The Death Knell

Chapter 1479 Night Owl and Bat

"I saved you, now, repay me."

Batman threw the Night Owl he was carrying into a thick patch of grass, and took out a bandage from his belt. Their injuries were not light, but they were in much better condition than others on Earth Minus 3.

At least with willpower, both Batmans can still stay awake, and by the way, one of them has the help of the Joker.

"What do you want? Intelligence? Or combat power? Bruce."

Not long ago, Night Owl and the members of the Criminal Syndicate were both summoned by Perpetua, and they happily headed to each other's ship, thinking that they could embrace each other this time.

But the Mother of the Multiverse doesn't like the creatures of the dark multiverse. They have done so many things before, hoping to board the ship of the Legion of Destruction. However, the other party does not sell them tickets at all. She just wants to deceive them and then get them. Kill them for fun.

Terrible Perpetua, with terrible power, turned Quirk into ashes with just a look, and defeated the entire Criminal Syndicate with a breath.

Everyone else died, and Night Owl would have died too.

But another Batman suddenly appeared, blocking everyone's sight with laughing gas, using x-metal to protect the two of them, and using countless props that had been prepared to lead him to escape from the eyes of the goddess and the huge army.

The current location of the two of them is the earth in a certain dark multiverse. Batman and the Joker don't know where exactly. Being chased by Peppertua's army, they don't have much time to correct the transmission route that was interfered by the goddess. Bat He was not proficient in using the teleportation device that Xia received from Luthor.

Yes, before Luthor blew himself up, he announced that his invention would be given to everyone on earth, and everyone can go to his company to receive various props.

When Batman left the Hall of Justice, he did not go to the Rock of Eternity immediately. Instead, he disguised himself and went to get something. By pretending to be a cynical man with two legs, he asked for a prop to help him move quickly. , a massive killing spree.

So, he naturally received a machine from Luthor's men, a good thing that could be used to teleport between multiverses.

As for how he knows what is most valuable? Because he was carrying a can, the memory in the mind of the soldier who was handing out the items was instantly read.

And now, using this prop, Bruce rescued Night Owl at the last moment.

"I'm not your brother, nor Bruce, I'm Batman." The figure in the darkness wrapped a bandage around his abdomen and replied coldly: "You are Thomas Wayne Jr. of Earth Minus 3, Thomas' The eldest son, Bruce Wayne’s brother, is also a night owl and a villain. You are not a good person, but you still have a certain bottom line.”

Night Owl also took out medicine from his belt to treat himself. He prepared morphine and other painkillers, but he didn't want to lose his mind until the critical moment. A clear mind was the most useful to him.

"Well, you are right, Bruce has been killed by me, you are not him."

"You don't need to use this matter to test my intelligence. I have investigated you. Your parents were the largest human traffickers in Gotham on Earth at that time. They conducted autopsies on people who came to Gotham to work from other places, and reported them to Rich people all over the world provide organs for medical use. Before you are seven years old, they kill about three hundred thousand people, whole cities are paid off by them, they are gods here, and we all know the power of money."

Batman saw through the other party's plan at a glance. Didn't he just want to judge the extent of his intelligence control and gain an advantage in the negotiation?

A common problem among smart people.

The night owl remained silent. In the darkness, his owl-like eyepiece looked at the moon in the sky. Two round white pieces appeared on the mirror.


"Alfred finally discovered what their so-called 'business' was one day, and told you the true identity of your parents. You, who had been smart since you were a child, formulated a plan to end the threat once and for all, as well as provide for those who died. Revenge. Yes, you chose to stand on the side of justice and kill your parents for this. Even though it is crazy, I know this is not an easy decision to make."

Batman had no intention of stopping, because the vision of the Joker appeared again. He kept jumping around next to him, looking at him with starry eyes, as if he was begging for spoilers.

He never had any secrets about the Joker.

The most ridiculous thing is this, the person who knows him best is also the craziest person in the universe.

"do not talk."

The Night Owl propped up his body and sat up from the haystack. The blood looked like dark patches in the dark night, hanging thickly on the grass.

"You and the butler carried out the plan together. The butler passed on wrong information to them, making them mistakenly believe that a big buyer wanted to meet and discuss business to sell 'hogs' from African countries to Gotham. And you were in their Bombs were installed in the car, intending to kill them in a remote and uninhabited place on their way to the appointment. But you didn't count that your five-year-old brother, Bruce Wayne, was curious about where his parents were going at night and hid in the car. The trunk of the there is no Batman in the two Earth-3s, only Nite Owl."

Don't leave any room when exerting psychological pressure on the opponent. This is Batman's consistent style. Even if Night Owl told him to stop talking with a pained look on his face, Batman never listens to other people's instructions.

And what about the clown on the side? He also likes to expose other people's scars. He has already laughed like a crowing rooster, stretching his neck like a spring head in a scary box.

Of course, this laughter only belongs to Batman, and others cannot see the presence of the Joker at all.

Night Owl sighed deeply and took off his mask, revealing a face that was very similar to Bruce's.

"I understand. By stimulating my spirit and showing off your intelligence capabilities, you are explaining your plan. You want it all, whether it's intelligence or my earth."

Batman threw the gauze and splint in his hand onto Nite Owl's chest, pulled up his cloak to cover his face, or to be precise, to cover the smile that unconsciously appeared on his face:

"At present, we have determined that Pepatua's power has lost most of its power in the Dark Multiverse, otherwise she would not have tried to trick you into entering the Multiverse. In other words, the Dark Multiverse is currently more powerful than the Multiverse. Safe. It wasn’t until not long ago that I understood what Origin Deathstroke and Minus 11 Bliss had already understood, and her Earth Minus 11 had probably already begun preparations.”

"You have been smarter than me since you were a child..." Ye Xiao smiled and gasped to put a bandage on himself: "I can hardly understand what you said, and I am not a good person. After joining the Syndicate, , I massacred many people.”

"You use death to regulate Gotham. I know people like you, the Angel of Death. You think killing is a means to achieve order, but in fact, order is not as beautiful as you think..." Batman said As if he remembered something at this point, he suddenly stopped talking: "You can be saved, at least for now. I need you to help me, and I need the entire Earth to be minus 3."

Night Owl nodded, moved his body a few times, and stood up reluctantly:

"I promise you, Superpower and the others are dead. I am now the dictator of the earth. Which camp to join is just a matter of words. But Perpetua will always find a way to enter the dark pluralism. Our time is limited. Even if the dark plurality Because the rules are incomplete and cannot bear her coming, but her endless army can.”

Batman turned and walked away. He was going to find a vehicle and a place with electricity to charge the teleportation device.

I hope this is not a medieval world. It may be a little difficult for the two of them to ride a horse now due to their physical condition.

"Let's find a way to get back to your Earth first. I have a plan."

His black bat-shaped cloak disappeared into the night, and only the sound came.

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