The Death Knell

Chapter 140 Success and Transaction

"Want to hear a joke?"

The clown stabbed him with a dagger, and the Laughing Bat dodged sideways. He wanted to fight back against the clown, but Su Ming's scimitar arrived immediately and chopped off his fingers.

He could only withdraw his hands and dodge, because although he would not be injured, the weapon might be knocked off under the force of the huge force. If Deathstroke took back the black sword, he would be in danger.

The clown didn't seem to notice the big sword that almost fell on his head just now, and stepped forward to continue attacking, also with a life-threatening attitude.

"Don't listen? Then Uncle Clown will do a magic trick for you? Haha!"

The crazy clown was shaking on his feet, as if he could not stand still, and was about to fall under the laughing sword, but when he patted his chest, the small yellow flower on the chest of his suit suddenly spurted out a stream of green water.

I don’t know how he aimed, but the green water hit the maniacally laughing mouth.

The Laughing Bat coughed twice, and the offensive in his hands could not help but slow down, because the protection of dark energy was greatly weakened after Barbatos failed. The strong acid made him feel burning coals in his mouth, and his lungs Water got in too.

But the strong acid that could turn people into bones and turn metal into slag could only go so far and did not cause any substantial damage.

"Hehehe... do you want a refill, sir?... How about it? Do I look like your butler?"

The clown kept talking and asking such questions, but he didn't use the corsage at all, but directly stabbed the dagger into the laughing face.

He hated this face, hated his smile, hated his imitation of Batman and himself.

He hates everything about this guy...

The Laughing Bat turned his sword sideways to block the blow, which gave Su Ming a chance.

He slammed his hands together, and the two swords instantly turned into a long golden staff in the shape of a question mark. It looked like the kind in the hands of European shepherdess, only larger.

When Laughing was parrying the clown's attack, Su Ming swung his long staff from the side and directly hooked the Laughing Bat.


The long staff shortened rapidly, and Su Ming took advantage of the situation and took off, using the handle to get close to the Laughing Bat at high speed.

Su Ming was already very fast, but it was difficult for Kuangxiao to deal with him. Coupled with the fact that a clown kept harassing him with props and language, Su Ming finally seized the opportunity.

Laughing's first reaction was that Deathstroke wanted to snatch the weapon, but this also gave him the opportunity to hit Su Ming accurately.

He slashed directly at Su Ming with his big sword.

Su Ming did not dodge and allowed the big sword to hit his shoulder.

The armor was broken, the deltoid muscle was cut in half, and many blood vessels were severed.

But the collarbone blocked the attack and made a clanging sound.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ming did not grab the sword, but grabbed the blade of the big sword, and turned his other hand into a fist and punched it towards the laughing chest.

Laughing wildly does not mean dodge, so what is the use of fists?

He decided to withdraw his sword and strike again.

However, he made a fatal mistake. At this time, Su Ming decisively revealed the trump card he had been hiding.

Four long spikes instantly sprouted from the four joints of his fist, breaking through the wrapping of the gauntlet, flashing past with silvery white light, and instantly engulfed the laughing chest.

It's x metal.

Since you want to learn from Wolverine, how could you forget this move? Logan only had three claws on each hand, and Su Ming had one more claw than him.

And if he wanted, he could control the x-metal to grow spikes from any joint on his body, but his armor would have holes.

He has always shown that he wants to take back the sword. Sure enough, the Laughing Bat believes that his other weapons are no threat and divides his attention between Deathstroke and the Joker.

Because the clown represents more surprises and more uncertainties, and his weird smile and words are hard to ignore.

Although the clown didn't know it, Su Ming just used him as a cover.

Su Ming seized the opportunity to get close, directly revealed his trump card, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

Four silver cone-shaped spikes penetrated the chest of the Laughing Bat, made four holes in the heart, and then penetrated from the back.

Then Su Ming's heart moved, and the x-metal was retracted instantly, and black blood spurted out from the wound, taking away the life and strength of Laughing.

The dark power began to flow away, and the Laughing Bat fell softly to the ground.

"What an insidious tactic... Ahem, but you made a mistake, a huge mistake."

