The Death Knell

Chapter 1464 Matryoshka Doll Space

"Are you really worried about Deadpool too?"

Seeing Deathstroke stop, Monaco came over and asked softly.

Although the Prince of Magic also likes to pick up girls, he doesn't envy Deadpool at all. Just seeing McGuiken's face makes him want to vomit, let alone that it's a demon.

To make people dissatisfied, just casting a curse will cause pus to flow all over the body. If you are satisfied, you will not be separated twenty-four hours a day, and you will be squeezed dry to death sooner or later.

In short, if you hang out with the devil, you will never get good juice.

"Huh?" Su Ming glanced at him doubtfully: "Worried about Wade? I have nothing else to do? If I have that time, I would rather learn to be a chef."

"Your cousin is involved with the devil."

Monaco's eyes turned into the shape of dead fish, and he accentuated the pronunciation of the word devil, as if he was trying to awaken Death Knell's conscience.

Su Ming raised his head indifferently and continued to observe the large patterns on the three windows:

"He is an adult and has his own lifestyle. I can't control it, and I don't want to control it. I'm looking at the contents of these stained glass windows, and you should also look at it. Business is more important."

Monaco took a breath and rolled his eyes, but he still raised his head obediently and looked at all three pictures carefully.

Not only did he see it with his naked eyes, he also put on his monocle and observed it carefully.

"There's no magic, what the hell."

Su Ming took out two cigarettes, and each of them lit one: "What do you say?"

"Everything in this dimension has magic, even a brick on the city wall, even the water used to extinguish the fire. Just like the devil said, magic has penetrated into every fiber of this dimension." Mona Ke raised the finger holding the cigarette and pointed in three directions: "But these three windows do not have any magic fluctuations. They are the same as those commonly seen in churches in the main dimension. They are very ordinary."

Su Ming crossed his arms and slowly flew up, approaching almost every window that occupied half of the wall, and asked the cloak to confirm it.

Strangler also licked it and gave an analysis of its chemical composition. Sure enough, it was all kinds of silicates, just ordinary glass. But just because it was so ordinary, it seemed unusual in Maia.

He raised his hand and knocked, then looked outside through the glass. There was nothing unusual, so he returned to Monaco:

"It seems that the secret lies in these patterns...the growth process of roses? Budding, growing thorns, always feels like something is missing."

"If Master Druid is here, he may be able to give you a more accurate answer. I don't know much about plants." Monaco was also thinking hard, but for a while he couldn't tell anything from the too ordinary picture: "However, I think what is missing may be withering. Flowers always wither."

"If the meaning is to express a life cycle, then withering should be on the wall where we came in, so what the hell..." Su Ming shook his head. He felt there was a problem, but he couldn't say what the problem was. where.

Although he holds the title of Supreme Mage, he actually does not have a deep understanding of magic.

Monarch suddenly raised his hand, with a look of understanding on his face: "I understand, since there is a missing painting, then we will make up for it. What if... that door is actually a window? ?”

"Please begin your performance."

Su Ming simply gave up his position. Monaco must be better than himself in magic.

The purpose of forming a team is to make use of everyone's strengths, otherwise there is no need to go to such trouble.

"I just saw it. This door is magical, and if there is magic, there must be another way to use it." He quickly took out the rabbit from his pocket and strangled it to death, while raising his hand and doing it towards the door. Make a grabbing motion, and then lift it up: "The magician's use of the door."

As he burst into tears, the door began to move up on the wall very strangely. The original door opening was replaced by blue-black wall tiles, and the door was raised to the same height as the windows on the other walls.

Then Monaco strangled another rabbit, pressed the door with both hands, and pulled his two palms outward.

I saw that the door began to deform, like dough or an illusion, it gradually became wider and thinner.

And as its size became the same as the other windows, the sunlight from outside also passed through it and entered the room, shining on everyone.

The fourth picture appeared. As the door became thinner by magic, it finally revealed its true face.

It is both a door into the library from the outside and a window leading to a new space from inside the library.

However, this huge window is not the imaginary pattern of withering roses, but a black circle that looks like a period.

"It's really yours." Su Ming patted Monaco on the shoulder. If he hadn't brought him here, other mages might not have had this insight: "It's okay if there is no withering, Maia is a 'thought', a It’s a dreamy idea, and fairy tales shouldn’t have death, only the old story ends and the next one begins, and that’s the full circle.”

Monaco took out a handkerchief and blew his nose hard, wiping his eyes in a funny way: "But there is another problem. We came here to find the history book, but we seemed to have found some incredible secret... ..should I go in and take a look?”

"How could he become stupid again after being smart for a while?" Su Ming smiled. He put out the cigarette butt, and the armor rose up on his face and flew straight towards the window.

The window was originally a door, meaning it could be pushed open, and the black and yellow figure of the death knell disappeared into a white light.


As the bright light dissipated, Su Ming landed gently, and now he was in another library.

The layout of the library building was very similar to that of the previous few people. The high dome was filled with densely packed bookshelves. If it weren't for the ring of fire formed by the flames of hell, he would have thought that he had gone in circles.

In fact, this is already another dimension, a secret room formed by magic.

And just as he was surveying his surroundings, Monaco followed him. He fell off the window sill and landed next to Deathstroke.

"This feeling is a bit like a mirror space."

The Prince of Magic looked at the reflected library and gave an evaluation. He still held a handkerchief in his hand and wiped his tears from time to time.

"Was the price of the magic just now high?" Su Ming was a little curious. Monaco would never cry so hard so quickly in the past.

The moustache mage forced out a smile, a smile that was uglier than crying: "No, the conditions given by Omar are quite favorable. I am just excited. It means a lot to once again create an independent plane of the next level in the magical dimension. It can only be done when space magic reaches a certain level. If I can decipher how they do it, it will be able to advance the development of magic on our earth by a big step."

"That's true. I've only seen Dormammu and Omar have such space control. They can recreate secondary dimensions within dimensions, like infinite matryoshka dolls..." Su Ming stretched out his hand and touched it. If you touch the tables and chairs around you, they all really exist.

"That's not all. The most important thing is that everything here has no trace of magic. The table is made of ordinary wood and has no magic fluctuations. The chairs and walls are all ordinary. Do you understand? This is the same as the upper dimension. The inner space with opposite properties, this is magic that can be used to create reality in the illusory world! I have to study it carefully..."

He walked around quickly, banging on the table and chairs to explain to the Supreme Mage, and seemed very excited.


Su Ming simply responded, leaving Monaco alone to be excited, and walked to the table and sat down.

Because there is an open book on the table, and there is a steaming cup next to the book, as if someone was reading here just now, but Strangler confirmed that there is no other person's smell here.

This made Su Ming a little curious. He wanted to see what was written in this book.

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