The Death Knell

Chapter 1540? Channel 52

After Harley's interruption, Diana walked in behind the door in a daze. When the air conditioner blew on her body, she woke up instantly.

I thought it would be the back entrance of Blackstone Fortress. After entering, I might see some kind of demon locker room or something like that, but this place is completely different from what I imagined.

In front of the three people was a corridor. The cement floor was polished very brightly, the walls were covered with sound insulation materials, and there were bright fluorescent lamps above their heads.

There are offices on both sides of the corridor, but judging from what the door signs say, they are basically data rooms or warehouses.

But this is undoubtedly a human architectural style, which is very different from that of demons.

"Where are we?"

Diana picked up the sword and shield with some vigilance. Before, it was just chatting and fighting during the action. Now she had to find a way to save her sister.

After Harley was put down, she turned her head left and right, then stood at the crack of the office door on the roadside and looked at it, thoughtfully, as if she understood something.

She directly swung the sledgehammer, broke the door lock and walked in. After a while, she came out with an inflatable toy giant sword and knocked twice on the death knell, making an "empty" sound.

"This is a figure of Ciri's sword. I can probably guess where it is."

Su Ming nodded, motioned for the two of them to follow, and walked along the corridor together: "You guessed it right, this is Channel 52, the home base of a group of people who circumvent the wall."

"Have I watched too few TV programs?" Diana slowly put away her weapons when she saw the two people having fun. They didn't look nervous at all: "I don't remember that there is a channel like Channel 52 in the United States. .”

"Indeed not." Su Ming took her hand and squeezed it with a smile: "This is a TV station that broadcasts all the situations in the multiverse in real time. When I say over the wall, I mean the fourth wall. To put it simply, This channel is for the 'viewers'. Of course, some people say this is another madhouse."

"...Are you sure you are sane?" Diana's eyes turned into dead fish shapes, and her shoulders drooped: "Batman said that the existence outside the fourth wall is all the imagination of mental patients. Come out, we live in a realistic universe.”

"Our existence is indeed reality, but higher levels and higher dimensions are also reality, Xiao Dai." Harley chirped while playing with the death knell with an inflatable sword: "Since you have seen Poppe Tua’s sixth dimension has seen the fifth dimension of Troublemaker and Bat-Elf, and he also knows about the existence of ten-dimensional demons and the codename ‘A’, so why can’t there be a 100th dimension?”

Diana was in a daze. She felt like she had a terrible headache and couldn't keep up with Deathstroke and Harley. Seeing how Harley takes it for granted, she is so compatible with her boyfriend...

She clenched her little fists.

"It's just some inconclusive things. Relax, as long as their abilities can be used for now." Su Ming held her in his arms and touched her head: "Batman has often heard of the fourth wall in the past, but he must If you can’t admit this, you’ll understand if you put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”

Diana took a deep breath: "Okay, does that mean everything we do is actually monitored here?"

"Part of the information. They are not all-knowing and omnipotent, not only about our actions, but also about our enemies. This may be just a bit of conversation between the hosts."

Su Ming comforted him. To be honest, the more he came into contact with these things, the more he felt that Wade's popularity theory made sense, but it was too crazy.

I was an outsider in my previous life, and now I have become an insider. This feeling cannot be described clearly with simple words. Is there another self at the same time, watching the story from the position where I was in the previous life?

There is no answer, and delving into this question will only drive you crazy. So what if everything is true? In the end, it’s nothing more than boxes or matryoshka doll theories nested within layers.

You can pay attention and be vigilant, but you cannot live in fear every day.

"Then how did you know this place? How did you get in?" Diana still couldn't accept this statement, and she scratched her hair.

"I know the reason here is related to my origin. It's inconvenient to talk about it here." Su Ming walked to a double door and put his hand on the handle: "And the reason why I can enter here is thanks to Harley's It exists. It was in her mind that she thought of a place where multiple intelligence could be obtained, so we found Unit 52. I originally only knew that its backdoor was somewhere in hell, but it was Harley who thought of it and brought it to us. "

Harley shouldered the big sword with a smile: "This is pure idealism, but thank you for complimenting me so much, ah!"

She kissed Diana happily.

"Why should I follow you two crazy..." Diana lowered her head and pinched the bridge of her nose between her eyes with her fingers, looking very melancholy.

Su Ming took a deep breath and opened the door in front of him: "Get ready, they should have seen us coming."


What comes into view is a spacious studio hall. At this time, there are busy photographers and directors. The staff and directors are communicating in low voices and sitting in the darkness. These people have no faces, or in other words, they are looking. Not sure.

Under the spotlight, front-line reporter Ambush is remotely connected with host Bethany Snow to express their respective opinions on recent developments.

Behind the ambush bug was a red light in the dark night, and the huge Perpetua projection occupied all the corners of the screen.

It’s unclear where the specific location was, but in addition to the microphone in his hand, he also held a thermos cup with the logo of ‘DC’ and ‘52’ printed on it.

On the battlefield with heavy bombardment, he was very calm. He even picked up the cup and took a sip. Some brown liquid flowed out from the crack in the corner of his mouth.

He looks like a large locust, but he is actually a human being, just parasitized by alien insect skin.

How should I put it? He is a person who is both good and evil. Although his idol is Superman, he basically looks on and on with a cold eye on most things.

In Su Ming's previous life, many people didn't know the code name of Ambush Bug, so some people called him 'DC Deadpool' or 'Green-skinned Bitch', because at the end of many comics mainline issues, there was often Channel 52. interview and commentary program, but no one in the domestic Chinese team is willing to translate it.

Because Ambush Bug talks too much, translating a few pages of irrelevant content would be as much work as translating an entire book...

A staff member came over, who looked like an ordinary TV station PD. He brought three folding chairs and motioned for Deathstroke and others to sit down and wait.

Su Ming smiled back and motioned for him to go about his business. He and others were just here to take a look.

After drinking coffee to soothe his throat, the ambush bug nodded, as if he heard Bethian's previous question, and began to talk non-stop:

"As viewers can see, I am currently on Earth 19. Many people also call it the world under gaslight. It is a parallel world with a timeline in the 19th century. At this time, Perpetua is destroying this place. .Limited by the backwardness of technology, the Justice League in this world did not react at all."

Bethan also looked at the big screen behind him and nodded very intellectually: "So according to your judgment, do they still have hope of repelling the invaders?"

After a slight delay, the ambush bug heard what was said in the studio. He nodded with a smile, shook his head, held up the microphone and said: "My current location is the North Pole, which makes me can only drink coffee to keep warm. Now please play the director. I will be responsible for synchronously explaining the content of Gotham that I just transmitted back to help everyone understand why I am not optimistic about Earth 19."

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