The Death Knell

Chapter 1400? Farewell

Tasol, who had yellow scales all over his body, tightened the ax in his hand. His hands were shaking a little, perhaps because all the previous slashes were dodged by the humans in front of him, so he did not have the confidence to swing the weapon again.

He stood in front of Starfire, looking at the two enemies warily, sweat dripping from the red eyepiece on his right eye. The eyebrows of this race are very high, like a small awning, and their lizard-like faces make people feel bitter and resentful.

"Sister Shen, hurry up and I'll hold them back."

I have to say, this guy is really licking his life. He would rather let Xinghuo leave safely.

But Starfire shook her head, her face showing bitterness while getting ready to fight again.

"We can't get away. The enemy is two against us. Even if you entangle one of them, the other will come to me."

"Then we will fight side by side!" Tasol took a deep breath: "I have already sent a signal to Brother Angel, and he will arrive soon."

"Well, are we arriving soon?" Unexpectedly, the human on the other side nodded and understood their exchange: "I was just wondering where the Angel of Death is. If it says it's almost there, does it mean it's not there yet? Thank you. ah!"

When Su Ming destroyed the signal transmitter in Cyborg's brain, he naturally let Strangler eat a little of his brain, and mastered all the information about Tasol and the language used by the other party.

The yellow-skinned lizard thought humans wouldn't understand him if he communicated with Starfire in alien dialect, but he didn't expect Deathstroke to be prepared.

"Big monster, is it okay to leave this yellow skin to you?"

Deathstroke, who transformed into Master Huang, moved forward, talking to the scavenger, and adjusted his position to the other end of the three-point line. At this time, one person and one monster just sandwiched Starfire and Sotal.

The scavenger's eyes followed the hydrangea in Master Huang's hand. After hearing this, it felt that there was no problem.

There are two of us and our allies, and there are two of our enemies. The two of us are much stronger than the two of them, so there is nothing wrong with one person dealing with the other.

"Okay, little organic creature."

"Foshan Shadowless Feet!"

In fact, Su Ming didn't give him a chance to think at all. When the question came out, he jumped into the air with a side kick, and kicked towards Xinghuo as if his feet were constantly kicking the air in the air.

Starfire didn't know whether the move was effective or not, but she was sure from previous fights that this human had cosmic-level strength and speed, so no matter what kind of attack it was, she couldn't withstand it with her body.

The scavengers behind her had already rushed over and fought with Tasol, and those black arms would pose a threat to her from time to time.

The monster was not very honest before. It also wanted to eat the 'Hydrangea' during the melee, but was fooled around by Master Huang. All the attacks were hit on Xinghuo's younger brothers. At this time, it seemed to have figured it out and planned to deal with it first. The two new gods present went to get the hydrangea.

Xinghuo took off to dodge. She had to at least switch to a battlefield where no one was causing trouble behind her, but Master Huang, who was kicking his legs, actually turned a 90-degree turn in the air and followed him while still keeping his kicking posture.

She was a little dumbfounded. This was not a move at all, it was just kicking and flying at the same time! So what are you kicking? Wouldn't it be better to fly directly? !

At this time, she noticed that Master Huang still yawned and wiped his eyes with his free hand, but the man kept kicking his legs like a tracking missile.

When the sparks turn, he also turns. When the sparks rise, he also pulls them up. He cannot throw them away.

The strong wind blew the clothes of the two people, and the fabric made a snapping sound. He was flying faster than Starfire, and the distance was getting closer.

It's not that she didn't resist and struggle, but her only means of energy emission was the two-handed beam cannon. Every time, she seemed to be seen through by the opponent, and every time she raised her hands, she was dodged.

Finally, the big foot landed on her chest, and the majestic force burst out instantly. The dust on her clothes was blown out of her back, and her whole body fell to the ground like a comet.

"Alas, there is no one who can escape the Shadowless Kick."

Su Ming, who was flying in the air, stopped, patted the uppers of his shoes, put down the front of his coat, and looked lonely.

Starfire was kicked towards where Diana and others were. The original plan was to leave Starfire until the end and let Barry bring Diana to sneak attack from behind, but now there is no need. The teammates should be able to react.

Sure enough, Starfire, who was hit by a huge force, vomited blood while trying to stabilize herself in the air, but her ribs were all broken, making it difficult for her to breathe, let alone use her strength.

Barry looked up at the sky, pulling Diana to constantly adjust his position, watching the crashing Starfire through the bullet time field really slowly.

"Is this location okay? Can I get it?"

Lightning still has time to discuss with Diana.

Diana's body was also glowing with golden lightning at this time. She held the shield with both hands and kept moving Barry in small steps to ensure that Starfire's head could hit the shield exactly.

