The Death Knell

Chapter 1509? Cole Empire

If in Maia, when facing Circe's monster army, there was a way to take shortcuts by adjusting the sunlight, but after arriving here, this method obviously can no longer be used because there is no authority.

No one knows how Circe found this reverse dimension and transformed it, but apparently she was not idle when Deathstroke returned to Marvel and the Justice League pursued the Leviathan incident.

This is a palace, a dilapidated palace located deep in the rainforest. The surrounding blue boulders are carved into heads with large ears and eyes, but now they are only tilted over and are wrapped in vines and shrubs in a plant-like manner.

Not far away, above the treetops of the rainforest, you can see more round roofs of stone buildings scattered within a radius of ten miles. They are different in size and height, but they are all covered and submerged by climbing plants. in a sea of ​​green.

The location everyone was in was a square in front of a palace. It was lower than the ground and fairly flat, with a wide deep pit at the bottom. It was unknown who had lived here, but this spacious patio could be used as a good battlefield.

"Is this... the Skull Stadium?" Bobo couldn't resist the detective's curiosity after all, and jumped down as well. At this time, he was hiding behind Zatanna, which was the innermost layer of the protective circle. : "With this architectural style and these sculptures, I roughly know where this place is."

Zatanna's eyes were on Diana, ready to release magic to support her at any time, and she still had time to chat with Bobo: "Oh? Don't tell me you think this is Venezuela."

"Look up at the sky." Bobo pointed to the sky angrily. The sound of fighting caused the creatures in the rain forest to fly up. It was a pterosaur-like monster: "We are still in a magical dimension. This is Cole!”

Zatanna did not look up because she saw some acquaintances from the magical world emerging behind Circe, especially Father Midnight, who had indeed jumped to the enemy camp again...

She was about to take action, but she saw the Starfire and Blackfire sisters beside her, plus the Lanterns and Lanterns. They shouted, and then swarmed up and started to fight with the enemy, leaving no room for her to take action.

They are all cosmic energy users, and their flying speed is faster than Zatanna's reaction speed.

If he insisted on casting a spell, he would probably hit one of his own. Xiao Zha sighed and put his arm down again.

The moustache mage from another world did not come. After a series of spell castings, the poor man burst into tears. He could only stay in the castle of King Maia to rest, and he was still sobbing even when he fell asleep.

Now besides the orangutan, there are two people left to protect her as a mage, but...

Harley leaned on the iron with her elbows, yawning and applying nail polish, while Wade spoke in the direction of no one, speaking very fast and strangely excited.

Xiao Zha could only chat with Bobo, trying to find something to do for himself: "Cole? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"Your father Zatara should have told you. The story about this place is recorded in Merlin's notebook. I have read it before." Bobo hugged Zatanna's thigh, climbed up and sat on her shoulder. Above: "In ancient times, there was a powerful magic empire that ruled the earth..."

"Are you talking about ancient Atlantis?" Xiao Zha's eyes suddenly lit up and he raised a finger.

Bobo stretched out his black-haired paw, pressed her finger back, and said helplessly: "When Zatara was giving you a lecture, you must have just listened to it as a story, without thinking about it at all. What I'm talking about is Magi people, this is the ruins of the Cole Empire they established! It’s the legendary lost world!”

The Star Detective is very sure of his inference. The surrounding architectural ruins that are somewhat similar to the Mayan style, even now, look like the inverted pyramid building like a wonder of the world. This magnificent project is the symbol of the Cole Empire.

According to recorded reasoning, the Magi people are very good at using magic, but they are afraid of light, so their buildings exist underground and are completely upside down.

Bobo believes that they are the earliest believers in witchcraft, even earlier than the gods of Zeus. Hecate was still a girl at that time, and she unsuspectingly taught the Magi people real witchcraft and magic.

Therefore, rather than saying that the Magi are followers of Hecate, we can say that they are followers of the Upside Down Man, as evidenced by their upside-down underground city.

