The Death Knell

Chapter 1398? Time difference

Darkseid knew the moment Cyborg lost contact, and everything Cyborg saw would be immediately uploaded to the network for backup.

Darkseid not only knew what Cyborg did, but also how he died. He also knew that Deathstroke had the ability to transform.

He immediately thought about whether the Heavenly Father he saw before was the death knell, but in the end he came to a negative answer.

That Heavenly Father was almost exactly the same as he remembered it. Except for the ten new light rings he had mastered, his temperament and habits were exactly as he remembered them.

And this Deathstroke, according to the current intelligence, is a warrior and a user of alien energy. He is very strange. Neither he nor his Heavenly Father has seen this Deathstroke. Likewise, Deathstroke cannot have seen either of them.

If you haven't seen it, there is no possibility of pretending.

In addition, the powers shown by both parties are not in the same path at all. Darkseid does not believe that a humble human being can master two energies with completely different attributes.

Deathstroke once used the Ten-Light Ring to defeat the alien sea beast 'Flood', but at that time Darkseid, Cyborg and others were in the ghost sector, and he was still in a state of losing all power. I don’t have any technological equipment, so I don’t know the power of Death Knell at all.

So he decided to stay in Sepulk and confront Heavenly Father from a distance. After all, in a few hours, after cleaning up all the garbage in his universe, he would accelerate the Ark and take the entire universe out of the current situation. Diverse systems, entering a broader world.

Only he can do this work, and other New Gods cannot do it for him.

As for the pursuit of Deathstroke and the Justice League who chopped off Cyborg's head, it was left to his subordinates, and a group of humans plus an orangutan were far less of a threat than a group of scavengers.

He only needs to send some people to delay the time, and wait for others to clean up the scavengers. When the ghost universe is completely independent, these humans will be nothing more than prisoners.

It was decided to send the Angel of Death and the demonoid army to delay, and to send Starfire to take over the work of cleaning up the scavengers.

Darkseid stood by the fire pit with his hands behind his back and looked at the rolling flames. His orders were naturally transmitted to the corresponding candidates' minds instantly through the alien box network.

He got the answer, as he should, and both Starfire and the Angel of Death replied 'Darkseid is everlasting'.


At this time, Cyborg's head was wrapped into a ball. Su Ming wrapped several layers of tape around the outside of the cloth to ensure that he could neither hear nor see anything.

In the universe, in the transport cabin that the cloak turned into, he was very skillful in dribbling the ball under his crotch with his steel head.

Diana snatched the head away and held it in her arms, looking at Deathstroke helplessly: "Don't do this, Cyborg is our friend."

"Then you call Cyborg and see if he agrees?"

Su Ming sighed after the basketball was confiscated. It looked like he was playing basketball, but in fact he was using the strangle to destroy the sending device in Cyborg's brain. He was just playing with it a few times out of boredom during the destruction process.

"He doesn't remember us at all. I saw his eyes before, and they were cold. He seemed to be no longer human." At this point, Diana was also a little sad. She didn't feel anything from the current Cyborg. Characteristics of human beings.

That's a machine.

"Don't worry, Xiao Dai, if the plan can be realized, this change can be reversed." Bobo sat cross-legged on the side, supported his head with his fist, and yawned.

After the drunkenness passed, he was a little dozed off, and it seemed that there was no excitement at all when he acted with Deathstroke, and the other party had no ability to fight back.

If Su Ming knew what he was thinking, he would definitely give up his plan and take him to the Orangutan Country to find someone to marry.

If you're dealing with a newly deified Cyborg and you're still in danger even after deploying restraint tactics, what's the point?

Cyborg's weakness is that he relies too much on technology, and his eyes are facing forward and he cannot see what is behind him. The Speed ​​Force restrains him tightly and does not give him a chance to activate the sonic tunnel, because the Speed ​​Force is faster.

Diana could only nod, holding the 'basketball' in one hand and Harry in the other, silently. She didn't have much confidence, and her confidence came entirely from the existence of the death knell.

Bobo scratched the back of his head. This serious atmosphere made him a little uncomfortable. He wanted to change the topic: "Then who should we deal with next? Starfire or the Angel of Death?"

"Darkseid must already know about our defeat of Cyborg. Our advantage currently lies in covert operations. He can't catch us, but he will definitely send people to search our whereabouts."

Su Ming looked at the vast universe. Sepurk was pulling a planet that was sinking downwards. The space in the main world was distorted and it was hard to predict when it would break.

My next move is to cut off Darkseid's possibility of escaping, or try to delay as much time as possible.

"Are you searching?" Bobo clicked the slit between his toes and slowly combed the black hair on his instep: "Then it should be the Angel of Death."

"Why?" Barry scratched his head, obviously the spark was stronger. If we see the death knell, shouldn't we send a lot of people with us?

