The Death Knell

Chapter 1518? A smart man’s choice

Various information about Father Midnight flashed through his mind, and Su Ming quietly watched the battle between him and Starfire for a while.

I have to say that the alien princess is very innocent even in her fighting style, completely different from her sister.

When Black Fire fights, his face is expressionless and he doesn't say a word. Every move he makes is aimed at killing people.

But Starfire not only completely avoids all the enemy's fatal parts, but also makes "hey" and "yah" sounds like this from her little mouth when making moves. Does she really think she is Sailor Moon?

Wherever her big eyes look, that's where she will hit next time, and when she attacks, she will definitely make a sound from her mouth to attract the enemy's attention.

This...she may have never thought about killing anyone in her life, but this is the only thing that kills people. The only one who kills is the black man from the CW TV series, Starfire.

Starfire in the main world is Nightwing's girlfriend, and Young Master Nightwing has perfectly inherited Batman's philosophy and will not allow his girlfriend to kill anyone.

Speaking of which, Xinghuo is quite pitiful. She is pure and kind-hearted and is always lively and smiling most of the time. She has no idea how many cuckolds her boyfriend has cuckolded her, either passively or actively.

If she knew it, her long red hair that looked like flames would have turned into a clown color.

Should I tell her? Deathstroke put the sword on the ground, raised his elbows, and held his head while thinking.

Forget it, Yeyi still thinks that he is a taxi driver, bullying patients is no fun.

"Corianda, take a rest and let me do it."

He raised his arm and waved, as if he was asking for a substitution on the sidelines. The breeze under the bloody moonlight blew by, and his cloak was raised like wings.

Now that Starfire sees the black and yellow armor, she still feels a sense of sadness, mainly because the old Deathstroke in the main world used to fight Titans every day. Even though he knew that Deathstroke in this other world was not that one, he would be afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years. rope.

She flew back in mid-air for a while, and after making sure that Midnight was not attacking her, she flew towards Deathstroke: "Okay, but don't kill anyone. Father Midnight is sometimes an ally."

"You also said, sometimes."

Su Ming drew out his sword with his other hand, high-fived Xinghuo with his raised hand, and officially entered the stage.

As she passed by, Starfire looked at her hands in a daze. Just now Deathstroke raised his hand, and she unknowingly stretched out her hand to give a high-five, as if she had predicted it. This Deathstroke seemed to understand her very well.

So she floated on the spot, thinking hard. She didn't know what she was thinking, and her red eyebrows were knitted into a ball.

But Father Midnight, who was facing Deathstroke at this time, was obviously even more upset. Seeing Deathstroke's shift change, his face was much darker than usual.

Midnight Dad has several magic weapons in his travels. First of all, he has people with guns and many men who dare to kill people. His experience of growing up in a small African country made him good at commanding street battles and arranging assassinations.

However, his Midnight Sons gang was not brought this time. Even if they were brought, those street youths would not be the opponents of the top mercenaries. Those children were not even born when Deathstroke played with guns, and their brain power and ability would be compared with those of the reformers. The tactics are even more unrealistic.

Secondly, Papa Midnight knows magic.

Unfortunately, even if it is not this Death Knell, the Death Knell in the main world also has promethium metal armor and N metal weapons. As long as it is properly prepared, magic has almost no effect on the Death Knell.

Finally, Dad has the support of the devil and the voodoo army.

But the death knell in front of him came with Satan, and at the same time he was not alone.

No match for the mercenaries in every aspect, Father Midnight fell into silence. There was a round beard around his mouth on his dark face, which was also wriggling like a caterpillar at this time.

The two stood in the dilapidated square and stared at each other. The air was filled with silence. Both sides remained motionless, as if they were looking for each other's weaknesses and trying to deliver a fatal blow.

The moonlight is like blood and water, and time is like a flying shuttle, but human thoughts and ideas are the most fickle things in the world.

Father Midnight took out a cigar from his suit, put it in his mouth, lit it, and took a deep breath. The smoke poured out. His face was now painted with skull-shaped oil paint, which made his expression even more difficult to distinguish.