Therefore, the orangutans guessed that precisely because they understood the nature of witchcraft and the existence of the Upside Down, they abandoned Hecate and turned to study the indescribable roots of magic outside the Origin Wall. The gradually growing Cole Empire disappeared. Now, no one knows where they went.

Zatanna's eyes widened, and her little red lips opened unconsciously: "The Cole Empire? The Magi people? The Magi people who are said to have created the Atlantis race?"

She asked three questions in a row, but still couldn't fully express her surprise.

Even within the wizarding world, the existence of this lost empire is an unverifiable story, as there is no record of it except for an occasional mention in Merlin's notebook.

Even if it is an omniscient and omnipotent existence, or an angel or a devil, this race has never existed in their memory, and history seems to have been wiped out as a whole.

"I'm 90% sure. This is indeed the opposite of Maia, because it is a fallen fairy tale world... I have heard some rumors. The reverse magic is an invention of the Magi people. It is said to be able to communicate directly with gods. The method, now it seems, is better said to be the language used to communicate with monsters and upside-down people."

The orangutan stuffed the wine bottle he got from Deathstroke into his mouth and took a big gulp. Although it was not completely dark as he imagined, he still felt creepy under the bloody moonlight.

There is no doubt that the people who came out of the 'burrow' found Circe as they wished, but they don't know whether it was because Harley was very lucky or because she had special digging skills. The group of people happened to be in the encirclement at this time. The middle.

In the rain forest around the ruins of the building, there was a dense sound of rustling sounds, and then various skeleton soldiers wearing broken armor appeared. Behind them, you can still vaguely see a large black shadow in the forest. The trees were broken under the brute force and the leaves were flying.

As a detective, Bobo's observation ability has always been his advantage. He immediately saw the shadows of those monsters and narrowed his eyes.

Then he put away the bottle and hugged Zatanna's neck tightly: "Za, we have enemies on all sides, don't let them hurt a weak orangutan like me."

"It's stuck, let go quickly."

Xiao Zha had never worn such a scratchy scarf before, and the orangutan's fur was too hard. She pulled the orangutan's paws twice to let herself breathe before raising her hand to cast a spell.

However, just for this second or so, she was one step too late. When she looked up at the enemy, she found that Deadpool had already drawn two long knives and rushed over, killing the monsters like wood. .

Not only does his moves are very obscene, he uses weapons to explode the anus of monsters, even if the enemies are skeletons, he also says all kinds of obscene things to them.

There were no repetitions in the words, and they were mainly about the lack of meat in the crotch. He also pretended that he was a reporter and wanted to interview the skeletons about their "quiet and inactive" state of mind.

Deadpool hugged a skeleton soldier and stabbed each other wildly in the stomach at close range with their weapons. Bobo couldn't see how peaceful this state of mind was...

And Harley didn't know where she took out the heavy machine gun. At this moment, she was standing next to Xiao Zha, laughing wildly and shooting at the monsters.

Perhaps because she had been in a high-concentration magic environment for too long, she had hallucinations again.

Every time she kills a monster, she can see a score of +100 floating on the opponent's mutilated body. The total score is in the upper left corner of her field of vision. As the score increases, a pleasant and crisp note will be heard in her ears.

In order to challenge the new scoring record, her finger never took off the trigger.

The heavy machine gun is not a top-notch high-tech weapon, but it is no problem to use it against skeletons. Her snow-white face was completely illuminated by the muzzle of the gun. She smiled non-stop, and the fire snakes formed by the rain of bullets also followed. The laughter was crooked and floating everywhere.

Zatanna put down her hand and sighed again: "Bobo, why did Deathstroke bring me here? I have no need for anything. I feel so redundant."

"He didn't bring you here, remember? You were in Maia from the beginning, and the rest of us came to save you." Seeing how brave Deadpool was, Bobo relaxed again and returned to his usual self. Sharp Teeth: "You are not on the personnel list at all. You are probably arranged as Xiao Dai's pet..."

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