The Death Knell

Chapter 142 Dr. Manhattan

"Your sister!"

Su Ming's curse came now, but his current location is no longer the Batcave.

The clown's unintentional actions tricked him.

He looked down at the small sign in his hand. It was a yellow round badge. Many boy scouts or children had it. Sometimes fast food restaurants would also use it as meal gifts.

Only this one was special. It was stained with a few drops of dazzling scarlet blood. The blood stains looked like splatters, but they couldn't be wiped off, as if they were integrated with the badge.

It was a smiley face badge. The two black dots were the eyes, and a simple arc was the smiling mouth.

But paired with the strange blood stains, Su Ming knew what it was right away.

This is the emblem of the comedian.

The Comedian in "Watchmen" likes to wear it on his chest. The Pharaoh went to kill his former teammate, but Doctor Manhattan saved the Comedian at the last moment and teleported him after he fell from a tall building. When he reached the sea, he escaped death.

But the badge fell down, and the blood stains on it were left by the fight between the comedian and the pharaoh.

Originally, the Watcher universe was a separate universe, but when n52 was reborn, the editors integrated their world into the main universe and placed this inhumane superpower deep in the main universe.

The story background of "Watchmen" is during the Cold War, so this inhuman blue man is regarded as a representative of the powerful power of the United States. The editors gave him a lot of extremely powerful abilities.

There is such a passage in the original comic book.

"There was no God, and now there is, and he was once an American."

He is indeed a god. Although he does not involve the concept of the multiverse, his abilities are top-notch in any single universe.

He exists and does not exist at the same time. He is a complete collection of quantum particles. He can predict the future, create and destroy the world, control time, change cause and effect, and annihilate particles.

This is only a small part of his abilities.

A thing like Barbatos could be erased with a thought if he wanted to.

It’s just that God uses faith and magic, and he uses quantum theory, one theology and the other science.

Of course, God is the God of coexistence in multi-dimensional universes, while Dr. Manhattan can only be limited to one universe.

"Watchmen" is one of DC's most successful comics. It tells the story of a superhero code-named Pharaoh. He is deeply aware of the dark clouds of nuclear war. For the sake of world peace, he assassinates his teammates, frames the blame and misleads Dr. Manhattan to make him The story of becoming the common enemy of mankind.

When Dr. Manhattan was controlled by him and destroyed many cities instantly, showing inhuman and harmful power, people had a common enemy and the world became peaceful.

After everything passed, Dr. Manhattan knew the truth of the matter. He believed that what the Pharaoh did was right, so he silently took the blame and headed for the outer galaxy.

Before leaving, he also killed his teammate, Rorschach, who planned to tell the truth to the world.

Rorschach felt that Manhattan had been wronged and people needed to know the truth.

However, after Dr. Manhattan became a quantum entanglement, he no longer had human thinking at all. He only knew the pros and cons. He felt that world peace and the existence of the earth were the most important, and the truth was irrelevant.

If Rorschach reveals the truth, then a world nuclear war will break out, and those who died before will die in vain.

Then those who hinder peace are his enemies, so he explodes Rorschach into bloody foam with just one thought.


When the worlds merged, Dr. Manhattan appeared in the main universe, still with the original formula and the original taste.

Those who threaten the survival of the world must be dealt with, and accidents are not allowed.

But after so many years, his methods changed. He stole ten years of the main world. No one knows where these ten years went.

Only the speedster, Barry's nephew Wally, realized that everyone in the universe had been lost for ten years, but his information was still vague.

At his reminder, Batman dug in the Batcave and dug out something in the stone, which was the Comedian's emblem.

Bruce didn't know what the use of this thing was, so he kept it in the Batcave as a decoration, and his research on it made no progress.

It's just an ordinary aluminum product with an iron paper clip on the back. The paint and pattern on it are very ordinary. In Gotham, such gadgets cost about 5 cents each.

But there is always a feeling that tells Batman that this thing is unusual, but he still has no answer to what makes it special.


Su Ming had a guess about the ten years of lost time. Manhattan probably took this time out and used it as a cage in time and space, that is, an incomplete independent world.

There are no heroes or villains there, just an ordinary world, a peaceful world under his control.

Coupled with Slade's previous experiences, Su Ming suspected that he was locked up there in Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan can extend this period of time indefinitely. If he wishes, he can even turn ten years into eternity, or restart this period of time continuously.

Maybe Slade knew too much, and Manhattan decided to imprison him for life; maybe Slade carried some bad concepts, so he had to be isolated.

In short, in the cage formed in these ten years, Slade experienced life after life, illusory life again and again.

But everything was interrupted by Su Ming's sudden appearance.

Deathstroke has escaped from prison.

Maybe Dr. Manhattan was aware of these changes, but he might have thought that the new Deathstroke needed to wait and see, or there were other reasons that prevented him from dealing with Su Ming immediately. No one could understand his thoughts.

However, the moment Su Ming got the Comedian's Badge, he had a direct connection with Dr. Manhattan and was immediately 'invited'.


Su Ming raised his head. Many planets in the distance were slowly rotating, and the light in the universe was warm but not warm. Under his feet was a golden-blue house, like a palace. The architectural style was full of mathematical beauty, and every angle and slope was rigorously calculated, as if it came from the future.

He was suspended in mid-air, breathing freely despite being in the universe. All of this came from the person in front of him.

A naked man with blue skin and more than ten meters tall.

He is Dr. Manhattan, a thoroughly rationalized pre-human being.

Su Ming was prepared. He was not afraid of Dr. Manhattan. His own brain was now protected by metal. It was the origin of the DC universe, and Dr. Manhattan was not strong enough to penetrate it and read his own thoughts.