Bobo shook his head, put his fingers under his nose and smelled it, and answered calmly:

"We have said before that Darkseid's enemies in the ghost universe are not only us, but also the scavengers and Brainiac's mind-controlled units, especially the scavengers. If they come to the door, A swarm of monsters immune to Omega Energy would give Darkseid a drink. So he would have to divide his forces, giving us a tactical advantage."

"Uh..." Barry still didn't understand how Bobo deduced that the one chasing everyone would be the Angel of Death.

Bobo opened his hands. There were grains of salt he had just found in his wrinkled black palms. He did not eat them, but threw them away and continued talking:

"For Darkseid, the threat of scavengers is much higher than ours, so a stronger Spark will be sent to deal with the scavengers. After we deal with Cyborg, who is good at technological weapons, we can only As an alien, Starfire has great power and may be able to restrain the scavengers. At the same time, because our whereabouts are unknown, it is also reasonable for him to send the Angel of Death, who is good at finding clues, to follow. After all, the angel is Batman's disciple. A detective."

Su Ming pressed his temple and added: "Darkseid is very rational. He is a new god. All his actions are carried out in accordance with logic and rationality. It is easy to predict."

Barry nodded, as if he understood: "Then we will deal with the Angel of Death next, and the demon-like army he brings with him?"

"No, let's go and intervene on the battlefield between Starfire and Scavengers." Su Ming denied with a smile. If he really faced off against the Angel of Death and the demon-like army, he might have fallen into Darkseid's scheme and been held back.

It would be better to go to the other battlefield where the two sides are evenly matched, act as the last straw that breaks the camel's back, and take advantage of Xinghuo first.

Starfire is now connected to the fire pit on Sepurk. I am afraid that the energy emission method will become very powerful. At this time, some creatures that are immune to energy attacks are really needed as human shields.

Diana nodded first. She still knew some basic tactics such as avoiding the truth and pretending to be false: "Then let's do it this way. Before the Death Angel leads the army to catch up with us, use the time difference to defeat Starfire first. The current problem is that there are hundreds of people here. There is a planet, how should we find the battlefield between them?"

"Give me the basketball." Su Ming stretched out his hand to Diana, and the small tentacles formed by strangulation were jumping in his palm: "Just read the information from Cyborg's brain..."


"Darkseid is always here!"

Starfire's long hair was flying in the wind as she shouted slogans and fought fiercely with a huge monster.

Another scavenger, they will swarm like hyenas whenever they smell the scent of the New God, and this battle seems to never end.

The monster is bigger and stronger than Doomsday, and it is also immune to energy emission methods, which makes it difficult for Starfire to deal with it and can only fight with the enemy with fists.

However, the opponent's self-healing ability was also amazing. The fight was a bit overwhelming for her. If it weren't for the help of a group of lesser new gods around her, she might have been eaten by scavengers.

"Sister God, are you okay?"

After being knocked away by a scavenger again, Starfire lay on the ground panting. Tasol quickly came to help her up and asked questions with concern.

"My flames... are completely ineffective against it. I can only give you a chance to see if your weapons can defeat it."

Starfire's eyes sparkled with fire, and her red and blue hair swayed in the air like seaweed, the energy making it seem like they were soaked in water.

"As you command, Sister God, we will use the swords in our hands to add glory to you." The yellow scaly monster didn't know which planet he was from in the past. He was very good at licking with one hand. Maybe he also had a concept. The concept was 'flattering'. '.

Starfire nodded happily, roared like a wild beast, flew up again and rushed into the battle circle to fight with the scavenger. Its black flesh and her purple skirt were twisted into a ball in the large hole in the broken ground.

Tasol and his group of new gods formed a circle around the two, and from time to time cut off some of the arms grown by the scavengers to help reduce the pressure on Starfire, while also looking for opportunities to deal damage.

The scavenger has no obvious weaknesses. It is just a ball of mud that has been given a will. Even if its head is chopped off or its chest is punched through, its combat effectiveness will not be affected at all.

According to experience, only by continuously adding damage to it and reaching the limit of every atom in its body will it disintegrate like a sand tower.

But often not long after one is defeated, a new scavenger clone will arrive based on their shared memories and start an endless battle with the hunter again.

It has to be said that Starfire's tactic is still effective. She can't kill the Scavenger by herself, and neither can a Scavenger kill her. With help, the Scavenger gradually becomes weaker.

Yes, as long as you don't bombard the Scavenger with energy to 'charge' it, the energy it contains itself is not enough to sustain a high-intensity battle for too long.

"Darkseid is always here!"

Just when she was in high spirits and was shouting slogans to get her younger brothers to join her, she suddenly heard strange music coming from the open space not far away.

Along with the sound of gongs and drums, a beam of colorful light flew directly and hit the scavenger. Then the monster's power was fully charged as if it had taken a tonic, and it began to fight back crazily. Several of Starfire's younger brothers were not missing a beat and were eaten immediately.

Several figures appeared not far away as if emerging from the air. The leader looked at the battlefield with a gentle smile and walked slowly.

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