The Death Knell

Chapter 1437? New Diversity

"Cousin!" X7.

Almost all the deadpools had similar actions when they saw Su Ming appear. They first shouted with grievances, and then made a gesture of rushing over to hug Su Ming's thigh.

But when they discovered that the other six selves had the same plan, they immediately stopped moving. They just formed a smaller circle, holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, watching the other selves warily.

Being looked at by seven Wades with strange eyes at the same time made the nausea seven times worse. If Su Ming's willpower hadn't been strong enough, he would have vomited right now.

"Don't move. Yes, keep your current posture. I'll understand the situation first." Su Ming quickly raised his hand to stop these dead waiters from approaching, because these people were wary of each other while walking around him in a circle, and the circle was getting wider and wider. He was so young that he could even smell the stench that was seven times worse: "Which cable can tell me, what is going on?"

Cable was relatively rational. After they looked at each other, a representative actually came out and explained to Deathstroke what was going on.

"So, a masked man told you that you must go to other timelines and kill the other six pairs of yourself, otherwise the world will be destroyed?"

After hearing this statement, Su Ming raised an eyebrow. Although it sounded decent enough to be related to Qi, he couldn't remember any major devastating events that could be related to Deadpool Cable. .

"It's the timeline that will be destroyed." A Cable shrugged: "It's not the world, but it should be about the same."

"The Time Gem is in my hand. I didn't see this happening. Except for the end of all timelines, 'the end of time,' everything is normal." Su Ming activated the Time Gem and inspected most of it again. timeline to make sure you haven't missed anything.

Looking at it, he really discovered something, but he didn't say anything.

Cable put the gun on his shoulder and loaded the bullet quickly:

"According to that person, at the end of each timeline, Deadpool and I will successfully escape and enter another timeline. And if we do this in each timeline, at the end, there will be It will be filled with trillions of Deadpools and Cables, Deadpool will get sick and start a civil war with me, and the world will be destroyed. Therefore, only by eliminating the first six pairs of us before then can we avoid more imitations of us. .”

"It sounds reasonable, but in fact, you were deceived by Diansuo." Su Ming took a breath and waved his hands to calm everyone down: "In our multiverse, in addition to the special existence of quantum superposition state, there is a There will only be one body on the timeline. When a timeline ends, the river of time will automatically split into a new branch, forming a new single universe to store characters useful to it. Understand what I mean. Is it done?"

"So, these people actually come from a parallel world? A parallel world made up of time?" Diansuo thought thoughtfully.

"In Marvel, time, space, stories, and energy can all form different parallel worlds. Just one of the four conditions is enough. It's very relaxed. If you don't believe me, ask where they come from? Yes, that Deadpool over there , what is your universe number?"

"Me? Cousin, you should be talking about me, right? Let me see..." Wade looked up at the sky, then unzipped his pants and looked into his crotch: "40K-1, It’s strange, I remember the last time I saw it, it was the universe numbered 40K.”

Su Ming pointed to another deadpool: "What about you?"

The Deadpool also looked at the sky, and asked the non-existent editor, and replied: "40K-6... It seems that what you said is true, cousin, our single universe has been upgraded and diversified. ....."

Su Ming nodded and spread his hands: "Everyone has seen it. This is what happened. Our 40K universe has been upgraded to the multiverse with the help of time. I have something to do with this matter, because I transformed DC's Earth 0 Linked to Marvel's Earth 40K through another single universe, they formed a new community, and there were two Earths in this community. Therefore, the hypertime flow and the Speed ​​Force, plus the concept of time here, A new multi-dimensional system is automatically re-formed to avoid BUG formation."

"It turns out you are the culprit... pay for it!" 40K Deadpool was silent for a while, then suddenly turned down the corner of his mouth like Batman, dropped the weapon in his hand and raised his arms and shouted.

"Compensate! Compensate! Compensate!" The other new deadpools also raised their hands in response. They didn't know where they came from, but they took out banners and various placards with various words on them to ask the unscrupulous entrepreneurs to pay back the money.

Su Ming raised his hand and used the Photon Smashing Fist, beating the cousin who took the lead into pieces and watching his flesh squirming on the ground as he healed himself.

"Every wrong has its owner. Did I promise you the reward? No. Did I ask you to kill each other? No. At best, I didn't immediately notice the changes in the universe and didn't inform you of the information, so I gave the instructions. You got scammed, there were seven of you, so I offered you $700 so you could each buy 50 burritos for $100, and that was my final offer for compensation."

