The Death Knell

Chapter 1546? Congress

At the same time, Su Ming and the other three were watching a non-existent program in a non-existent location.

Washington DC, Hall of Justice.

Star Man used energy to turn into pictures, showing everyone the scene he had foreseen in his mind, which was the destruction of the universe and the fire turning into a huge smiling face.

In the flames, Luther and Perpetua crushed the Hall of Justice, pronouncing everyone's death.

Destruction rises, and the world bows to the goddess, forced to face an unknown dark fate.

"There's no need to show you the rest. It's much scarier than anyone could imagine. We're all going to die, and it'll all happen three days from now."

In the conference room, the bright lights cast a cold light on the large round table engraved with the symbol of 'Transcendence'. Everyone felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts when they heard Star Man's words.

"Wait, this shouldn't be right, Deathstroke judges that we still have at least nine months, because only three months have passed since Luthor announced the beginning of the Year of the Villain."

Barry first raised his hands to express his objection. He didn't think Star Man's statement was right.


Originally, Cyborg, Barry and the others stayed in Maia, but Starman suddenly returned to the hall with the Forger and the Monitor. The Monitor sent a communication for him, summoning everyone in Maia to return to the Hall of Justice for a meeting.

In addition to this, Starman also summoned more heroes.

Cyborg and Barry discussed it, and they decided to take people back to the Hall of Justice.

The situation in Maia has stabilized, and the Paradise Island Guard is stationed there. It is a waste to have so many superheroes staying there. It is better to return to the main dimension to help maintain law and order.

Bobo objected, because Deathstroke asked them to stay in Maia. Star Man has proven himself to be a big trap several times in the past and is not reliable at all.

But the superheroes took turns to convince him with justice...

"Even if he has made several mistakes in the past, it does not mean that his opinions have no reference value. You must know that Batman used a can to read information from Star Man's mind." This is Cyborg.

"We can't hide here and watch Perpetua destroy the world, right? Man, that's not good. Arthur needs help now too." These were Barry's words.

"I feel like I'm very strong now." This is Jessica who has mastered Omega energy.

"I demand to be treated as a prisoner of war in accordance with the Geneva Convention. The prison in the Hall of Justice is a single cell, right?" This is Father Midnight.

Bobo finally sighed and gave up persuading others. He was so damned that he couldn't persuade others with his good words. As an orangutan, he really didn't have the ability to force everyone to stay by using brute force.

But you want him to accompany Star Man to die? Don't even think about it.

He himself took the hesitant Zatanna, the witch boy who had faked his death to make it inconvenient to show up, and Madame Xanadu's sorcerers, plus a spiritual star, and escorted the blue devil's stone statue back to the Forgotten Bar.

The red lantern demon was not interested in Zhenglian at all, but after seeing the divination of the artifact, it became somewhat interested in magic.

Blackfire stated that she wanted to return to the Ghost Universe, and her country was still there.

Orion and Monaco are still sleeping in the castle, and they have no idea about it.

So that's it, less than five minutes after Deathstroke and the three left, Maia's team disbanded...


Star Man showed no emotion after hearing Barry's question. He just walked slowly around the large round table, his white shawl hair swaying with his steps.

Now that Superman and Hawkgirl were back, sitting in rows with the Forge and the Monitor, listening to him speak, this time he was sure he wouldn't be wrong again.

Star Man looked serious, his nose slightly flared, but his eyes looked confident:

"My ability allows me to take a look at the 'Super Time Heart' itself, which is the timeline that governs our reality and the time flow of history. This bleak future is not a dream, nor a scam, nor a fictional story. This is The imminent reality.”

Barry pinched his chin with his hand, pinched the skin and moved it back and forth a few times: "But I didn't see anything like this from the Speed ​​Force plane..."

"That's because the Legion of Destruction controls the stasis force, which covers your eyes. Maybe it was a conspiracy from the beginning for the Turtle Man's stasis force to seep into your body." Star Man looked like he had seen through the truth. He turned around and put his hands on the round table with a heavy tone.

Xiao Shen always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it. He could only sigh and lean back in the chair: "Okay, you continue."

"Friends, this is why I summoned you back here, because I can't solve this crisis alone, I need everyone's help." Star Man smiled bitterly and shook his head. He sat back next to the World Caster: "This scene has always been there I replayed it in my mind and it gave me a terrible sense of urgency every moment.”

Although Superman looked a little tired due to recent troubles, he still nodded. Batman is not here, Diana is not here, and Martian Manhunter is missing, so he is actually the one who makes the decision now:

"Please tell me, if it is something we can do, the Justice League will never shirk it, but this time we must confirm that the plan is rigorous before implementing it, otherwise the mistake of the last time the origin wall shattered will happen again."

Star Man smiled and nodded: "I do have a plan, but it sounds a little crazy, so please be patient."

Black Canary, who had no seats and leaned against the wall of the conference room with her arms folded, laughed: "Lex Luthor became the Lizard King, and the Justice League lost half of its non-combat members. Reality has made us crazy enough. So please speak.”

Nodding politely to the lady, Starman told a story.

It was the origin of Perpetua that the Big Seven knew, but the second and third line heroes didn't know, as well as her relationship with the General Assembly, etc. Then he told some new information.

"The World Forger told me that the three brothers worked together, and with the help of the Ultimate Judge, they sealed Perpetua into the General Assembly, and then sealed the General Assembly into the Origin Wall."

"If the origin wall is a prison, then the aggregate is a cage. It is the key to dealing with Perpetua and it is also a double insurance."

"Luthor obtained a fragment of the synthesis left by his father. This fragment was cast into the shape of a 'doorknob', which allowed him to manipulate the power of destruction and gradually unlocked the seven dark creations hidden in the multidimensional world. The power of the world.”

"He has unlocked six so far, and the seventh is now in the Year of the Villain, gradually distorting people's beliefs as destruction spreads."

"It is foreseeable that Perpetua will soon complete the accumulation of power and launch a fatal blow to us."

Star Man used energy to project the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments in his hands while explaining it in detail. It must be said that as a veteran superhero, he did have the clarity of that era.

However, in the corner of the hall, Green Lantern Guy Garnard, who rushed back to Earth to help, sighed. He raised his hand to signal Star Man to start the topic: "Well, I thought you were going to talk about your plan instead of analyzing the current situation. , there is no use studying things in the past now.”

Star Man nodded, then shook his head: "According to common sense, this is indeed the case. However, not long ago, I discovered another thing."

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