The Death Knell

Chapter 148 Honolulu

Let's get money and identity first. They won't be needed here, but if you want to go to the United States, you must go through customs.

In this era, it takes about the same amount of effort to create a fake identity as it does to create a real identity, so just register the real one.

"I just swam to your island. I thought it was an uninhabited island... So as an apology for coming here uninvited, I invite you to dinner in Honolulu."

Su Ming stood up and said to Bold, his eyes falling on the small cargo ship.

"Haha, although there is no need to apologize, you can go to the city to eat something good. Speaking of which, you really swam for a short distance. Praise God, your physical fitness is really good."

Bold agreed happily, and at the same time he looked envious. Although he was a navy man, when he was young, he could not swim as far as dozens of nautical miles in the sea.

The closest inhabited island to here is at least that far away.

But he didn't ask much. The world is such a big place, and there are all kinds of strange people everywhere. He once saw people eating stones in Africa, and he also saw people in India who could go several years without eating.

Now I just saw another good swimmer.

"Maybe because I work out a lot? Haha."

"Wait a moment. After the pineapples and fish are loaded on the ship, we will go to Honolulu. Originally, I asked the butler to sell these things on the closer island of Maui, but today I will go to other islands to buy them. Take a chance.”

Bold nodded and started to pack up his fishing gear. He actually didn't care about the small price of these agricultural products, but he was just idle on the island, planting some pineapples and letting them destroy themselves.

The climate here is good and the rain is abundant, so the pineapple production is not bad. Although it still cannot make up for the various expenses, it is still an income.

Su Ming didn't see his pineapple field, but if he only had the few people on the island, it probably wouldn't be that big. The island is still a world of wild animals, and you can occasionally hear the sounds of monkeys. Came from a distance.

After chatting for a while, Su Ming asked for a piece of canvas from him and returned to the jungle to take his armor and weapons with him.

The icon armor looks like a chain-mail anti-shark suit, which is easy to explain, and the Night Sword and Shenjin 47 are wrapped together, deliberately entangled like a surfboard. This thing will not look out of place on any island. .

Su Ming took all his belongings with him and followed Bald on the boat. Bald asked the housekeeper to give him a colorful short-sleeved shirt, as well as big shorts and slippers. After all, he had to go into the city and needed Be decent.

Although this is not London, it is not good to wander around the city shirtless. As an English gentleman, how can you let people around you do this?

The shirt had a red background and was printed with coconut tree patterns. This is popular in Hawaii, and Su Ming followed the local customs.

The boat was just like what we had seen before. It was the simplest fishing boat. It didn't even have a warehouse. A few baskets of pineapples and other specialties were piled directly on the deck.

They were followed by the steward and two workmen, which already made the ship appear full.

The steward is responsible for driving the ship, and the workers have no time to rest on the ship. They have to fill the stove with coal, and sweat rolls down from their brown skin.

But this is already a good job for the island natives, who can make more money working for the British.

After Bould got on the boat, he insisted on standing behind the steward, directing him to drive, and giving instructions from time to time.

"Left full rudder."

"Two cars go into four."


Su Ming's face couldn't help but twitch. It was not surprising that the housekeeper could understand these naval terms, but how to implement them was also a problem.

The so-called double-car forwarding means that the two propellers move forward in fourth gear at the same time.

But this is the simplest boat, with only a propeller and a small boiler, and no gears. The faster it fills with coal, the faster it goes.

The fourth gear of the World War I destroyer was the highest speed, with a speed of about 25 knots, which was about 46 kilometers per hour when converted into kilometers. But at the speed of this small boat, it would not be able to reach fourth even if the workers were exhausted.

But let’s not mention his actions of recalling the past and the butler’s decent response...

Su Ming turned his attention to the sea. Many seabirds were flying in the sky. They followed the ships in the hope of finding some ready-made food.

But the boat disappointed them. Pineapples are not the staple food of birds. What they want are small fish and shrimps, and these things are hidden under the pineapples by the workers.

Soon they dispersed.

Su Ming smiled faintly. He felt a kind of calmness. Just like the sea, Marvel is also a real and vast world.

When we arrive in Honolulu later, we will find a place to sell the gold first, and then rest for a few days before getting down to business. My nerves have been too tight and I need to take a vacation.


Said it was a while, to be exact it was already four hours after arriving.

Su Ming actually admired Bird a little. He was missing a leg and still stood steadily on the thin and undulating deck for four hours. His voice when giving orders was still as loud as when he set sail.

This is what you were born to do as a sailor.

The two burly workers seemed to have become accustomed to his performance. They were fixing the ship to the dock with cable ropes, and were preparing to unload the goods and hire a car to sell the goods.

Now that the sun was in the middle of the sky, it was just time for dinner. Bould took out a small stack of pounds and sent the housekeeper and workers to solve the problem themselves, while he walked to Su Ming's side.

"Okay, Slade, I don't have to worry about other things. Let's go eat now."

Su Ming had no cash in hand and only had some gold jewelry to sell, so the first thing he did was to find a place to sell these things.

I am new here and have no information or channels. Banks and other formal institutions accept gold but not jewelry. However, there is another place where you can get a slightly higher price by selling jewelry without any identification.

That's the pawn shop.

There are many Chinese in Hawaii, and many of them came to this chain of islands to work hard in the 18th century. The Qing Dynasty once had envoys stationed here.

Of course, the Qing Dynasty fell in 1912, and few Chinese living here have returned.

But this has nothing to do with Su Ming, he just wants to find a pawn shop, and although the pawn business is not a unique business for the Chinese, it is undeniable that they ask the least questions during this period.

Acknowledge the ticket but not the person, acknowledge the goods but not the person, don't ask about the origin of the item, or the whereabouts of the owner. These are the rules of this business, and Su Ming likes this rule.

The first Chinese who came here were businessmen, because Hawaii is rich in sandalwood, which can be sold at a high price in China. Moreover, Hawaii did not charge taxes on businessmen at that time, and the profits were more than 40%, so many businessmen traveled here.

It was also they who gave Honolulu another name, which is still the name given to it by the Chinese Empire, called Honolulu.

And there must be pawnshops around bustling docks. There are always sailors who don't have enough money, but want strong drinks and women to vent the fatigue caused by the sea. Pawnshops can help them make ends meet.

After the captain or boss sells the goods and pays the wages, they can redeem their collateral.

The port in Honolulu is much more lively than the private dock in Boulder. Just looking at it, there are at least dozens of large cargo ships flying the flags of various countries, and thousands of dock workers are busy moving goods back and forth in full swing.

Su Ming was already looking at the buildings on the shore. Some shops had Chinese flags with the word "wine" hanging directly on them. The architectural style was somewhat like old houses in China. He soon discovered the word "dang" written on it.

"Give me a moment, I'll go to the bank."

Su Ming said something to Bold.

I have to say that most foreigners are sincere. If you say this in China, the other party will definitely answer: "Oh, why do you still need to get money? I'll pay for this meal. Let's go and get it later."

At this time, Bould just smiled and nodded, signaling Su Ming to go back quickly, and he would wait for him on the dock.

This made Su Ming want to buy some oranges for him on the way.

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