The Death Knell

Chapter 1522? An accident happened

Just when she rushed towards Circe, the other party uncharacteristically did not dodge again, but stretched out her hand towards her.

Diana was alert, but when Circe used witchcraft to extend her arm and wrap it around her like a snake, she was still grabbed by the wrist.

Circe smiled and licked her lips with her tongue dripping with black water: "Caught."

Wonder Woman subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but it was too late. The witch pronounced a short syllable, and the two of them disappeared into the sky instantly. Even the beam fired by Cyborg for support fell. null.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Deathstroke, and at this moment he kicked Deadpool away.


Even Su Ming was puzzled. Where were those two people in the sky just now?

Cyborg landed, and Maggie Ken also flew over. Victor was a little excited: "Diana has been captured, think of a solution quickly."

"...You were the closest at that time. What did you see?" Su Ming did not get any effective information from either Strangler or Cloak. The teleportation witchcraft caused everyone to lose track.

"Nothing. I only detected a small energy peak. When I saw her grabbing Diana's hand, the two of them disappeared." Cyborg's face was a little gloomy. He felt that he was getting stronger and there was nothing he could do. When you can't, reality hits you hard.

Circe indeed has no way to deal with technology, but he also has no way to deal with magic.

"Diana might be a little anxious, or a little distracted." Maggie Ken was holding her flaming sword, and she was also thinking about the problem: "But I just locked the teleportation spell, how could the witch catch someone and escape?" Lose?"

Su Ming knew that he should not panic at times like this. This was not the first time someone jumped out of his plan, but his own understanding of magic was actually only theoretical:

" is upside down."

He chose to call foreign aid to come out and ask. However, the upside-down man did not appear. He didn't know whether he was not at home or didn't hear him.

Maizi shook his head and pointed to the three moons in the sky: "This is the dimension of witchcraft. You are not a mage, and you cannot communicate magic simply by language. Although they are different manifestations of the same energy, they are similar to the spirit of speaking and summoning. Spells of this type must perform specific rituals."

At this time, the witch boy whose face was painted like a ghost also came over, but his expression was very serious. Circe's escape was not good news for him. He hoped that the witch would die here.

"I roughly know where she went, and how she escaped Satan's blocking magic, Death Knell."

Tikel in his arms was still unconscious, being kneaded like a ball of hair. The skin on the back of his owner's blue hands was tight, showing that he was in a bad mood.

"Oh? Then tell me."

Maggie smiled contemptuously. She didn't think that a mortal could understand magic better than a demon. She had eaten more souls than all the wizards in the magic world had killed together.

The witch boy had no intention of arguing about this. There was obviously no benefit in arguing with Satan. Regardless of whether he was right or wrong, he would be remembered by the devil.

If it weren't for the purpose of helping Deathstroke to eradicate Circe, and to make it easier for him in the future, he wouldn't even "pretend" to speak.

"Cole and Maia are two sides of one body, and their concepts are both magical 'legends'. Lord Satan may have blocked the transmission channels to everywhere, but Circe is now the goddess of witchcraft. When she concentrates her power, she can travel through It’s still possible to pass a coin.”

A trick that magicians often perform is to pass a handkerchief through a coin or a glass. Everyone will feel it is magical. The difference is that mortals can only marvel, but wizards can imitate it.

Su Ming looked at Maizi. Although she had been arrogant before, the answer given by the witch boy made her think deeply.

After a moment, she sighed unwillingly: "He is right. In terms that humans can understand, I blocked all the directions in which she could fly away. But she dug a hole in the ground and ran away. I thought that as a god , she will have the courage to fight to the end, because she is not at a disadvantage."

"I don't know what she is planning, but she is very greedy for Diana's witch moment." The witch boy lowered his head and sucked the cat, and his expression became more relaxed: "If you don't want Diana to be sucked dry by her and killed, you'd better Hurry up, I won’t be with you anymore, it’s not a bad idea to stay in seclusion here for a while.”

"Everyone! Come and gather!"

Su Ming shouted loudly. He had always known that his little cousin was a double-edged sword. When he hurt the enemy, he would also hurt himself. This time, he was tricked by Wade just by accident.

But just thinking about it, even if I was watching, I would definitely not be able to stop Circe's teleportation, because she was too fast, and she almost grabbed Diana in the gap between the beams fired by Cyborg, and she exceeded the speed of light.

It's physically impossible, but when it comes to witchcraft, nothing is impossible.

Only then did Barry emerge from the ruins of a building not far away. He seemed very disappointed.

The original plan was for Diana and Cyborg to force Circe to the ground, and McGee stood up to attract attention. In fact, Barry held the black diamond and used the Speed ​​Force to scratch Circe and seal it.

He had been hiding in the dark and waiting. He was well hidden and no one noticed him. He even wore extra-thick gloves specially designed to protect against black diamond erosion. His palms were now full of sweat.

The result was that the plan failed.

"We have to rescue her. Although I don't understand the Witch's Moment, it sounds like if that thing is taken away by Circe, Diana's life will be in danger."

"I know." Su Ming replied calmly, put out the cigar and put it away: "Harry, here you go, do the opposite steps again."

Harley was a little sleepy, and she seemed a little tired after the excitement passed. However, in order to save Diana, she still took the shovel transformed from the God Killer and found a soft ground to dig.


Maia can be said to be heavily guarded at this time.

Although the actual time was night, the sun was still hanging in the sky contrary to common sense. However, the monster army disappeared, and all the nobles who tried to overthrow the king died. The people fell asleep extremely tired after experiencing an exciting day.

Both Monaco and Orion were asleep in the castle. Only the Blue Devil was patrolling with a few people in the city to prevent the remaining subordinates of the nobles from causing trouble.

He thought it was impossible. After seeing the fighting power of Deathstroke and others, and witnessing the miracle of the continuous rotation of the sun and the moon, even the crazy opponents should have tightened their tails at this time.

Not to mention there are hundreds of strong women in the city, they are the Guards of Paradise Island, almost all of them are weakened versions of Wonder Woman.

Because he didn't know when the sun would set, the Blue Devil held a trident in one hand and a torch in the other hand, walking through the streets and alleys, searching for possible enemies with his red eyes.

It's always good to be wary.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw Circe holding Diana, accompanied by a ray of moonlight, appearing on the city wall not far away.

As expected, Wonder Woman's lasso was wrapped around herself again, and the other end was held by Circe. The witch looked very proud at this time.

The sun in the sky disappeared in an instant, and the March Phase enveloped the land of Maia. The space that was shattered in the battle with the Lord of Order was now like poorly repaired porcelain, revealing gaps with black light.

"Diana, after all, you still care too much about that man. You dare not pay attention when fighting me. You can't blame anyone. But don't worry, I won't let your soul dissipate after I take away your seal. I will The smoky soul is put into a crystal bottle and talks to me every day to see how I master the world, hahaha..."

The witch Circe didn't even look at the blue devil rushing toward her. Instead, she described the days to come to Diana, smiling crazily.

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