the bones being burned and bubbling in the simple furnace, a large number of thoughts passed through Su Ming's mind. Possibilities were raised one after another, and one after another was denied.

The biggest doubt lies here. Darkseid killed Jessica but transformed the other three people traveling with him. Is there any difference between them?

The wind on the sea blew slowly, blowing the simple sail made of rags and plastic sticks, causing more waves to rise along the side of the boat and making a splashing sound.

Su Ming rolled over and lay on the raft, holding a leg bone in his hand and slowly tossing it around while silently looking at the red artificial celestial body in the sky. Sepurk does not appear to be large on this planet, but it emits a dazzling red light.

Although Cyborg doesn't have enough brains, Starfire is also a stupid girl, and Death Angel is a murderous psychopath, but they will not surrender or rebel, that's for sure.

Especially the Angel of Death. Born in Gotham, he has very serious delusions and dependence. The dark shadow of Gotham is his god in his mind. Even if Batman asks him to die, he will not hesitate. It is precisely because of him. Because of his fanatical loyalty, Batman sent him to monitor the Cyborg team.

Let him convert to Darkseid? No chance, at least it won't be voluntary.

It was probably Darkseid who forcibly transformed them. He just coveted their bodies... no, he coveted their special features.

"Strangler, what do you think is so special about these three people?"

Lime burning takes time. Su Ming lay down and discussed with his symbiote. The main reason was that drifting on the vast sea was too lonely. It was not easy to feel like there was only one person left in the world.


The meaning of the strangulation message is that these three people are machines, aliens, and madmen, at least that's what it sees from the host's memory.

"Not all new gods have their own concepts. Darkseid's concept is 'darkness', Heavenly Father's concept is 'light', and none of the people under them have..." Su Ming said the big bone Throwing it into the furnace, a few clusters of sparks flew up: "And Darkseid has now created a new single universe and transformed the three people into new gods. Is it to burden them with new universe concepts? It's like an endless universe." Is the family like that?”


Strangler said that he is a symbiote. Isn't discussing problems with it equivalent to asking and answering questions? The host has the answer in his mind.

Su Ming rolled his eyes and stood up: "Forget it, I probably guessed that there is a piece of plastic floating over there, hook it over."

The strangulating tentacles popped out, hooking the plastic back like a hook and handing it to the host.

"There's a wooden board over there, hook it over too."

Su Ming silently gave the order again, and the wooden planks were in his hands. Then he started carpentry work, and when he had nothing to do, he expanded his raft in a circle...

This ocean planet may have had a name, but with the demise of its original owner, things like names are no longer important. Although there is no further information, at least Lime is obtained, and I can play Lifestyle for a while.

But business matters still matter. If there is no one here who can provide information, then we will find another planet.

Su Ming chose a planet that had undergone landform modification and was completely urbanized.

This planet is entirely made of steel buildings. Every residential building is thousands of meters high. It still looks prosperous at this time. Speeding cars are flying back and forth between the buildings, and various holographic billboards are hung on each There are neon lights of different colors on it.

It's weird, yes, Deathstroke's feeling about this bustling scene is weird.

You must know that this planet was kept in a jar by Brainiac before, so what did they use to maintain this highly civilized society?

Prosperity requires an economic foundation, at least the existence of commerce. The foundation of commerce is goods and logistics. Only when products flow can interest and demand be generated.

But a single urbanized planet does not have unlimited resources, so where can unlimited goods come from? What do people rely on to survive? Real estate?

It seems that this planet has a population of at least tens of billions, and many pedestrians on the road are so happy that they are laughing all the time. The people here look like mantis men with metal shells, and their laughter is more like the grinding of gears.

Especially the huge towering sculptures of Cyborg can be seen everywhere on the planet, which makes people feel even more weird.

Look at the silly smile on the statue. What kind of idiot would think of such a fool as a god? Even if all these people have been brainwashed by Darkseid, they should be able to feel the strong contrast and wake up, right?

