The Death Knell

Chapter 1394? Bugs


Just as a few people were warming up by the fire and planning, the sound of blades rubbing together suddenly came from the beach woods not far away.

Su Ming didn't know what these big trees with broad leaves and giant purple flowers were called, but their dense leaves formed a wall on the shore that blocked the wind and water vapor, and also caused growth under their roots. There are various dense shrubs.

At this time, flowers and fruits of various colors hang in the trees, vibrating like bells with the sound, which is a warning.

"Get ready to fight!" Diana was the first to jump up, her sword and shield by her side, and she immediately took a defensive posture.

She has seen the bugs here. If the enemy could choose, she would rather choose Brainiac's overwhelming mechanical octopuses or Darkseid's demon-like army than fight the Genesis Zerg.

Even if the bugs here are killed, their corpses can be instantly fused with other bugs, making the surviving bugs even more powerful, which is endless.

"Not urgent."

Su Ming took out his pistol and fired into the bushes. A bullet left the barrel of the gun and flew into the bushes, spinning and dragging heat. Although there was a muffled sound, it was obvious that it had hit something.

However, the expected roars or screams did not come out. Instead, familiar English came from the bushes. The accent was a bit strange, it sounded like wind leakage, but it was undoubtedly English.

"For Brainiac!"

"For Brainiac!"

A colorful big bug came out. Its limbs were bright yellow, its body was bright red, its head was blue, and its tail was black.

It crawled forward like a bear, but it was larger than any bear Su Ming had ever seen, and it had facial features all over its body. It was obviously a 'Transformer' composed of four bugs.

The most obvious thing is that there is a glowing purple disc attached to the forehead of these bugs. When the mouths on various parts of the bug's body speak, these chips also shine brightly at the same time.

This is Brainiac's mind control chip.

By connecting this chip externally, Brainiac can overlay the preset program on the original consciousness of the organism. The principle is somewhat similar to Can Luo's mind control, except that Can Luo's is super power, and his is technology.

Brainiac usually uses his mechanical octopus to 'plant' these chips into living things. His method of invading a planet is basically the same. The kind of aircraft with a skeleton spitting out octopus tentacles flies over the top of the living creatures and opens its claws to grab them. Hold the creature's head, and then put the chip on the other person's forehead like a stamp.

It takes effect instantly, and almost no one is immune. Once someone is labeled with something like this, all they can think about is Brainiac.

The ghost sector and the main world are cut apart, but these chips will not fail. On the contrary, they will cause the host to enter berserk mode and avenge Brainiac.

Because in the default program, the loss of network connection between the chip and the host will only occur in one state, and that is the death of Brainiac.

Now that communication with the outside world is completely cut off in the ghost universe, naturally these controlled bugs have also begun to execute revenge procedures.

"Great, the Zerg controlled by Brainiac's mind, the two things I hate most are combined!" Bobo hid behind the group of people, hiding behind Harley's thighs and cursing.

Harley was very happy. She licked her lips, and her red lips looked like they had just drank blood.

Dorothy flipped the sledgehammer in her little hands a few times, and she was about to hit something: "The death knell is right, it is really interesting here. I have never seen this kind of game where you can play 'I will form the head'" Bugs, haha!”

"These bugs are almost immune to any physical means and can only attack with energy, such as fire, freezing or lasers. Do you have a flamethrower?" Diana looked at the bugs warily and asked the Deathstroke beside her. He had little preparation for combat other than a small pistol.

Su Ming nodded, put away his pistol, and raised his fist to show it to Diana.

Diana had never seen fists as big as casseroles. At least Ares had more fists than this. She didn't understand what Deathstroke was trying to do. Although kinetic energy was also a kind of energy, the bugs were like mud. Kinetic resistance is surprisingly high.

"I have laser guns and sonic guns, as well as a lot of incendiary bombs and similar toys, but there is no need to go to such trouble." Su Ming smiled at Diana, and after saying that, he punched the bug with his bare hands, and a colorful light flashed, The bug was immediately blown to pieces: "The photon smashing fist is more convenient."

Bobo's and Diana's mouths opened wide at the same time, becoming like the figures in the famous painting "The Scream".

"God! How did you do it? Does your light ring work here?" The bug exploded, and Bobo immediately gave up. He got out from behind Harley's legs and climbed onto Su Ming's shoulders.

Su Ming walked towards the broken corpse, picked out the only intact chip from among the squirming corpses, and shook off the green mucus on it.

"No, the light rings are completely unable to obtain energy replenishment in this universe, and are completely disconnected from the outside world. The energy they contain is used less and less. I still have to keep the 'Light of Creation' to deal with Darkseid."

