The Death Knell

Chapter 1473 Blocked

The battle with Naboo was a standard magical battle.

Naboo is very powerful and is one of the top powerful DC mages. He is many steps higher than his original host Kent. During the battle, he has many kinds of ancient magic that no one has ever seen before. They are ever-changing and astonishingly powerful. If he hadn't not Mastering the time spell, Su Ming would definitely not be able to win this battle.

Deathstroke and Diana were the most skilled fighters among the warriors, and they also had Strangler and Cloak to assist them in the fight. This was considered four against one, but they still had not found a way to effectively attack Naboo's body.

In fact, the level of martial arts still depends on the performance. Even the best martial artist in the world will sometimes capsize. It mainly depends on the state at that time.

Generally speaking, the strongest martial artist in DC is the Karate Kid. As a mortal, he has practiced to the point where he can break the planet with just one punch on the ground, and can make visible energy that penetrates his body in space with one punch in the sky. Flying far away.

What the hell is that... Others are practicing martial arts, but he is cultivating immortals, right?

It's okay to ask the current Su Ming to punch the planet and create a big hole, but blowing the planet up? Still a long way to go.

However, even though Karate Kid is so strong, he was once knocked down by Batman with a small homemade electric baton. He didn't even have room to fight back, just because he didn't wear shoes and the clothes on his body were not insulated...

Everyone has weaknesses, including Su Ming himself, he just doesn't show them.

But facing the invulnerable and invulnerable Naboo in front of him, he really couldn't find any weaknesses in a short period of time.

The era in which Naboo lived was too far away, and even if one wanted to use psychological tactics to deal with him, there was no way to analyze his character weaknesses. At present, it seemed that apart from arrogance and pride, he had almost no psychological flaws that could be exploited.

After a round of fighting between the two sides, Nabu used the thorn reflection spell to knock Diana away. He used the opportunity to retreat a little and looked at Su Ming in the air.

He was actually a little helpless, because Deathstroke was almost immune to magic and could use the kinetic energy carried by the beam to push him away, but for a super soldier with the ability to heal himself, this hardly caused any damage.

He felt like Deathstroke could spend the whole day here with him.

"Humans, don't you understand? Only order can lead your race to the future." Nabu decided to try using words, and in the order space, Sera had already begun to recast another Horcrux, and soon it would be Came here.

"A dystopia of order? Forget it. If I don't kill you today, I won't be able to sleep well tonight." Su Ming kept his hands on his hands, and with the help of his cloak, he appeared behind Nabu at almost the speed of light. The light ring on it releases yellow light, hitting the enemy's back accurately.

However, Naboo's scarab armor was also made of N metal, and the emotional energy did not cause any decent damage to him, but only pushed him a few steps away.

Su Ming frowned under the mask. Nabu was a bit too strong. The Doctors of Fate in the past were probably not even one percent as good as him.

But even so, we have to continue attacking. Maybe we will find a weakness in the next second?

"Strangle, try to see if you can bite him."

Deathstroke arranged tactics for the symbiote in his mind and continued to fight with Naboo. Fortunately, McGinn's offensive was going smoothly, and it was not in vain that he had risked his eyes to explode and modified so many movies for her.


"Huh... Is this an infection? While the Justice League was busy dealing with me, did they ignore the secret actions of the Laughing Bat?"

Underground at the Metropolitan Museum, Luther looked at the big screen in front of him with his hands behind his back. Under the green light, the computer gave detailed answers to his previous questions and listed a photo.

"It shouldn't be. If it's true as I predicted, Batman should have handed over command to Deathstroke from another world. That person wouldn't have been unresponsive..."

Luther muttered to himself in the dark room.

Perhaps because this device has not been upgraded for too many years, it has not found the location of the death knell in the other world. Instead, by locking the trajectory of dark matter energy, it gave the movement of the Laughing Bat.

Luthor saw at a glance what Laughter was doing, and he was still spreading his weird plague, making some heroes laugh as much as he did.

This kind of action seems to pose no threat to the Legion of Doom, and from another perspective, Laughing's actions are also helping to weaken the Justice League. But the bald and wise man knows that as one of the Batman, laughing maniacally will never be that simple.

He even incorporates the Joker's madness, which makes him more powerful than Batman in the main world, because madness makes people unpredictable.

The unknown is the biggest trouble.

Looking at a picture on the screen, the Laughing Bat has infected Commissioner Gordon, Wonder Girl, Supergirl, Blue Beetle and Shazam. Even Hawkman, who has been lying in a vegetative state in the hospital after the Metal Incident, has been infected by him. Awakened by his own methods, he turned into a laughing tyrant in the sky.

Was the Laughing Bat pulling up a team of seven again... and almost all of these people were members of the Justice League before. Once they fight against the Justice League, Luther believes that even Diana will not be able to do it to Donna. Dead hand.

The Laughing Bat has indeed found another weakness of the heroes. If the Justice League could let Deathstroke kill those Batmans from other worlds before, what about now? Will they let Deathstroke kill his friends?

"This is really a problem..." Luther sat on the chair in front of the screen, crossing his legs and thinking.

However, at this moment, a chuckle came from behind him, followed by a distorted voice: "You are right, Luther..."

Luther took a deep breath, turned around in his chair and raised his head. Supergirl with a big smile on her face was floating in the darkness behind him.

It's just that the current Super Girl's face is painted with mainly black makeup, and the red and blue uniform on her body has changed into a black leather jacket. Even the letter S on her chest looks a lot darker.

"The Laughing Bat thinks it's time for you to be more honest. Haha, while you are searching for us through the dark matter device, he has already locked your location through the radioactive source of the locking device, so we are here. You are no match for the Bat after all. .”

Luther shook his head playfully: "Oh? That's great. I'm still missing a Kryptonian sample infected with the disease. Scavenger, take her down."

However, that terrifying monster did not appear, and the bodyguard Perpetua sent to Luther disappeared.


Luther yelled again, but he was answered with Supergirl's teasing gaze.

"Do you think your old tricks will still be useful?" She had never laughed at others before and was a kind-hearted girl. However, the laughter virus opened another door for her, allowing her to learn it without any teacher. Cruel: "The Scarab's Ricky Zerg technology cracked your safe house, and a group of us entered your bunker. With Donna's cooperation, we silently cut your bodyguards into minced meat, because they were really So stupid."

Luther stood up, lowered his head and sighed. He moved his neck:

"You guys know nothing about power..."

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