"It should be almost done, right here."

Things like calculating angles and gravity have nothing to do with Diana. She just relies on her combat instinct to feel that this position is about the same.

Barry nodded. He felt the same way: "Then let me go. I'll hide over there. I may not be able to withstand the shock wave."

Diana knew that the Flash family was not known for their physical strength. The sound of Deathstroke's kick on Starfire's chest was like thunder. Starfire's crash speed exceeded the speed of sound. Barry was right to avoid: "Okay, go ahead and leave this to me."

Barry let go of his hand on Diana, and the light of the Speed ​​Force disappeared from her body in an instant, and the Flash returned to Harley and Little Fook as if teleporting.

Almost at the same time, Starfire slammed into Diana's shield.


Dust suddenly rose everywhere, obscuring all surrounding sight, but the ground seemed to be dry and cracked, sinking into a large area like a spider web.

Diana felt the huge force on the shield. She gritted her teeth and held the shield with her shoulders to prevent herself from being thrown away. However, her feet also slid more than four to five meters, plowing two deep grooves on the ground.

It wasn't until she stood firm that the spark on the other side of the shield was exhausted by the impact and fell to the ground.

The alien princess was bleeding from her orifices and lying on her back. She had passed out. Diana took off the mantra lasso and tied her up without hesitation. As a master of such an unpopular weapon as a rope, Diana was very skilled in tying people up.

When she finished her work and raised her head, Deathstroke was already standing in front of her.

"Can't you be gentler? What if you accidentally kill her?" Diana told him with some complaints, and showed him the red marks on her arms and shoulders made by the shield.

This wasn't even a skin injury. Su Ming just touched the red mark on her shoulder as a comfort.

Avoiding the look she was looking at him, he turned around and looked at Sawtar who was being beaten by the scavengers, and at the same time gave the order: "She can't die. Let's leave now, Barry, come and carry Starfire."

"Why is it me again?"

Barry appeared next to the two of them. Although he complained a little, his body honestly picked up Starfire and carried him on his shoulders.

Diana lowered her head and stroked her hair to hide her smile. When she raised her head again, she pursed her lips as if nothing was wrong: "Stop talking, let's leave quickly."

"Ignore the scavenger and the yellow man?" Barry was dragged away by Diana while not forgetting to look back in the direction of the battlefield.

I saw that both Scavenger and Tasol had stopped and were rushing towards everyone.

The scavengers purely want to eat Starfire and Cyborg. Although Tasol is also a piece of meat, Starfire has more energy in his body and looks more delicious. Huang Feihong promised it before, how could he not fulfill his promise?

Tasol wanted to save his brother and sister. Although he knew that rushing over would only add fuel to the fire, but now that the scavenger is no longer targeting him, maybe there might be a chance to go together?

Su Ming shook his head and took the two of them to fly up to meet Bobo and the others: "Never mind them, let them eat dogs. Besides, Huang Feihong promised to feed the scavengers. What does it have to do with me?" "

Barry: "..."

What a bummer, but it makes so much sense.

When everyone returned to the flying carpet turned into a cloak, they saw Deathstroke turning around and handing over his hands to say goodbye, with a reserved smile of a winner on his face: "Chengzheng, there is no need to see you off, two masters, take your leave!"

The scavenger ran so fast that his tongue came out of his mouth. Tasol was also sweating profusely, but he couldn't catch up with the speed of the magic floating cloak. He could only watch with desperate eyes as the group of people rose into the air and became invisible. fly away.

Suddenly, the same decadence appeared in the hearts of different people and animals.

"I was cheated." The scavenger punched the ground angrily, and the two pieces of food were taken away by the human.

Tasol also gasped and stamped his foot: "I was cheated, alas."

The two people who said this almost at the same time seemed to suddenly discover each other's existence, and their eyes intertwined. It was understanding, sympathy, and sympathy...

"New God! Die!"

"Darkseid is always here!"

The two of them fought again.


"Aren't we going to ambush the Angel of Death? He should be arriving soon, right?" Bobo didn't understand Deathstroke's running away.

In his opinion, his former teammates had already recovered two, so it would be better to win them all in one go.

Even if the Angel of Death leads a large army of demonoids, they can't stop Deathstroke and The Flash from decapitating them.

"You can have an ambush, but it's not necessary."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. He opened Starfire's mouth on the flying carpet and checked to make sure that Darkseid had not installed any locator or self-destruction device on her:

"Once we get rid of Cyborg and Starfire, Darkseid will lose his code and flames. To put it bluntly, the remaining Death Angels can't do anything. Let's see how Darkseid reacts first, and then we'll see Recruit and dismantle..."

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