"Then where did the 'Photon Smashing Fist' you saw just now come from?" Bobo's furry face moved closer to Su Ming's fist, as if to see what was going on. There was an X metal disc stuck in the middle of his forehead. It looked like Like Erlang Monkey.

"Barry?" Su Ming asked the Flash who was still beside the fire. Barry looked a little distracted. Not only did he remain silent, but he still didn't react even when the enemy came: "You didn't tell them what I told you before. What are your words?"

"Huh? What? You called me?"

Barry seemed to suddenly wake up from a dream. He climbed up from the beach and forced a smile.

Su Ming smacked his lips secretly. I don't know how much combat power the Flash still has. Why does it feel like he has turned into a green arrow, and his sense of existence has almost disappeared?

Didn’t you agree to sacrifice to heaven? Or does Darkseid's universe have restraints on the Speed ​​Force?

It shouldn't be. His universe will be connected to the hyper-time stream for high-speed calculations, so it will inevitably not be able to circumvent the Speed ​​Force.

"Didn't I ask you to tell everyone last time that I need to prepare something before I can come back to join the war? Why are everyone so surprised now when they see what I have prepared?" Su Ming did not point out that something was wrong with Barry, and continued to talk to him with his usual attitude. say.

Barry scratched his head: "You just asked me to tell Diana..."

Bobo and Harley cast their eyes on Diana's face. The Amazon Queen coughed dryly, turned around and walked away quickly: "Ahem! I'm going to see if there are any other bugs in the sea!"

Su Ming remembered, he seemed to have said so, but so what?

"Don't pay attention to these details! You must have remembered it wrong. I clearly asked you to tell everyone in Zhenglian."

He chose not to admit it, and at the same time removed his mask and gave Barry a dark look.

"Haha, haha, I must have remembered it wrong." Barry immediately changed his mind and looked up at the sky: "It's all Colonel Sanders's fault. During those days, all I could think about was French fries and potato balls."

At this time, Su Ming turned to Bobo, with the same expression as before: "It turns out that Barry forgot to tell you, it's okay, this is the back-up I prepared to deal with Pepatua, cosmic energy, a kind of original energy from another world. "

"Is it unrestricted here?"

Bobo is very smart, he has seen the truth, and at the same time he probably knows what happened to Deathstroke and Xiao Dai.

However, the orangutan decisively changed the topic, because Harley, who was beside a few people, was looking at Diana's back and biting her nails. She didn't know what she was thinking, but her expression was a bit strange.

"This kind of energy is very interesting. It is like a seed. Once it takes root in the body, it will continuously absorb the free energy in the universe, which can be the light and heat of stars, or invisible antimatter and quantum waves. , and then use it for me.”

Su Ming showed Bobo his fists and controlled the energy flames to change colors, making it look like a musical fountain.

"This way, the success rate of our plan should be higher, but we are probably being monitored by Darkseid now. Doesn't it matter?" Xiaofuzhi suddenly lowered his voice. This universe belongs to Darkseid, and he is alone. There's no way someone could break in in a spaceship without attracting any attention.

Darkseid is neither blind nor stupid. Once he sees Deathstroke here, he will definitely conduct surveillance.

It’s unimaginable how many monitors there are on that Sepulke. As for other places where there are cameras or monitors, Darkseid can invade.

Fortunately, Orion also knew this, so the surveillance in the space station basically only consisted of motion sensing equipment, and he had already dismantled cameras and other things.

"Since I dare to show it to him, I naturally have my intentions."

Su Ming just smiled and raised his head to look at the sky, as if he wanted Darkseid to see his face clearly.

Yes, what if Darkseid sees that Deathstroke controls Marvel's cosmic energy? He has never been to Marvel. It is almost impossible to find a way to restrain this energy. However, showing cosmic energy at the same level as Omega energy will make Darkseid worry.

Because he has to deal with not only Deathstroke and the Justice League, but also the 'Heavenly Father' who appeared before. Heavenly Father has the Ten Light Rings, and Deathstroke has strange cosmic energy. This will only make Darkseid believe even more that these two A different person.

In the next action, Su Ming and his party will enter the Speed ​​Force mode and start to sneak. It will not be easy for Darkseid to find a few more people.

Bobo nodded without delving into the question: "What is our next plan?"

"Attack them to save them, separate the three new gods, and then defeat them one by one."

Deathstroke took off the cloak behind him and motioned to Barry to get a spacesuit from the sinking spaceship. He did not intend to start a war with the insects here. After all, the insect swarm was endless and could not be killed on his home planet.

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