The Death Knell

Chapter 1429 Sending out cannon fodder

Time passed by minute by minute, and while Xiaofu Orang and the others were working, there were still some finishing touches to be done in the ghost universe.

That is what powers the cosmic tuning fork.

The tuning fork must be taken out of the fire pit. After Orion completes the cracking of the alien box network, the ghost universe still needs the fire pit to operate normally to maintain its functionality.

The tuning fork modified by Barbatos uses the energy of fear and nightmares, which means that some creatures need to be hung on this Christmas tree.

Su Ming had two choices. One was to catch the scavengers, hang them on the tree one by one, and let their nightmares charge the tuning fork.

The other is much simpler, which is to contact Brainiac 21, ask her to send millions of mind control units, and then let these creatures hang themselves on the southeast branch.

So he contacted No. 21 and asked her to send creatures over, and asked Barry and Diana to go out to clean up the demonoids and scavengers, while he stayed in the main control room.

Barry has the speed force and Diana can kill. As long as this combination fights the scavengers head-on without hesitation, they should be fine.

The sound of rabbits chewing carrots kept coming to his ears. Su Ming just folded his arms quietly and looked at the huge spire. The orangutan holding a cigar triggered a virtual screen from somewhere and was dancing and playing with something in the air. .

However, Orion and Cyborg were the first to complete the work. After all, they only needed to change the ownership of Sepurk. Orion, as the new god, has this ability, and he very lickingly set everyone in the Ark as Diana.

Su Ming had no objection to this, because as long as it was connected to Earth 40k over there, a unique 'dumbbell'-shaped system was formed. If the big iron balls on both sides didn't move, where could the pole in the middle go?

When the time comes, just ask the adjutant to copy a copy of the split program and use Cybertronian technology to re-encrypt the system here.

Besides, there is no difference between Diana's things and Su Ming's own.

Orion is such a good person. Seeing his satisfied and innocent smile after completing his work, and his eyes looking around for Diana's desire for recognition, Su Ming was a little moved.

But Diana still can't show it to you.

"Well done, you two." He walked over and blocked Orion's view, ignoring his disappointed expression: "Cyborg, can your sonic blast channel be used?"

"No problem, I have released the authority." Cyborg's black face was full of seriousness. This man was very boring. He really took Zhenglian's responsibility too seriously and didn't even dare to laugh.

Su Ming nodded. He took out the remaining lime from his pocket and handed it to Cyborg: "I have Batman's authorization to take over the entire combat command of the Justice League. You can ask Diana and the others about this. Anyway, I need you to go now. Save Zatanna."

Cyborg signaled him to wait a moment, and this honest kid actually contacted Barry using boom communication to find out if the matter was true.

After receiving a positive answer, Cyborg accepted the task: "Okay, where is Zatanna?"

"In the magical country of Maia, Bobo will send you in." Su Ming tapped his elbow armor with his fingers: "Except for Bobo, Barry, Diana, and Harley staying with me, everyone else will be left by me. You take them away, Zatanna and the Blue Devil are dealing with Circe's army, we will join you later."

"Deal with the magician?" Cyborg lowered his head and looked at his shining silver chest: "I'm not sure if I can do it..."

"You have to do it, Victor." Su Ming raised his hand and patted Cyborg's shoulder, making a dull sound: "It's time to use technology to deal with magic. The Justice League and the Justice League Dark are counting on you, so what? , are you willing to admit that you are not a big-hearted player at all, and you are simply unable to shoulder this important task?"

Speaking of team spirit and competition, Cyborg got excited. The black man nodded vigorously, as if he was going to kick off the game.

"Okay, I can do it!"

"Very good. Please discuss with Lingxing if you encounter any problems after this. Come on." Su Ming hugged him and patted him on the back like a professional player: "You are actually the one who can restrain Circe. She can turn men into pigs. Animals like dogs, but you have a metal body, Spirit Star is a cat, Starfire Blackfire is a woman, Circe's transformation curse has no effect on you. Well... Angel of Death, send it to the Hall of Justice for treatment, that Leave the blue-skinned alien woman to me too.”

"What about Orion?" Cyborg pointed at the person next to him with his thumb.

Su Ming looked at Orion and shrugged: "He is a god after all, not a man."

The son of Darkseid felt that something was wrong, but it seemed that there was no problem. It was just a pity that he couldn't act with Diana, so let's try it next time.

He often wanted to invite Diana to see art exhibitions or go out for dinner. Diana always happened to be busy and said on the phone, "Next time."

The promise filled his heart with hope.


A channel formed by blue and white electric light opened around the steel frame, roaring like a giant ship's whistle. The sonic blast channel was very noisy, but the release speed was fast and there were few restrictions, so it was very useful.

Cyborg brought everyone waiting at the space station, and took away his half according to Su Ming's team to support Zatanna.

The two remaining women each performed their own actions. Zamaron scientist Hux immediately came to Bobo's side and marveled at the huge cosmic tuning fork.

Harley, on the other hand, smiled and took cat steps, walked over and tiptoed, and laid her head on Su Ming's shoulder: "Oh, our escape boat is ready. As expected of you, when will we start to fall in love together?" ?whee......"

"Sure enough, you can hear the voices in your head again here?" Su Ming was unmoved, still holding his arms and watching Bobo work: "The next plan has not been decided yet, what are your plans? "

Harley tilted her head and thought for a while, then grabbed her ponytail and tugged a few times: "Me? How about we go and play with bats? Go to every Gotham in the parallel world? Get some special products?"

"There's no need for specialties. We already have enough lunatics in our lineup." Su Ming refused.

Harley put her hand on Su Ming's shoulder and slowly walked around to his other side: "If the Laughing Bat doesn't appear, I won't have anything to play with. Otherwise, you can send me to your world... ..."

"No, even if you want to go, you have to be accompanied by me. I'm not free now." Erlian refused.

"Hmph! You said before that as long as I'm happy, I can do anything. Now that Xiao Dai is here, you've changed, you liar!" Harley stamped her foot and walked away angrily, carrying the sledgehammer. When she got up, she was going to go out and knock a few heads to let off some steam.

Su Ming didn't say anything, just looked at the rabbit who was eating dehydrated vegetable bags and watching the excitement.

Captain Carrot was indeed smart and considerate. He wiped his hand on his chest and stroked his beard: "I'll go out with her to ensure safety. Don't worry."

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