The other six Deadpools looked at the broken corpses on the ground and became quiet.

"Fifty burritos will do."

"Yeah, the conditions are pretty good."

"If I can get $100 from my cousin as compensation, I can play it for a year when I go home."

Seeing that they had indeed sold the 40K Deadpool, Su Ming smiled with satisfaction: "Come on, come and collect the money and get in line."

Naturally, it was impossible for the Deadpools to queue up quietly. They were all communicating with the non-existent audience, and the scene was as chaotic as a bustling vegetable market.

The Cables just watched. After Wade received the money and calmed down, 40K Cable came over to speak: "Then do you know who cheated us?"

"There are so many people who can be deceived, why did you choose Deadpool?" Su Ming asked a rhetorical question, letting them think about it for themselves. After a few seconds, he came up with his own point of view: "Because the masked man knows that time is in my hands. , and Wade is my brother, so this is all about me. If there's anyone I have trouble with about timelines, it's Loki, the God of Story, Doom, Doctor Doom, and Conquest He is well."

"As expected, you are the strongest mercenary. The enemies you provoke are not on the same level as Wade's enemies..." Cable flattered expressionlessly. After all, they were the ones who were fooled and they were the ones who pulled the strings. Entering the water with Deadpool.

Deadpool doesn't mind, but it would be bad if Deathstroke wrote it down in his notebook.

"Do you know what to do now?"

Su Ming squatted down and inserted the last hundred-dollar bill in his hand into Deadpool's flesh. The charred tendons immediately wrapped around the bill tightly and refused to let go.

Deadpool's mouth shape can be seen from the broken face, which seems to be saying "three grams of oil", which is also a bit like "Fake Squid".

No matter what, Su Ming is not a mouth-sync expert anyway.

The Cables loaded their rifles one after another and checked the explosives on their bodies: "Since the problem does not exist, let's go and solve the person who raised the problem."

"If I guess correctly, the location of the masked man should be at a certain node of time and space. Only in that place can we easily contact you in the parallel universe." Su Ming also drew out his Night Sword , now that everything is in front of you, just go and take care of it yourself.


When Su Ming followed a group of Deadpools and Cable to a special space filled with white light, the masked man on the other side obviously did not expect that everyone would get together so quickly.

He gave the same rhetoric to every pair of Cable and Deadpool, hoping that everyone would think they were the 'legitimate' and start killing each other.

Deadpool can be regarded as a weapon of law of cause and effect. No one can resist his terrifying face. The best way is to let him deal with himself, otherwise when dealing with Deathstroke, this guy will always do bad things.

Unfortunately, the death knell came much sooner than he expected, and it seemed that he had seen through everything.

But the masked man was also very bachelor. When he saw a group of people sharpening their knives and coming towards him, he simply took off the mask to reveal his true face.

"Isn't this my old acquaintance, Kang the Conqueror?"

Su Ming sneered. In fact, when he saw this space that surpassed earth's technology, he roughly guessed who it was.

Doom didn't bother pretending to be someone else, and Loki was a magic user, so he was basically eliminated as a suspect.

"You are lucky, but this is not the end. Deathstroke, kill one me, and there will be infinite me, you will definitely lose..."

Kang didn't panic at all, and looked at his expression very calmly, because every moment of his time was independent, and he would exist forever if time did not last.

What answered him was a beam of cosmic energy, which then strangled and ate his body.

Su Ming knew Kang well, so he wouldn't give him a chance to talk and prepare for his back move. Raising his hand would be the killer move.

The dazzling beam of light directly destroyed Kang's armor, and then strangled and bit it. The enemy that had to be eliminated by the hand of Apocalypse in the past died in front of him.

It can't be regarded as a dead body, because Strangler found a teleportation bracelet from Kang's body. It is inlaid with huge rubies and has gaudy golden metal edges, which is very exaggerated.

The gemstone was exactly the same as the one Su Ming had implanted in his arm bone.

"Is it another multiverse teleporter..." Su Ming put away his weapon and weighed his bracelet. Holding his giant sword in his hand was to distract the enemy. When the opponent stared at the sword, the cosmic energy was released from a distance. Sneak attacks are more useful.

"Indeed." Diansuo came over and spat into the pool of blood on the ground: "Thank you for saving us."

"You are Wade's brother, then you are my brother..." Su Ming smiled and patted his shoulder, and the metal arms looked so strong: "So my brother Ming settled the accounts and gave me my commission Just tie it up."

Cable: "..."

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