The Death Knell

Chapter 1496 War starts again

The war is not over. After dealing with the Lords of Order, Circe's problem is still unresolved.

There was no applause or cheers for Diana's declaration. People just fled desperately after the space barrier was removed.

Looking at the fleeing figures of the civilians wishing they had more legs, she was silent for a long time.

The people here are different from those on Paradise Island. They seem to have no idea what honor and self-esteem are, which makes it difficult for her to adapt.

Su Ming patted her arm and told her not to worry. The people here were just like those in the Middle Ages, numb and cowardly. They could just implement military control.

"Monak, open the portal to Paradise Island and ask her to mobilize her troops."

The Mustache Master naturally obeyed the order. After learning the coordinates from Bobo, he quickly cast a spell to open the portal.

Diana looked at the aperture in front of her and sighed slowly:

"I don't know if this is the right thing to do..."

"The main dimension is more dangerous. If something unexpected happens, you can mobilize some Amazon warriors to leave seeds here." Su Ming removed his mask and replied calmly.

Wonder Woman thought it made sense, she nodded and walked into the circle of light: "You're right, I have to let Donna and Cassie come over."

"Well, I'm afraid Donna has been a little busy lately."

Su Ming remembered the previous information and expressed tactfully that Donna couldn't come.

Upon hearing this, Diana waved her hands with a strange look on her face, disappeared into the circle of light, and she meant to wait until she came back to talk.

Bobo took his pipe and climbed onto Su Ming's shoulder:

"What happened to Donna?"

"She was captured by the Laughing Bat. Constantine told me before I had time to tell Diana."

Su Ming asked Monaco and Blue Devil to follow, and everyone went back to the castle for a meeting.

Bobo showed a sympathetic expression. As the smartest orangutan in the universe, he immediately understood something.

"Did you forget to say it? Or did you wait until now on purpose? Based on what I know about her, she will definitely be very angry when she knows the truth..."

"Then what else can I do? I am a soldier, not a scientist. There is currently no antidote to the Laughing Virus, and I don't even know how to protect it. How can I save people without involving others on my side?"

Su Ming rubbed his head and took a cigarette.

So far, he still doesn't know whether the virus of the Laughing Bat is based on the 'Blood of Dionysus'? Or is it based on ‘special laughing gas’? Or is it a special dark multidimensional energy?

We don't even know the specific nature of the virus. We only know that it can infect superheroes. Of course, we can't act without complete information.

Bobo touched his little hat and took a few puffs from his pipe: "Then we still have to find a way to get a sample. No matter what, you need a sample to study the antidote."

"Let Cyborg contact the Hall of Justice later. Let's deal with the affairs of the magic world first. If we don't solve Circe, many problems in the future will be difficult to solve." Su Ming pushed open the door of the castle. There were no guards here originally, but now there are even more. Even the servants are missing: "Batman is not here, so it is probably up to Mr. Excellence to research the antidote."

Bobo was convinced. He jumped off Su Ming's shoulders and walked on the cold marble floor: "That's right, magic is illogical. If Circe and Luther cooperate, we will have a lot of troubles." Yes, the priority of dealing with her is indeed higher."

"You can also see that there is a rift within the Legion of Destruction." Su Ming nodded, this was an opportunity.

The orangutan blew out a smoke ring: "Who am I? Detective, as long as you have a brain you can analyze such an obvious thing, right?" v5


Meetings, breaks, time flies.

By the time everyone walked out of the castle again, the afterglow of the setting sun was already hanging on the horizon.

The clouds in the sky were as if they had been burned by fire, and were shockingly red. The colorful glow lit up the entire sky, and the stars in the sky could already be vaguely seen.

Diana hasn't come back yet, but the people who were sent to repair the wall are all there. Everyone stands on the steps in front of the castle, looking at the beautiful scenery.

However, everyone knows that this is the last moment of relaxation before the war, and as soon as the sun sets below the horizon, Circe's endless army of monsters will come in waves.

"Maybe the weather will be nice tomorrow."

Bobo held his own wine bottle and tipped it down, but the buzzing sound of the air told him that not a drop was left.

The short rest period did not improve Su Ming's condition much. He could still feel the terrible head pain from staying in an Internet cafe for several days in his previous life.

But he endured it and handed the orangutan a new bottle of wine expressionlessly: "We have mastered the origin of Maia's existence. The weather can also be controlled artificially. We have a tactical advantage against Circe, and we have also found a lot of You can eat the molu without worrying about being turned into a pig or dog."

"That stuff looks like garlic and tastes like green onions. I really don't like it." Bobo sighed, took the bottle and drank it: "Are you sure you can get new black diamonds from Sepulke?" Is it useful?"

Before Su Ming could answer, Zatanna, who was holding her arms beside her, curled her lips and said:

"If the black diamond can seal the eclipse and order, then it can also seal Circe, who claims to be a 'witchcraft'. I just don't know the quality of the black diamond that Deathstroke had people make at short notice. But he doesn't look like a scumbag. In such a scumbag situation, I think it’s okay to give it a try.”

The scumbag in her mouth is of course Constantine.

Now she also knows what happened in Gotham from Deathstroke, and she despises Zha Kang's behavior of betraying a little girl like Raven.

Whenever she felt that she had a definition of that man's despicability, he would always continue to break the lower limit of other people's cognition, proving that there is only worse, not the worst.

"Okay, but it's up to you to deal with Circe. I'll cheer you up in the castle."

Bobo's feet were like roots and he was unwilling to go forward. He was short and couldn't fly. When he climbed up to the city wall, it wasn't as high as the arrow stack gap. Why go up there?

Don't distract your teammates from taking care of them, don't cause trouble for your own people, Bobo knows that this is what he should do.

But on the other hand, some people have no such consciousness at all.

"Explosives, itching powder, lime, spread evenly and wrap them up, block both ends, and bundle with tape." Wade is showing off his skills to the 'camera'. He is modifying several detonators that look like red firecrackers and using them to add materials to create clusters. Bomb: "Alright, Deadpool has made a secret little bomb that will blow up Circe everywhere. Old guys, just do it!"

However, Harley, who had always thought that he was a madman, stayed away from him in disgust, hugged Lingxing and stroked the cat's head, and stood next to Xiao Zha.

If killing people is for fun, Harley can understand it, after all, she does it sometimes.

But what kind of live broadcast does Deadpool want to do, show it to an audience that does not exist, and also ask for gifts and 666 and other things...

Harley thinks this is a very serious delusion.

The dialog box on his head had more words in it and was crawling around like maggots. Harley couldn't even look at it.

The other people also had different expressions. Sisters Starfire and Blackfire were still in the cold war, Orion was still unconscious in the castle, Barry and Jessica were whispering, and Cyborg had been inquiring about the activities of the Laughing Bat.

Su Ming said nothing more, just watched the sun disappear and the sky instantly turned dark.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound outside the city wall, like countless hands digging into the soil...

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