It's like having a nightmare and dreaming that you are being chased by triangle heads and faceless nurses in the alleys, but a Pleasant Goat suddenly appears next to you, singing, dancing, and rapping...

Even if you are in a dream, you will wake up because you feel something is wrong, right?

But there are intelligent creatures here, and the information is available.

The Death Knell is hidden in the chaotic bottom alleys of the city. Waste gas and wastewater are everywhere here. There is no sunshine and no hope. The people here are different from the people on the upper roads. They are like walking zombies.

Strangler ate a passing unlucky guy.

"Well, so that's it. In the past, every resident relied on access to the Internet to provide Brainiac with computing power in exchange for supplies?" Su Ming leaned against the cold metal wall, and dripping wastewater fell on his face. On the shoulder: "Now they worship Cyborg, and Cyborg is receiving their contributions in the network and summing them up into the energy of this universe..."

Collect scattered data and characters, use them to do more specific things, and at the same time give back various virtual emotions to the residents here, such as happiness, satiety, excitement, etc.

This is a complex multi-stage conversion process, from ethereal signals to objective sensory inputs, such as light, sound, touch and smell, etc., which are subjective experiences with individual meaning.

"The previous Cyborg couldn't do this kind of thing. It seems like it's his new ability. It was given to him by Darkseid." Su Ming walked around in the dark alley and thought. He became the leader of the local residents. The appearance is not conspicuous at all: "This process looks a bit familiar, what is it called?... The digital signals are classified into categories and converted into blocks that humans can understand. This is 'encoding'."


Su Ming, who turned into a mantis man, touched the tentacles on his head and let them swing to the side like a deflection: "You're right, strangulation, the concept of Cyborg is coding, this is very New God style, Darkseid The universe of virtue is indeed a technological universe.”

The cloak turned into a scarf moved, but it didn't feel that there was any difference between this place and other universes. Although it was indeed a low-demon world, it was not suppressed.

Seeing that the scarf was completely in the shape of a question mark, Su Ming raised his hand and pressed it down: "You have eaten so much energy, and now you are an energy provider rather than an energy consumer. How can you move in this kind of world?" It’s not surprising either.”

The cloak stopped moving at the mention of eating.

"Although I really want to see what their online world is like, I still have things to do now, so let's move on to the next one." Su Ming disappeared silently, took off and left the planet, and found the planet where he worshiped Cyborg. Clues about his present day.

The next stop is Tamaran. After Blackfire was taken out, Starfire became a legitimate manager. Go there to find an unlucky guy and see what Starfire's concept is. Wait until you find out everything and formulate a strategy. Bring someone to deal with Darkseid.


Two hours later in Earth time, he returned to the space station. For some reason, these people were holding a party.

As soon as the door of the laboratory opened, Su Ming saw various colored lights shining everywhere, the music was deafening, and everyone was drinking, eating snacks, and talking loudly.

He took a few steps back, and the door was closed in front of him. There was no movement, as if everything before was all an illusion.

He turned around and looked at the sign at the door and the location of the star sector outside the window behind him. That's right, he was in the right place. Why did he feel that he opened it the wrong way?

When the door was opened again, the noise and heat came back like a tidal wave. Even Diana was hugged by Harry and was drinking. She didn't know what she was whispering, and her two heads looked mysterious together.

Diana is different from gin. If gin means you can't live without wine, Diana's constitution will not get drunk no matter how much she drinks, but she doesn't like drinking it and occasionally only drinks a little red wine during celebration banquets. .

Su Ming looked serious after catching the spiritual star floating in the air.

"Hiccup, wine, wine..." Lingxing was obviously drunk. This was much worse than the previous state of sucking catnip. He was still asking Deathstroke for wine. In fact, his cat paws were filled with red wine. Lamp energy holding a bottle of wine.

Looking across the messy scene, Su Ming raised his voice:

"Harley! What's going on?!"

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