The most important thing is that Manhattan can be said to be the most rational existence, just like a super computer. As long as what you say makes sense, you can absolutely guarantee safety.

Su Ming gently pressed the pin on the back of the badge and pinned the smiley face badge to the mail on his chest.

He did want revenge on Manhattan for what had happened to Slade, but it was just an idea and no one knew it.


A standard American accent sounded in his ears, and Dr. Manhattan's pale, star-like gaze fell on Su Ming.

Like Su Ming, he was slowly floating in the air, sitting cross-legged with an expressionless face. He was the 'person' in the DC universe who couldn't laugh.


"You know me, which means your origin may be from a higher dimension, but you have changed the direction of history, and the future has become a fog."

Su Ming smiled calmly. The butterfly effect of time travelers is inevitable: "This is not a bad thing. No one wants a completely certain future."

"..." Dr. Manhattan fell into a brief silence, lasting less than a second. He nodded slowly: "Your conclusion is partially correct. I have checked the minds of 50 billion humans and alien lifeforms in the universe. They There is no need for a certain future. Although some people like fortune telling and other knowledge to get a glimpse of the future, in fact, the idea is to panic about the future."

"Then can you send me back to Earth? We're fine."

Su Ming played with the badge on his chest, implying that like the comedian, he had no position and was a person who only lived for himself and his mission.

"Negative, you can't stay in this world anymore. The World Caster, Monitor and Anti-Monitor are all dead. I must try my best to repair it." Dr. Manhattan said calmly, as if Su Ming broke a vase, and He is a good-tempered host: "Before that, you have to leave, you don't belong here, that's also true."

Why did the monitor die? What are you doing?

If the DC world is a boiler, then these three guys are the ones responsible for maintenance, adding coal and throwing away garbage. Without them, it would be fine if there were no problems, but once there is a problem, no one will fix it.

“Isn’t change a good thing?”

Su Ming said bravely that he didn't want to leave. If he left, when would he get the reward for the mission? He has never experienced the pleasure of spending money like water.

Although Slade had it in his memory, Su Ming didn't enjoy it!

Memory is a very thin thing. Slade didn't care much about spending money in the past. He became a mercenary not just for money, but more to satisfy his blood lust.

So the memory is more like "Luther's money arrived in his account on xx, and he took his daughter to the Burj Al Arab Hotel for seafood on xx, which was not bad." ’ Such a memory.

Su Ming wanted to experience the process of arriving at the conclusion "not bad"...

"Some people think that time is linear, and some think that time is tree-shaped or a large network. However, you still cannot see the true face of time. Change is not always good."

The blue man added something to him, but it was a bit difficult for Su Ming to understand.

Being approached by Dr. Manhattan, he knew it was inevitable, and it was already later than expected that he would take action now.

"Okay, you can send me away, but can you ask Batman to pay me the money he owes me first?" Su Ming spread his hands and said very calmly: "It is natural to pay back debts, and that is the income of my labor. , at least let me take a look, right?"

"Currency, the means of payment for human beings, is used to exchange materials." Dr. Manhattan remained expressionless: "But currency cannot even circulate in different countries, so you will not be able to use it when you are about to leave. I can give you something that is universal in any universe. Something that keeps you alive."

After saying that, he waved his hand. Su Ming's hand sank, and a bag instantly appeared.

When I opened it, I saw several beautifully colored stones, both red and green, emitting beautiful light from the mouth of the bag.


"Energy, only energy has the most universal value." Dr. Manhattan immediately explained that he had no concept of 'concealing'.

Su Ming sighed secretly in his heart. It didn't matter, he would just tolerate it for a while. When he was ready later, let's see how he trained this exhibitionist.

"Anyway, if you want to send me away, I can decide where I want to go, right?" Su Ming followed suit. He did have a place he wanted to go.


"That's good. There is a hole in the Wall of Origin. Can you throw me out of the hole?"

Su Ming didn't know if his guess was correct. No one knew where the world outside the Wall of Origin was.

But in the past, when he was talking nonsense with his colleagues in the real world, everyone said that there were other universes outside, such as Detective Conan and Pokemon.

Su Ming has a different view on this. Even if it is another world, the one that is so close should be American comics, right?

Of course, it is also possible that there is nothing outside but the origin itself, and then Su Ming will become space junk floating in an unknown area.

Now is the time to verify his conjecture. He is willing to take a gamble. After all, the probability of such an inexplicable thing is always 50/50.

There is X metal in his body, and he is somehow connected to the DC world. There is always a way for him to come back.

Dr. Manhattan's original intention was to imprison him for that period of time, or send him to a special plane, such as Limbo or the Speed ​​Force plane, but Su Ming didn't intend to listen to his arrangements. He had his own plan. .

The doctor finally fell into thinking for the longest time since they met. Even he couldn't understand the strange substance outside the wall.

His quantum will also be absorbed by the Wall of Origin.

When the wall of origin broke this time, he also wanted to separate some quanta to detect the outside of the wall, and even extended the time infinitely, exploring the outside of the wall for hundreds of thousands of years.

But there is always a great force hindering him, making him forget this idea naturally. There is something stopping him.

He could feel it, but he couldn't describe it or resist it.

Everything outside the wall is still unknown, and the person in front of him is also unknown.

There are no clues, so maybe letting the unknown remain the unknown is a good decision.

He has no emotions and his way of thinking is different from ordinary people. After various calculations, he approved this method of processing.

Since Su Ming is willing to leave, it means that he can negotiate. If Luo Xia had this level of compromise, he would not kill him.

But it makes no sense to assume or deny things in the past, so ignore them.

Manhattan raised a finger and replaced words with actions.

A blue light flashed and Su Ming disappeared again.

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