The Death Knell

Chapter 1411? Runaway girl

"Send me back quickly!"

Donna yelled fiercely at Raven. She felt like she could kill Zas right now, but suddenly her feet were in the air, and the two of them arrived in the woods on the outskirts dozens of kilometers away.

Raven shook her head. Frequent casting of spells made her more talkative: "We can't kill him. He is Batman's criminal, just like a figure in Arkham. You know that breaking a man's toy will Will there be any consequences? He will hate you forever. I broke one of Beast Boy's game consoles in the past, and he ignored me for a month. He just held the remains of the game console and cried every day. Believe me, you will never want to be Batman is thinking about it.”

Donna was speechless for a moment. Of course she knew that all the villains in Gotham City could only be dealt with by the Bat Family, and it was against the rules for the two of them to even come here to fight them.

Batman made it clear when he joined the Justice League that he could help anyone deal with a crisis, but he would not allow members of the Zhenglian to interfere in Gotham's affairs without his consent, otherwise he would not play with the Zhenglian.

He has a paranoid love for Gotham.

Donna thought about it for a while, but argued with reason: "But now Batman is a madman, Thomas and Bruce are different."

Raven saw that Donna was still struggling, and she complained again: "Do you think their family wasn't crazy before?"

Rain fell on their shoulders, crackling sounds slapped against Donna's shield, and crisp metal sounds continued to sound.

Donna was a little speechless, but that was indeed the case. She could only admit: "...Maybe Dick is the most normal."

A smile appeared on Raven's little face. She looked very cute when she smiled, but she was not stupid at all when she spoke, and her thoughts were very clear: "So we saw the current situation inside Gotham. The city council really helped Bane formulate A bunch of crazy laws, and they are recognized by the U.S. Constitution and the people of Gotham, recognized by the public, and guaranteed by violent institutions. This is the original nature of the law."

"I'm not an American..." Donna curled her lips.

"That's not the problem, Nana, have you ever thought about where the people who prevented this from happening in the past are?" Raven stretched out her little hand to touch Donna's back to calm her down: "Even if Batman is not here, There should be someone who can stop the old Batman's behavior, right? But where is Commissioner Gordon? Where's Alfred? Even the Humiliation Squad and the Birds of Prey are gone..."

Donna took a deep breath. Was Raven hinting that those people might have encountered misfortune?

"We have to notify the alliance." Donna was really calm this time. She took out her red mobile phone with a W logo on it.

However, at this moment, the sound of applause came from not far away, bang, bang, bang, getting closer and faster.

It's like watching a wonderful performance, the kind of applause that gradually wakes up from the plot and suddenly makes you realize.

"My daughter has grown up and is so calm and smart, which makes dad happy."

boom! ! !

With a muffled sound, a flame suddenly lit up in the darkness, and the surrounding rain directly turned into steam under the high temperature. Not a drop of water could fall on the strong red body.

Raven hugged his head, staggered back several steps, subconsciously hid behind Donna, and looked at her in disbelief: "Devil King Three Palaces! How could you enter the main world?! "

Sannomiya walked towards his daughter with a smile, the flames in his footprints burning even on the water-filled road.

Even if the raven was very rude to him, he was not angry at all and looked like a loving father.

"I'm your father, can't you call me daddy? As for why I can come back, it's thanks to the help of a good young man. Constantine, come out and say hello."

Constantine, who was hiding behind a tree, stiffened when he was called, but he still stuck his head out with a flattering smile and waved: "Hi, girls."

"Bah! Scumbag!"

Donna spurned him and clenched her weapon tightly. She would not hand over her teammates, not even to the multiverse demon god Trinigong.

"You betrayed me? Betrayed the alliance?"

Raven looked at Constantine in a daze. Constantine is a member of the Justice League Dark. His duty is to deal with disasters in the magical world and prevent extradimensional demons from entering the main dimension.

Now that he welcomes San Gong back, this is undoubtedly a betrayal. Even the survival of the earth depends on San Gong's thoughts.

"How can this be called betrayal? I just helped a father meet his daughter. Can the matter between father and daughter be called betrayal? I was really moved by the great father's love. Your father even helped us deal with it. The annoying Lord of Order, what a good person.”

Constantine vomited blood. His injuries from the battle with Naboo were healed, but Sannomiya did not treat him for lung cancer.

Donna laughed angrily, and pointed the sword in her hand at Zha Kang's face: "You trash, I'm afraid you were touched by the fire of hell, right? What benefits did he give you to betray everyone?"

"That's enough! False God, you're blocking me from talking to my daughter." San Gong waved his hand out of thin air, and the powerful magic power blew Donna away. Then he changed to a smiling face, and all three pairs of eyes narrowed into crescents. Statement: "Good daughter, come home with me. The multiverse will be destroyed, but my other world will be safe."

"Don't even think about it, I won't go back with you. I don't want to be the Queen of Darkness! Don't even think about torturing me anymore!"

Raven began to prepare to cast a spell. However, the source of her magic came from the Three Palaces. As long as the Demon King strengthens his control over the flow of energy in hell in another world and cuts off the source of her power, she will become a squib.

No matter how she made her gestures or chanted any spells, it was like making blind gestures on the spot, with no reaction.

"Give up, kid. I have prepared three million people as sacrifices for you. I am just waiting for you to go home and kill them to practice. After activating the Heart of Darkness, you will have whatever power you want. If you want to deal with Pepa, Tua? You might be able to do it yourself."

With a move of Sangong's big hand with long black nails, the raven flew towards him uncontrollably.


The raven was twisting in the air, but she seemed to be held by invisible hands, unable to do anything except shake her head.

At this desperate moment, a light flashed in the darkness, and Sannomiya immediately covered his wrist.

Hot blood flowed out from under his skin, splashing wisps of white smoke on the ground. A batarang made a small cut on his wrist, and then accurately nailed it to the tree next to Zha Kang's head.

"This is my city and when a lady says stop, you better stop."

A hoarse and gloomy voice sounded in the darkness, a pair of pointed ears rising and falling with the pace. The figure was approaching the battlefield, looking confident.


Donna got up from the ground and hurried back to Raven with a look of surprise on her face. If Batman was back, then the Three Palaces wouldn't be scary anymore.

Raven was a little confused. She was the one who knew from Shadow Pact that Batman left after going crazy. She wouldn't come back without anyone noticing, right? Is it Thomas?

Zha Kang lowered his head and smoked a cigarette fiercely. It was over, he was about to be beaten, so he quickly drank some nicotine to prepare for pain relief.

Sannomiya shook his hand, and his skin healed instantly. He looked at the approaching figure calmly. A mortal insect scratched himself with N metal. Do you think he can face the strongest demon king?

Everyone has a different reaction when they see Batman. They say the same words, but they have different thoughts in their hearts.


"That's right! It's me! Your favorite Batman... is here! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

The Laughing Bat revealed its pale face from the darkness.

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