The Death Knell

Chapter 1426 Occupation

Diana was very familiar with Captain Carrot. They were old friends after all. However, she was not very familiar with Bliss from Earth Minus 11. She had only met him a few times in the Hall of Justice in a hurry.

She knew the one from Earth-11, but Heroine also knew that the Dark Multiverse was a different story entirely.

So when she came back, even though she was pestered by Rabbit and asked about the action, her eyes still fell on Bat and Deathstroke, who were whispering in the dark corner.

In fact, Bliss and Su Ming had nothing personal to talk about. They only talked about the implementation of the plan and the next steps. However, in order to keep it confidential, the two got closer.

Secrecy is still necessary because Su Ming does not completely trust Brainiac21.

"Cindy is still on earth, and there are more and more crazy death knells coming from other worlds. Only you can deal with yourself."

Bliss's beautiful long black wavy hair hangs on her shoulders, and the collar-like voice changer around her neck makes her tone sound like the whisper of an evil spirit.

Su Ming nodded. He could deal with those crazy Deathstrokes from the Dark Diversity, but there was no need. Cindy and Slade from the main world had no problem dealing with them. At most, they would be seriously injured.

For those with self-healing abilities, serious injuries are just a common occurrence and don't matter.

Besides, sending so many lunatic death knells at once was obviously a move by the Laughing Bat to distract attention and delay time. If Su Ming really dealt with those death knells, he would fall into a trap.

Barry had originally wanted to let Su Ming deal with those people, but would he listen to the Flash's advice?

"Is she okay?"

Bliss had no expression on her face. She took out a tablet and threw it to Deathstroke. There were battle records and a form on it: "The Bizarro Laughing Deathstroke on Earth Minus 29 is the most difficult to deal with. The Machine Laughing Deathstroke on Earth Minus 44 is not bad either. I I still haven’t figured out how the Laughing Bat infected a robot. Fortunately for Cindy, she was seriously injured several times, and a few of her metal swords were broken, but it’s not a problem, after all, she has the support of the Justice League.”

Su Ming nodded and dragged the tablet screen with his finger. It was a long table with miscellaneous entries, but there was a huge number at the end.

"What is this? The gross national product of a certain African country this year?"

The corners of Bliss's mouth seemed to curl up, but it disappeared immediately like an hallucination: "This is the quotation Cindy gave you, including her nutrition and travel expenses, as well as the depreciation of weapons and the loss of ammunition. , as well as the discounted price of which death knell was dealt with each time, she will keep accounts for you."

Su Ming sighed and returned the computer to Bliss without even looking at the battle records: "I thought she and I could talk about our relationship."

"She expected that you would say that." Bliss folded the tablet and put it away: "She said she would give you a 10% discount for the sake of her feelings, but if you don't give the money, she will pay you back immediately. Our world went on vacation.”

"She really carries out the mercenary spirit to the end... Let her wait for a while until our Batman comes back and let him pay the bill. I can't get 300 million US dollars in gold here unless She can accept using a planet in the Ghost Sector to pay off the debt."

Su Ming took off his mask and rubbed the area between his brows. Cindy was right to do this. Business is business.

After all, she didn't care about the negative 11 of her own earth. She came to the main world to help, and it was already good to be able to pay back the favor with money.

Bliss hugged her arms and held up the two lumps on her chest: "She also guessed that you would think of her purpose. Yes, she originally said that she could exchange it for a ticket to Noah's Ark. , It doesn’t matter whether the planet exists or not.’ She wants to find a way out for herself, a way out that she can survive even if the multiverse is destroyed.”

"I agreed, but you still don't understand. If you just want to live, it is just a shelter location. She said a 'ship ticket', and a ship is a means of transportation..."

Su Ming looked at the strange boxes floating above his head. At this time, they were all emitting rich red light, but the huge cosmic tuning fork in the fire pit was still dark, suppressing them all.

Black lightning spreads at the top, as if trying to break through some barrier and pull something endlessly dark and terrifying into the universe.

Bliss did not have any unexpected emotions, and she also turned her attention to the tuning fork: "I have known it for a long time, but I need you to admit it personally. After all, the passage to the outside of diversity is of great significance to each of us."

"So, you also want reward?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow.

"I am Batman, and I never receive compensation, but I think we can talk about feelings." Bliss repeated Su Ming's original words and looked at his face with a pair of big eyes: "If my judgment is correct, Then you’re different from all the other Deathstrokes, you’re more human.”

"What kind of relationship are you talking about?"

Diana walked over openly and stood between the two of them naturally, smiling and looking curious at the same time.

But when Su Ming saw her hairstyle with both sides of her hair tucked behind her ears, she knew she had eavesdropped.

What she can see, Bliss can also see, but Diana still thinks that her acting skills are passable, which is really embarrassing...

Bliss nodded towards Diana, without any courtesy but went straight to the point: "I'm afraid you don't know Su's full plan, right? He asked Captain Carrot to bring the cosmic tuning fork, which connected Omega in the fire pit. Energy, he also deceived many scavengers and occupied a mobile single universe. What do you think he plans to do?"

"Uh... save the world?"

Diana was confused and tried to give an answer. At the same time, she looked at Su Ming tentatively, as if to get some affirmation.

Bliss curled up the corners of her mouth, glanced at Su Ming, turned around and left, leaving a thought-provoking remark: "So you like this kind of thing..."

Diana still didn't know why, but she could tell that Deathstroke's plan was probably different from what she had in mind. Didn't he agree to save the universe? Why does it sound more and more like running away?

"What are you planning to do? And I've been wanting to ask for a long time, why do the two people from Dark Diversity and Barry call you 'Su'?"

She crossed her arms and looked at Su Ming seriously. A lot of questions made her feel a little headache.

Su Ming smacked his lips and looked at the cloak raised behind Bliss. He patted Diana's arm and asked her to focus on the tuning fork. At the same time, he took out a small wooden stick with a spider carved on it. .

"Of course I want to help everyone, but I will use my own method to understand Spider Totem."

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