The Death Knell

Chapter 1405? Borrowing troops

Ghost Universe, Planet Phyllis I.

This is a biological resource star. To put it simply, it is a super zoo. No decent civilization has been born here, but there are a total of 40 billion different animals and plants on the planet, forming a complete and unique biological chain system. That's why it was collected by Brainiac.

The volume of this planet is slightly larger than that of the Earth. Therefore, the survival conditions such as revolution and rotation periods, thickness of the atmosphere, etc. are similar to those of the Earth. However, it is almost impossible for ordinary humans to survive here, because even a mosquito is here. , their position in the ecological chain is higher than that of humans.

It's not that the creatures here are so powerful, but because all the animals and plants here are highly poisonous. Even the oceans on this planet are green, like thick green juice.

Here, there is no super self-healing or complete protection ability. Ordinary people will die if they are bitten by mosquitoes, and they will die if bitten by bedbugs, not to mention there are countless more powerful creatures above them.

For example, highly poisonous flying dragons, or poisonous fish like Kun, if you inhale the gas they breathe, or be contaminated with the saliva they spit, the strong toxicity can even melt people instantly.

At this time, a foot wearing a metal combat boot stepped on the thick poisonous grass leaves. The plant was crushed to its waist, and purple poisonous juice flowed out from the section.

"This is really..."

Su Ming bent down and pulled up a piece of grass, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it. The black tentacle filaments were dipped in a little venom, and the information was quickly strangled and sent into the host's brain.

It is extremely poisonous. Compared with the readily available grass leaves, Poison Ivy's poison is as tasteless as boiled water.

Fortunately, as a symbiote host, Su Ming can be immune to toxins when he doesn't want to be poisoned. When he wants to be poisoned, he can let Strangler cancel the cell-level protection, which is very convenient.

He patted the mask, and the strangulation faded away instantly, and he took a breath of air filled with poisonous mist.

Other than a slight burning sensation in my lungs, there wasn't much wrong with it, and the air on the planet smelled so sweet, like I was in a cake shop.

Several members of the Justice League, as well as Orion and his team, were all wearing full-body protective space suits at this time, following Deathstroke without saying a word. They walked very carefully, without even making a sound or leaving any footprints.

"Catch a bug."

Su Ming silently gave the order to strangle. The black bean sprout turned his head on his shoulder, spotted a bush, branched out a tentacle and swished in, dragging out a snake-like creature.

It looks like a snake just because it has no legs, scales standing up all over its body, and weird patterns on its body. However, it has no teeth and its snout is a sucker like a leech. It is definitely not a snake.

He caught the insect, and the thing kept opening its mouth in his hand, as if it was planning to bite his face, and sparks erupted from the friction between its scales and his gauntlet.

"Is it poisonous enough?"


He grasped the bug tightly and asked his symbiote for advice, and Stranglehold said that Superman would be poisoned on the spot if he came.

Su Ming turned around and looked at the people behind him. He slowly floated up: "I'm going to find a demon to test the effect. Don't move around here and be careful."

The little gorilla raised his hand and waved, his face full of understanding: "Go ahead, we'll wait for you here."

His voice sounded dull, maybe because of the suit.

Demonoids are easy to find. After Cyborg and Starfire were snatched back by Deathstroke, Darkseid not only created several new gods to take their places, but also transformed a large number of demonoids to make up for the lack of defense.

Except for a few planets where there are no demonoids, you can see these guys flying across the universe everywhere, just like police officers everywhere. It's just that their law enforcement authority is greater than that of the American police, and they eat the corpses after killing people.

Su Ming caught one in the universe before it had flown far beyond the planet Phyllis. This gray monster with eyes all over its face and bat wings still wanted to struggle, but the strangulation broke it in an instant. limbs and wings, Deathstroke dragged it back to the ground.

When breaking through the atmosphere, the broken arms and legs were not strong enough because they were only connected by skin and flesh. They didn't know where they were thrown. Deathstroke returned to the ground with only a human stick in his hand.

But this was all a trivial matter, he just slapped the long worm he caught on the demonoid's face.

The bug looks a bit like a snake, and its behavior is similar to that of a snake. It doesn't care what creature is in front of its mouth, it bites it directly, like an elephant trunk growing on the demonoid's face.

It looks a little funny, but the effect is obvious. The demonoid changes from gray to green almost instantly.

Dark green venom spread rapidly under its skin, a dark network like veins covered the sight, and its three pairs of compound eyes suddenly opened and burst out mucus.

The demonoid didn't even have a chance to scream or kick its legs. It immediately died. The venom continued to decompose its body under the skin and turned into a bag of pus for the insects to suck.


