The Death Knell

Chapter 1422? Tactical power

Even if he was rushed in front of him, Darkseid did not panic. He was even in the mood to turn his head and look around him.

The clones of Deathstroke there dissipated one by one, except for one, which cracked open like a porcelain doll, revealing Diana under the energy shell.

At this time, she was tightening the mantra lasso with her hands and elbows, gritting her teeth to contain Darkseid. The golden rope was glowing with a rich golden light of divine power.

Divine power is Hecate's witchcraft stolen by the gods in ancient times. Although many gods have lost their divine power to varying degrees after Hecate went bankrupt and was replaced by the Upside Down, the artifacts forged before will not.

The agreement between Su Ming and the Inverted Man caused the white-scaled monster to give up on recovering all energy, and instead turned to the path of lending, leaving behind many artifacts and magic props, which were more like advertisements, telling everyone that in addition to paying a price for casting spells in the future, Everything is business as usual.

If you ask, what in the Ghost universe is not controlled by Darkseid? Then the power of the mysterious side is. The Ghost Universe has not yet broken away from DC Diversity at this time. It is just a subset, a place that has its own concept and is also compatible with DC's big concept.

Darkseid is a new god who started out with technology and developed godhood. Even though he has a certain knowledge of witchcraft, divine power, and magic, he used to look down on these things.

He had a mountain with a gold mine and some granite along with it. He chose to dig out the stone to get the gold.

But he never thought that stones and gold could kill people.

Just like the curb stone next to the road is very inconspicuous, but when you fall and knock on it, the situation is different.

Su Ming has been carrying the illusion of so many people, and knowing Darkseid's control over the universe, he will naturally not really bring so many people together. If nothing else, letting Bobo go to the battlefield is definitely a mistake. stupid.

But there are naturally people in the team who can help, and that is Diana and Barry.

Su Ming sent Barry and others to do other tasks, and asked Diana to follow him, pretending to be very dull and blending in with the illusions.

He wanders around with illusions mixed with a real person, participating in battles, and letting Darkseid see them.

Before facing Darkseid, he used cosmic energy to 'coat' Diana with a shell, dispelling the phantom version of Barry, making Darkseid think that all illusions were false, and then used himself as bait. , luring the other party to focus on themselves.

After a series of preparations and arrangements, Diana got an opportunity to take action.

But Darkseid was not panicked. Although the Lasso of Mantra disrupted the Omega energy in his body, and Diana had the experience of defeating him in the past, he is no longer what he used to be.

Now that the entire universe is on his side, Diana's artifact compared to the energy he possesses is like the light of a firefly compared to the brightness of the bright moon.

"Wonder Woman, that's great, you...poof! Despicable!"

Darkseid originally wanted to chat with an old acquaintance. As a king, talking skills are also very necessary. He still has an absolute advantage, so showing his domineering spirit is naturally essential.

At his point, he has long known that annihilating a person's physical existence is not a complete defeat of the opponent, but annihilating the opponent's thoughts and will is the most critical.

Especially these superheroes, they are resurrected at every turn and cannot be killed no matter how hard they are killed. Attacking the mind is much more effective than destroying the body.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Ming had already arranged tactics for Diana. He knew that Darkseid, just like Thanos, was a person who liked to constantly brag about himself in battles.

When ordinary people fight, they usually fight first, and then the winner says a few words to the loser lying on the ground.

When fighting with mental illness, they talk more than they move. For example, the little cousin or the clown is like that. After stabbing someone with a small dagger, they can say seven or eight sentences.

But Darkseid is different. He usually fires omega rays with his eyes, then asks and answers to himself for a while with his hands behind his back, then goes up and punches him, and then says something with his hands behind his back.

Su Ming had long expected that the Lasso of Truth might only be able to contain Darkseid for a moment, so he handed the lime powder to Diana.

He calculated that Darkseid would look at Diana and say nonsense. This was an opportunity. She was closer to Darkseid. The tyrant of the universe was still frozen under the control of the lasso. This handful of lime powder still followed the inertia in the universe. A look on Darkseid's face.

Regardless of whether it burned Darkseid's eyes, at least this tall new god turned into a pretty boy.

Being called despicable by a familiar villain, Diana blushed and was embarrassed. In Amazonian style, she was reluctant to use such street tricks. She preferred to defeat the enemy head-on with a sword.

But Deathstroke said that if Darkseid is not defeated, the universe will be hopeless. Even if the Zhenglian can defeat Pepatua, they will never be able to deal with the dark tyrant who has returned with re-equipment, and everyone will be finished by then.

Harley also helped to speak, and used her own career in Gotham as an example, saying that she used to throw sulfuric acid on other people's faces, and lime powder was just a trivial matter.

Bobo said that when he was in the circus, people would always throw banana peels or peanuts at his face, and he wouldn't be angry, otherwise he would have become a serial killer with a twisted mentality.

The three people persuaded each other from three different aspects: 'big righteousness', 'lower limit' and 'psychology'.

In view of the intelligence of these three people, after listening to it, Diana felt that what they said was very reasonable. She took the lime powder from the ashes and put it away, and began to implement Deathstroke's plan.

But after she actually took action and hit the target, Diana felt a little regretful. This was the first time that she was scolded by a bad guy for being despicable, and she felt so ashamed.

Fortunately, there are no outsiders here. Otherwise, if others found out that Wonder Woman used methods like spreading lime during battles, she would not be able to show her face to anyone.

"well done."

Soon enough, Diana's thoughts had just reflected on her expression, and Su Ming came to Darkseid and comforted her.

During the sprint, Strangler revealed the ten light rings on his fingers. As he spoke, he put away the sword with his backhand, made a fist with his hands together, and sent his strongest blow towards Darkseid.

"The light of creation!"

The energy in the ten light rings burst out, and the huge beam of light hit Darkseid, who was interfered by the lasso and lime and had no time to dodge.

The white light beam was like a torrent. It surged and roared, directly submerging the figure of the dark tyrant, and the powerful energy knocked it away instantly.

The eruption of energy lasted for several seconds, and Darkseid was completely pushed against the edge of the world by the beam that penetrated the entire universe, against the invisible wall of the world composed of energy networks. The white light hit the barrier and splashed everywhere like liquid, while Darkseid spread his limbs motionless, as if he was unable to resist this force.

"Energy level, 0%."

A similar warning sound sounded in Su Ming's ears ten times. The energy in all the light rings had been exhausted, and each ring dimmed, like a toy made of ordinary plastic.

At the same time, because he also mobilized his X metal to charge the light ring for a moment, now he felt like he was going out of body. He didn't know what happened to Darkseid, but he vomited another mouthful of blood.

Diana put away the lasso and supported him. She also held a bat-shaped oxygen tank in her mouth. However, this was an improved version of the one supplied to Zhenglian by Batman in the main world. While maintaining free breathing, she could also act like It is a throat microphone that provides the same call function as a walkie-talkie.

"Have we defeated Darkseid?" Diana held Su Ming's arm with her shoulders. She could feel his weakness. This bright and terrifying blow seemed to have drained his physical strength and spirit.

But Su Ming just shook his head, refused her help, and took out the weapon from his pocket again.

"No, the cloak can still sense the Omega energy in him. He is just injured, but he is far from losing his fighting ability."

After hearing this, Diana looked at the vast universe. Sepurk's red light still rippled like water waves. She couldn't see the distant wall of the universe, but she believed in Deathstroke's judgment, even though this was not good news:

"Then what's the next plan?"

"We keep fighting."

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