The Death Knell

Chapter 1535? Come to an end


Su Ming threw the black diamond to the female demon and raised his giant sword to face the summoned monsters.

Although these alien monsters were not small in size, they were just mindless beasts after all. They were very easy to deal with. With the strangulating tentacles waving around, he quickly cleared a path, revealing Circe herself in the protective circle.

Magikon just flew over lightly and scratched Circe's arm with a black diamond. The witches, including the new Celestial Eclipse that had not yet formed, seemed to be caught in the toilet and disappeared in the whirlpool instantly.

The other party kept vomiting and couldn't resist at all, which made Maizi feel a little emotional.

Deathstroke's plan is one link after another. Once it falls into the pit, it will be a series of buried earth, which will not give the enemy a chance to breathe at all.

People who have been eroded by the natural eclipse have no willpower at all. As expected, they have been arranged by the death knell. The human body is still too fragile.

The tactics were very strange. Maizi didn't know why Circe vomited when she saw Deadpool. She thought Wade looked good.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the tactics. The key is that the final results prove to be useful.


Su Ming casually handed Ye Mu over to Strangler, letting him use his long tentacles to clean up the remaining monsters, while he returned to Maizi to ask questions.

McGinn held the black crystal-like object in his hand and recited a devilish language to it, then flattened the prismatic black diamond with both hands, then grabbed the edge of the oblate and slowly pulled it apart.

She transformed the black diamond into a small round mirror, and she could see Circe, who had returned to her usual appearance, sitting cross-legged in it, as if she was asleep, with her red hair hanging down and holding a representative cup on her chest. The emblem of March, the power of sorcery.

The light is still so dazzling.

"After the seal is completed, just ask me to reinforce it again in ten thousand years. Of course, you must be prepared to pay the price by then."

The Demon King smiled and breathed on the mirror, and wiped it with her palm. After observing that there was no abnormality in the movement inside, she threw the mirror to the death knell.

"Oh, I hope I'll still be alive by then."

Su Ming put away the mirror. As long as the concept of witchcraft still existed, if the Upside Down wanted to betray him, he would have to think carefully about it.

Once magic is out of control, Deathstroke can turn to support witchcraft, using the Sky Council and Kama Taj as the foundation to once again change the situation in the DC magic world.

Of course, that was just a backup plan as a last resort, and the collaboration between Upside Down and Deathstroke is currently in its honeymoon phase.

"I don't know about others, but based on experience, a devil like you can definitely live for ten thousand years." Maizi patted Su Ming's breastplate with a smile and rubbed his fingers suggestively.

All her tasks have been completed. She has helped Deathstroke to take care of the Lord of Order and the Goddess of Witchcraft. Now it's the harvest season, suck!

It was just a pile of calcium tablets, and Su Ming naturally would not default on the debt. Through this operation, he basically controlled the magical world of DC, and eliminated some hidden dangers for future plans. At the same time, he acquired Maia and gave it to Diana, and also discovered Lost Dimension Cole.

Just trading some movies for so much...a fair deal is good!

"Let's go, go back to Maia, and I'll let Cyborg deliver the rest of your reward."

Su Ming took out the old gas mask with his backhand. How he got in was how he got out. Orion and Monaco are not asleep in Maia's castle, so let's go to their dreams.

"Ahem!" Diana walked up to him with a serious look on her face, squeezed McGeeken away, stared at him, and reached out to take her noose back from Su Ming's belt: "You have to explain things clearly. What's going on with Donna? And since when did you know Cassie?"

Her eyes became sharp, as if she wanted to see through all the truth.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

The gas mask was put on Su Ming's face, and a soap bubble spit out from the canister that looked like a pig's mouth. The bubble was getting bigger and bigger, reflecting colorful lights under the silver moonlight.

The huge bubble grew to the size of a house before stopping. He waved to everyone to come in.

"Don't even think about running away this time."

Because of her previous record of running away, Diana simply grabbed one of his hands and pulled him into the bubble.

Su Ming sighed, and heavy breathing came from under the gas mask: "You can't run away, and you have to deal with the Laughing Bat next, right? Don't worry, it's you. Do you feel any discomfort after being stripped of your witch's moment? or it could be......"

"No, that's not the power I want in the first place. Without the mark, I feel more relaxed."

Diana interrupted him. She basically figured it out when Deathstroke sealed Circe. Although she was very angry at first, she was not a fool. Naturally, she found out that Deathstroke had lied to Circe.

But even though I knew it, I still felt a little awkward. I knew the tactic was right intellectually, but I couldn't accept it emotionally.

"That's good."

Su Ming answered.

After Deadpool grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground, he was the last to walk into the bubble.

The big bubble exploded with a soft 'pop', and the few people who had entered it suddenly disappeared in the rainbow-colored light spots.


When he woke up again, Su Ming's head was resting on Monaco's right shoulder, Wade's head was resting on Monaco's left shoulder, and the three of them were crowded side by side on a small bed.

Diana and Maggie were sleeping together on the floor. They sat up and looked at the sun outside the window. For Diana, everything seemed like a daydream.

However, Monaco's expression was very painful. He sniffed in a coma and even retched in his sleep.

Wade jumped out of bed as if he was resurrected, and stretched his waist. His abdomen had healed on its own, and he seemed to have forgotten what happened in the Witching Moon: "Good morning, Slade, do you want coffee for breakfast?" ?I’m going to buy Starbucks.”

"No." Su Ming also got up and covered the painful Monaco with a small cup: "The real time now is still midnight, and I have adjusted the sunrise in Maia, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember, we just came back from the Witching Moon and borrowed our way through Monaco's dream... God, it was a hell of a rabbit. I didn't think about that Hundreds of thousands of rabbits, bleeding from their seven orifices, screaming in the dark at the same time would be like this. It would be difficult for the magic prince not to go crazy."

Wade was obviously worried. Although he thought he was well-informed, this was the first time he had entered someone else's dream, and it was still a nightmare.

The magician's nightmare was obviously more absurd than other people's nightmares, almost indescribable. Su Ming felt a little guilty. Was Monaco usually so stressed? Even in his dreams when he was asleep, rabbits were looking for his life?

The nameless gangsters can transfer the physical cost to him, but they can't free him from the mental pain...

"Don't mention that, let's go, we have to settle the account with Satan first."

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