The little bean sprout of Strangler put his hands on his hips proudly, as he had said before, this insect is very poisonous.

And looking at the size of the bug, it is obvious that it is not the top predator on the planet. It is not the most poisonous here, only more poisonous.

If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't turn the host into a poisonous person, Strangler actually liked the poison ability. But unfortunately, the host still plans to be a human being. If the body is full of poisons, and the breath and body fluids are also full of poisons, he will not be able to enjoy the fun of being a human being.

The strangulation was a bit regretful, but Su Ming did not think about that, but was preparing for the next steps.

If you want to overthrow Darkseid, you must have enough troops. In the ghost universe, the situation on each planet is different. Even Su Ming cannot brainwash everyone and let the aliens join him in making trouble. revolution.

One of the simpler ways is to use a large number of control chips and use offline Brainiac splits to form an army.

As long as there are raw materials and factories, Brainiac's split body can continuously create mechanical octopuses and brain-control chips like Skynet in "Terminator", and attack the army in geometric multiples.

Seeing that the effect on the insect was good, he took out a purple chip from his pocket and stuck it on the insect's head.

The bug suddenly stiffened like a stick, fell off from the pack of watery demon-like corpses, and rolled several times on the ground.

After a while, its sucker-like mouth actually spoke English.

"For Brainiac!"

Then it is ready to slip away, because the chip has been analyzed and the opponent is very strong. It needs to find a place and equipment to copy the chip and then set up a production line to have a chance to compete with the opponent.

But how could Su Ming let it run away? He grabbed a handful of them in his hand, took out a lot of chips and stuffed them into the insect's body cavity: "Don't leave in a hurry, bring some more local products to your relatives and friends, and let them join the great cause."

These are all pulled out from other mind control units. If they are handed over to the poisonous insect, they will naturally spread the chips.

I'm afraid they can't leave this planet, but in order to cause chaos to Darkseid, they will naturally bloom more. With bugs on the ground to support them, once Su Ming completes the establishment of the production line on other planets, he will continue to deliver chips here.

But the most urgent task is to find a planet dominated by technology and build a black workshop secretly.

Fortunately, it only requires manufacturing chips, which should be much easier than early Terminator. As for whether the forces established will be obedient, it still depends on how the conditions are negotiated.

Leaving behind the bug that had eaten hundreds of chips, its originally slender body was now like a ball and could only move by rolling. Su Ming watched expressionlessly as it shouted slogans and got into the grass, then turned and left. .

The next stop is Steel Star, where the productivity level meets the requirements of the workshop, and there are acquaintances there.

Yes, that's Neo.

The group of people secretly returned to the Star of Steel and came to this dilapidated apartment again. Unfortunately, the first generation of Neo had been obliterated by the Angel of Death. The flaming sword chopped it into blackened metal pieces and died.

There is no way, there will always be sacrifices in revolution, but Neo's spirit of resistance must be passed on to others.

So Su Ming chose the house across from Neo's house. In the honeycomb-like building, the small room opposite was also the home of a metal mantis man.

This time, there was no need for any deception. Deathstroke directly lifted off the top cover of the dormant chamber, and before the wake-up procedure could take effect, he stuck a chip on the mantis' head.

Okay, we have a second-generation savior.

Brainiac's split program invaded the network again, and Su Ming turned around and left with the people, flying hundreds of kilometers away, selecting another Neo, and attaching a chip to him.

This is three generations.

And so on and on, until in the end he forgot how many generations he had created.

The network management of this planet is very powerful, but Brainiac's program expands faster, and these data will cooperate with each other. The more branches there are, the more powerful they will be in the network.

It doesn't look like Neo anymore. This is Smith, the anti-virus agent.

Some mind-controlled individuals also formed a working network in reality and began to spontaneously assemble production lines by hand. Using only the simplest silicon oxide as raw material, a steady stream of mind-control chips were produced.

Even though Deathstroke was watching, they didn't shy away from it, but showed everything openly.

As more and more Mantis people went online and were infected with virus programs, the speed of resource collection also greatly increased. Deep in a sewer, Su Ming watched with his own eyes the controlled Mantis people assembled a green-skinned body. body of.

It was a robot with a female human body. The mantises did not communicate during the whole process, but their metal arms replaced lathes and precision instruments, and they assembled this new humanoid AI in silence.

After a while, the robot sat up on the assembly table and unplugged the wires from its body. Its bald head seemed to glow in the dark.

"Hello, I am Brainiac 21, human. Please indicate your identity and purpose of coming."

Su Ming stood in the darkness, holding his big sword with both hands. The people behind him also stood in a row. He nodded: "You, 21, my name is Deathstroke, and I'm here to negotiate terms."

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