He moved, and after putting the cigarette in his mouth he made the next move. He took a step forward.


With a muffled sound like a heartbeat, he raised his hands and fell to his knees.

"I surrender, to the Justice League."


Such a sound came from behind Deathstroke. It turned out that Starfire fell to the ground, her little face wrinkled up, and she was rubbing her sore PP with her hands.

She looked at Su Ming with resentful eyes, and then at Midnight with resentful eyes. Her meaning was obvious.

Why didn't you admit defeat after struggling with her for so long? Instead of the death knell, you knelt down before she even took action. What does this mean? ! ! !

The contrast was something she didn't expect at all, causing her to trip over herself in the air.

Su Ming shrugged. He would surrender at midnight, and he would surrender to Zhenglian. This was what he expected. If he dared to hang out on the street without knowing how much he weighed, then Midnight Dad would have died long ago.

This nigger is not only living a prosperous life now, but his business is getting bigger and bigger, just because he never messes with those he can't afford to mess with.

For example, if Constantine goes to him to ask for information, he will talk about it, extort some benefits, and then cheat for a while, but the information he finally gives may not be true.

Or simply fall out, capture Zha Kang and sell it to the enemy who wants to deal with Zha Kang, and reap the benefits of both parties.

But one time Zatanna took Batman to question him, and he seemed to change instantly. He entertained him with good wine and food, and accompanied him with a smile the whole time. He answered whatever Batman asked. He can also draw inferences from one instance, leaving the bat with no excuse to go berserk.

After getting a lot of information and extra small gifts, Batman walked out of the midnight nightclub and said to Xiao Zha:

'I have never seen a gang leader in Gotham who is so adaptable to the situation. Even the Penguin, he must be arrogant in these years. He will not be as calm and wise as Midnight Dad... Let The 32 anti-magic items prepared in my belt and Plans B, C, D, and E were not used, but fortunately, Plan A predicted that he would cooperate, so everything went smoothly. ’

Zatanna didn't know how to answer this, so she could only smile.

Father Midnight was like this at this time. Seeing Xinghuo looking at him, he knelt more formally and forced out what he thought was a friendly smile and explained:

"Actually, I've wanted to surrender for a long time! Oh, I'm everyone's friend and a good person. Circe forced me to do this. If you don't believe me, ask Zatanna. She and I are old acquaintances with Constantine. Yes, her father asked me to take more care of her before he was alive."

Starfire floated to Deathstroke angrily, her little eyes full of contempt: "Then you should have surrendered earlier, why did you fight me for so long?"

Father Midnight stood up, but still raised his hands and pointed in the direction of the death knell with his chin.

"But doesn't Deathstroke have the final say here? He has the right to decide whether to accept surrender. Besides, you are young and beautiful, and you are a kind-hearted and gentle little angel. If I surrender to you, how can I still mess around in the future? Huh? Everyone on the road will say that I lost to a beautiful girl, which is not good for business. So I either lose to Diana or lose to Deathstroke, so as not to lose face. "

Starfire twisted her body and played with her hair with her fingers. She didn't listen to the rest of the sentence at all. At this time, her brown skin was a little red, and she waved her hands as if she was shy:

"No, I'm not as good as you said..."

Su Ming knocked her on the head and made her fall to the ground, holding her head in her arms. Then he looked at Father Midnight, sighed and said, "Okay, put your hands down, but you have to know that you can survive this time only because No one is paying for your life, not how smart you are.”

"I know, I know, thank you Supreme Mage, you are really wise." Father Midnight put down his hands and rubbed them, then simply walked over and stood beside Su Ming, switching sides on the spot: "Well, I know some new information about Circe. Shall I tell you?"

After saying that, he took out his cigar box and smiled and asked the death knell to have one too.

The red one-eyed goggles swept across his face and then moved to the sky. The death knell extended its black hand to the cigar, and a hoarse voice came:

"You are really made to be a mage."

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