The Death Knell

Chapter 1403? Resurrection

Bobo, Deathstroke, and Harley have nothing to worry about Barry taking Cyborg away. If it were anyone else, they might have to consider whether to go out for a duel, but Barry is definitely the conscience of Zhenglian.

Except for special circumstances such as companions being controlled by the enemy, Barry has never taken action against his teammates in all the years he has been in Zhenglian. Of course, except for beating Wally, it is a family matter for an uncle to beat his nephew.

After Cyborg was taken away, Deathstroke focused on Blackfire, who was treating Starfire. He had just obtained cosmic energy not long ago. He might be able to inspire some inspiration by referring to the methods of other energy users.

The laboratory became quiet.

In the corridor, Barry took Cyborg to the door of the warehouse where Jessica's coffin was stored. The silver-white metal floor and walls reflected the two figures, making them appear slightly distorted.

Barry let go of Cyborg and tried to say something, but all he could say was a sigh.

He stretched out his trembling hand to touch the door control, and with a gentle turbulence in the air, the door opened.

"She's in there..."

Cyborg patted Xiao Flash on the back apologetically. His decision-making error caused everyone to lose their comrades: "I will avenge her, even if it takes my own life."

"Go and see her. I can't even face her alone." Barry sighed and walked to the corner of the room with Cyborg. The lights here were very dim, and the messy clutter made it even more complicated. Very sad.

Victor nodded slightly and looked at the silver coffin in the corner. The technological equipment was there at the moment.

"This coffin is... the metal of New Creation Star, almost as indestructible as the 'black diamond' smelted in the fire pit of Apokolips. Her remains may be preserved even after the destruction of our universe."

Barry shook his head and wiped his tears: "I don't know, this coffin was provided by Orion, maybe it was prepared by Heavenly Father and the new gods for themselves... You can go over, I thought about it. , I still don’t want to watch it, she died of omega rays, the pain..."

Cyborg's heart was filled with guilt and it was almost impossible to make up for it as he couldn't even offer a small flower.

But he still took steps with difficulty. His new body came into contact with the ground, and a clear sound of metal collided. He walked to the side of the coffin and looked into it through the small transparent window on the top cover.

Then...he looked at Barry suspiciously: "You said she died from omega rays?"

Barry covered his face, squatted down and sobbed: "Yes, she is such a good girl, wow, didn't you see it? It's the same fate as all victims of omega rays, she's all burned..."

Cyborg's electronic eyes emitted a burst of red light, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He walked directly to Barry, pulled up Little Flash and walked towards the coffin.

"What are you doing?" Barry's feet rubbed on the ground and his body twisted around. He didn't want to see her miserable condition, that was enough.

Cyborg opened his mouth and organized his words, but found that he was a little short of words: "Things are a little different from what you said. I can't explain why. Come and take a look."

"I said I don't want to see it, but you insist on letting me see it. I see..." Barry wiped his tears and looked into the small window. He suddenly froze and looked at Cyborg in surprise: "how so?"

Cyborg shrugged, indicating that he didn't know either.

Because not only was Jessica in the coffin not a charred corpse, but she was also radiantly holding an empty wine bottle and sleeping soundly.

Her face was rosy, her skin was delicate, and her green light uniform was well worn. She didn't even have any injuries, and her breathing was steady and long.

"Isn't he not dead? Damn you, Barry, you've all learned bad things." Cyborg thought he had seen through everything, crossed his arms and made a posture of 'there is only one truth', lowered his head slightly and said: "It's Deathstroke's An idea, right? I know that old man is very bad and will bring bad luck to all of you sooner or later."

Barry looked confused: "???"

"No, don't say it. Your crying scene is really good, and Diana's angry performance is very tense." Cyborg didn't give Barry a chance to speak at all, and touched his chin: "So Deathstroke is letting You all put on a show with him, telling me Jessica was dead, torturing me with the guilt in my heart, and then jumping out and telling me it wasn't who I thought it was, and watching me sneer while I had my ups and downs? In the usual Deathstroke style, hehe......"

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense, it's not true." Barry was also convinced by Cyborg's idea, but he did not waste time. When he saw Jessica sleeping in the coffin, he would release her as soon as possible. Come out.

After the coffin was opened, a smell of alcohol spread across the floor. A lot of the wine was spilled on the soft cushions, creating a large wet mark. Jessica lay sideways in the coffin, drooling at the corner of her mouth.

Barry was almost knocked down by the alcohol. The most he could do was drink some fruit beer while watching TV, and he didn't like this kind of strong drink.

He waved his hand in front of him and rubbed his eyes: "The smell of alcohol is too strong, cough, is it chemicals?"