The Laughing Bat grabbed Su Ming's armor and looked at the dark top of the Bat Cave. Countless bright little eyes were also looking at him.

Those are the bats.

He wasn't willing to give in; he still had things to do.

"I don't know what mistake I made, but you did make a big mistake." Su Ming slapped his hand away, picked up his night sword, ignored the clown next to him like a cat crying like a mouse, and smiled faintly at Kuangxiao Zhibat said: "I once said something to a soldier, and now I say it to you again...Don't! Provoke! Death Knell!"

After saying that, without waiting for Guangxiao to express any further opinions, Su Ming raised his sword and chopped off his head.

"Oh, okay, okay! Haha!" The clown clapped beside him and burst into tears with laughter: "A perfect work of art, I want it, I want it! Deathstroke, sell it to me!"

"What do you want? A dagger?"

Su Ming frowned. The clown, a lunatic, could come up with whatever he wanted, but the dagger couldn't be sold. It was a tourist souvenir from Earth Minus 11.

"Dagger? Oh, you said this, no, give it back to you. Compared with birds, I prefer bats." The clown threw the promethium dagger back to Su Ming without hesitation. He knew that the dagger was very sharp. But he didn’t like it: “I want this, I want to soak it and talk to it every day.”

He bent down very simply, picked up the head of the Laughing Bat from the ground, and held it in his arms regardless of the black blood on it.

The purple suit suddenly turned black.

He put the head on his shoulders and next to his head, stretched out his hand to pull a smile from the face of the Laughing Bat, and said happily to Su Ming:

"You see, I can smile with two mouths at the same time."

Turning his head to look at the head wearing a spiked helmet, and then at the headless body flopping like a dead fish, the clown laughed.

He won after all, and he who laughs last laughs best. Facts have once again proved that chaos and madness are the winners.

They made his smile...different.

As for this imitator, next time the bat comes to play with him, he will let this human head act as an audience in a dark corner.

Let it envy you, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Ha ha!

This tip is of no use to Su Ming. He doesn't need such bloody evidence to find Zhenglian to settle the bill. This is the Batcave, and Bruce will definitely check the surveillance video when he comes back.

Hired killers do sometimes need to leave some evidence, such as an ear, a hand, or a head of the target that can prove the completion of the task and facilitate identity verification.

Relying on these talents to receive commissions is a professional requirement.

But first of all, Batman won't default on his debts. He doesn't know what money is and has no interest in money. Secondly, since the Joker wants this head, then the Joker's money is also money, and it's not a problem to sell the goods to two companies.

There have been examples in the mercenary world where many people put a bounty on a target at the same time, so you can complete all these tasks, and all the bounties will be taken after the task is completed.

"Oh? How much do you pay?"

The big event is over now, and Su Ming should make some preparations for his future life. More money is always good.

"Money...we owe you first? Haha, no, it's still not possible..." The clown hugged his head tightly and looked at Su Ming warily, as if he was afraid that he would take it away: "In this way, I’ll give you a good thing in exchange, hee hee.”

nice one?

What's good about clowns? His blood?

It is true that his blood contains the Dionysian factor, which can enhance Su Ming's self-healing ability, but the side effects are too great and can make people really crazy.

And the clown himself doesn't know about the Dionysus factor. He will only use his own blood to make the clown virus.

nitrous oxide?

Those who inhale it will laugh until they die. It is very strong, but it is not as widely applicable as fear gas. Scarecrow's poison gas has a higher yield and can be purchased everywhere.

Su Ming thought for a long time and found that there was really one thing he liked about the clown, and that was his purple clown car with a smiling face on it.

Although the appearance is a little weird, it is originally a modification of a good car. It has a super engine, nitric oxide injection acceleration, on-board weapons and other things.

That is, 007's car has been reskinned. Although it is not as good as the Batmobile, it is still very good.

If the Joker was going to trade it, it would be a lucrative business.

"Come on, reach out your hand, close your eyes, I'll give you the baby, hey hey hey..."

The clown put his hand into the pocket of his suit, searched for a long time, and mysteriously held something in his hand.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes like Batman. Could this be the electric shock button? Is the clown planning to play this trick?

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