The Death Knell

Chapter 1445? Luther’s movements

Earth 0, Metropolitan Museum of Science and Technology.

After half a year, Luther once again walked into the building he built.

The museum he founded with private investment had been closed before the metal incident, and comprehensive automated security measures kept the place as it was before.

Here are stored the creations of every technological advancement in human civilization, from the flints used to start fires in ancient times, to the copper cauldron filled with water for the first time, from the first bullet fired by humans, to the satellites recovered not long ago.

All tools that represent technological progress and the evolution of human civilization were acquired by Luther, stored here, and displayed to all residents of the metropolis for free.

He wants everyone to know that humans are born great and do not need any Kryptonian help.

But when he came back this time, his own state of mind was completely different from before.

After dying together with Captain Atom, Pepatua created a new body for Luther, using human and Martian genes as samples, extracting the original Luther's soul, and then injecting energy into the new body.

This becomes the new Luther.

Although he is still bald, he has eight-pack abs, faster thinking speed than before, and various extraordinary abilities.

To put it simply, he is like a humanoid, smarter and more powerful scavenger, or a weapon specially designed to deal with those superheroes.

He tried it several times, and not only devoured Luthor from other parallel universes, but also easily devoured the Martian Manhunter from the main world, which felt good.

He has always wanted to prove that humans are stronger than aliens, but now he has become a monster fused with alien genes. It is really sad.

But while feeling sorry for himself, feeling the energy in his body, he still wanted to say - it smells so good.

He still remembers what the Joker said during his betrayal.

The Joker says he's still Luthor, still doing the same predictable tricks, and it's boring.

It was so boring that the Joker didn't even bother to kill the Legion of Doom, he just played with them and left.

Afterwards, Luthor still went his own way on the surface, but in fact he also realized that what the Joker said was right.

If you want to defeat the Justice League and even the embodiment of justice in the entire multi-dimensional system, you have to do something beyond everyone's expectations.

Following this line of thought, I will go in the exact opposite direction to my previous thinking...

So who would have expected that Luther, the craziest 'human supremacist' in the past, who shouted that man could conquer nature every day, would turn himself into an alien?

The bottom line exists to break through. Luther feels good now. He feels that he has a good chance of winning this time.

There is a secret passage beneath the museum that no one knows about except Luthor, who teleports himself into it almost right under the noses of the Justice League.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the long and dark corridor. The green and purple armor contrasted with the gray-white skin. The automatic door blocked his way, and the camera above the door twisted, and some dust fell on his face.

"Oh, so dirty."

He no longer even had to raise his hand to brush away the dust. His skull and face rippled like waves, and the dust was automatically shaken off.

The security system was still working, and a mechanical electronic sound sounded from the wall not far away: "Confidential area, please perform identity verification."

"Alexander Joseph Luther." The bald man said his name. After Pepatua restarts the multiverse, Luther might change his name to God of Creation or God or something.

But now, the name Luther is still useful.

"Please tell me the password." The security system asked further.

Luthor expressed his beautiful vision: "Superman is dead."

"The system is officially activated. Welcome back, Mr. Luther."

The identity verification passed. Although the scan results of the target's body were not human at all, its original instructions were set to only require password verification.

The door opened in front of Luther, and the green lights in the underground hall lit up one by one with a faint 'bang' sound. Several rows of various instruments appeared in front of Luther, as well as many of his spare sets. Armor is also placed against the wall.

"Start the sky-blood layer sonar protocol. I want to know what happened to the vibrations in other dimensions not long ago. At the same time, activate the dark matter search protocol to find out where the crazy Batman from the dark multidimensional world has been."

"In process, please wait."

A huge projection screen appeared in the air, and Luther folded his arms and waited quietly.


"Is everything okay?"

Su Ming pushed Wade's remains away from him, got up and asked the people around him.

Harley threw the big bomb into the well. She didn't know what her thunder was made of, but it actually triggered a strong chain reaction. Not only was the wellhead blown up into the sky, but the ground in Limbo also collapsed, and everyone fell. Go down.

Su Ming could fly originally, but a strange suction force came from him, like a dimensional teleportation, which still pulled him down from the sky, and then threw him to the ground hard, like shaking snot from his nose with his fingers.

But it's not a big problem. The shock is similar to falling from a thirty-story building, causing skin trauma.

Harley was fine at this time. She was standing on the side just right, and she still maintained the curtain call posture of a gymnast raising her hands high after landing when participating in a competition. She didn't even mess up her hair.

During the fall, Barry stepped on the broken ground to accelerate, caught Monaco in mid-air, ran into the Speed ​​Force plane and came back again. Except for some breathlessness, he had no injuries.

The only one who was more miserable was Wade. I don't know if he hit somewhere or was crushed by the space fluctuations. His fragments were scattered on the surrounding ground and on everyone.

"Here, I have a piece of his brain."

Monaco handed Su Ming a piece of brain, which was full of various tumors caused by cancer cells. It looked like it belonged to Deadpool.

"I have a piece here too."

Barry pushed it over with the toe of his shoe, with a disgusted expression on his face, just like a child setting off firecrackers, and leaned back as hard as he could.

Putting the two brains together, Su Ming found that although it was also healing on its own, it was obviously still missing a big piece: "Who still has it? Look carefully, strangle, and smell it."

"Here, here you go."

The man-bat who had been watching not far away grabbed a piece from the wall and handed it over. He smiled very humbly, and was followed by a young man of Arab descent.

Su Ming took the brain and put it together, then threw the brain into the pile of meat. Harley found a broom from nowhere and was piling the minced meat together. She also had carrots in her hand that she was going to use as a nose, and Prepare two small briquettes for eyes and a small iron bucket for the hat.

The carrots should have been stolen from Captain Rabbit, but where did the coal and iron bucket come from?

Forget it, don't dwell on this illogical thing, just to make trouble for yourself.

Su Ming gave up the pursuit, looked up at Man-Bat and the others and said, "Kirk, this is the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, right?"

"That's right, but this is the warehouse. You should teleport to the reception room." Man-Bat pointed to the corridor behind him, but soon he smiled dryly, scratched his face, and said hello to Barry: "Hi , The Flash, that doesn’t matter anymore, just come back.”

Su Ming walked over and shook hands with the Man-Bat and the Arab: "Hello, and you, Khalid, right? The eighth Doctor of Destiny, you were still in the clay pot when we met last time."

The young Arab shook hands with him and nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, I thought I was dead at that time, but now I am not Doctor Destiny, just an ordinary medical college student."

"Barry, you go upstairs to the Hall of Justice and find out what happened to Constantine. I'm going to ask Khalid something about Naboo. Monaco listens with me. Harley, don't pile up. Wade's meaty snowman is too much... He's much dirtier than plasticine. Don't use your hands, go to the toilet and find a leather spatula or something."

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