Cyborg picked up the empty wine bottle from Jessica's hand, and his eyes emitted red rays to scan the bottle label. The database returned him an answer of 'no data', and he put the bottle aside:

"This kind of wine does not exist in our world. Skywalker 50-year-old classic super old cellar original puree strong flavor? I have never heard of such a long name..."

Barry covered his nose and walked to the coffin. The lighting system in the coffin made his face look rosy. With the soothing music, he was so happy that he wanted to dance.

"It doesn't matter so much, in short, Jessica is resurrected, which is great."

Cyborg narrowed his eyes and looked at him, tapping the soles of his feet on the floor: "Just keep pretending. If this wasn't a dark plan that you guys colluded with Deathstroke to scare me, I would twist my head off and give it to you to play with."

Barry scratched his head, still tilted his face and pushed Jessica, while answering Cyborg: "It seems that you don't have that memory anymore. In fact, we have played with your head...well, including Bobo and Harley.”

Even though Victor had no lungs, he immediately took a breath of cold air and lowered his voice: "Give my head to a madman to play with? Have you become crazy when you are with Deathstroke? What kind of people are Deathstroke and Harley? Do you still remember it?!"

"Oh! Calm down, of course I remember." Barry was very excited when he saw Cyborg, and quickly patted his metal chest with both hands: "But the one who tortured you before was the death knell of the main world, and now the one who is teaming up with us is the death knell of the origin world. You can't look at people from different worlds with the same old eyes, right? It's not fair at all. Do you dare to say that there is no bad guy Cyborg in so many parallel worlds?"

Compared with Barry, Victor's mouth is still a bit weak, not only because Xiao Shan is a veteran of Zhenglian, but also because what he says is always full of Guangweizheng's kindness.

Cyborg was speechless, it seemed that his fear of the death knell was causing trouble again.

Seeing his expression softening, Barry patted him on the shoulder again like an elder: "And Harley has changed her ways. We can give her a chance to be a good person. Bobo believes in her, and Batman also believes in her. What do you think? Are they not smarter than you? Besides, Diana and Zatanna are both Harley's good friends, and they gave Harley a guarantee."

If there is anyone in the main league who is least willing to team up with Deathstroke, then it is undoubtedly Cyborg. But at this time, he really started to reflect seriously under Barry's guidance and thought about whether he was looking at newcomers with old eyes. .

"Okay, I trust Batman's judgment. Where is he now?" Cyborg helped take Jessica out of the coffin, and then looked around for cold water and other things to wake her up.

If she wasn't controlled, it meant she saw more information before she died, which would be useful.

A trace of solemnity flashed across Barry's face: "The situation on Earth is very bad. The chaos caused by the Legion of Destruction has been very traumatizing to us. Ron said he would go to Luthor to negotiate, but he would not go there. Batman went to Dark Diversity The universe is hunting the Laughing Bat, and Superman has some problems at home due to the Leviathan incident, so I am now in charge of the Zhenglian."

"You? Isn't Diana still here?" Cyborg was stunned when he heard Barry commanding the main team. The two of them could only be said to be half-matched in their tactical skills.

"Diana has to deal with matters in the magical world, and the Dark Alliance is under her control." Barry also knows that he is just a make-up, but Batman and Martian Manhunter are not here. If he doesn't take the lead, does it mean that Aquaman or someone else will come?

Although I can't command the global work from the computer screen like Batman, my legs and feet are fast, and I can barely keep up with the pace even if I run a lot.

Speaking of fast, Barry remembered something, and he immediately ran back to the laboratory to get some water to wash Jessica's face.

After pouring a bottle of water and rubbing it vigorously with her palms, Jessica woke up, but she still seemed a little confused.

Barry threw the bottle away and helped her sit aside, his face full of joy: "Jesse? Jesse, look at me, I'm Barry."

"Barry...?" Jessica rubbed her eyes. She only felt a severe pain in her head, but then she immediately looked down at her hands and touched her face: "Oh my God, I You're actually alive? Did you use the Speed ​​Force?"

She seemed a little excited. The last thing she remembered was that Darkseid stepped on her and fired omega rays, and then her vision went black in severe pain.

It's great to be alive.

Barry looked at Jessica who was throwing herself in his arms, looking a little at a loss. He didn't know whether to hug her or not, so he could only comfort her softly: "You didn't use the Speed ​​Force, Jesse, don't get too excited first. Let Cyborg check you out.”

At this time, Jessica turned to look at the two of them, got out of Barry's arms and straightened her hair: "Oh, Victor, are you there too?"

Cyborg nodded silently, isn't it? I've been here watching you make out for a long time as a living person...

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