The Death Knell

Chapter 1563: All sentient beings suffer

After finishing a bottle of wine, Zha Kang still felt a little unhappy, probably because Cindy took away one glass.

But since there were no changes in the three unconscious people on the ground, and there were no more people to disrupt the situation, the three of them still moved one by one and helped send the captives to the small bat secret prison in the Batcave.

Although the prison is small, its security level is several levels higher than that of Zhenglian Prison. In history, no one except the clown has been able to escape from here.

However, just to be sure, Dr. Freese used a freezing gun to freeze several people, while also preventing the three people's injuries from worsening.

During this period, Batman didn't seem to see the three of them. He just folded his arms expressionlessly and watched the final machine perform the surgery on the old butler. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The doctor walked over and took a look at the physical condition monitor. Although the situation was not very good, in the end it was not a problem for the machine to save the old housekeeper. In terms of simply dealing with trauma, this machine was more useful than many top doctors.

"what's on your mind?"

The Doctor and the Bat come face to face.

Batman raised his head and glanced at him, took off his mask, and rubbed his hair: "I'm scared."

At this time, his face was pale, and although his voice was still calm, his fists were shaking slightly, and he was indeed telling the truth.

He couldn't even imagine if Constantine and Cindy weren't here, if Mr. Freeze didn't help, if he came back later...

But the brain running at high speed has already given him the answer, and the clown in his mind has given him the answer.

That is, any of the above possibilities may cause Alfredi to die in vain.

Mingming had long known that Alfred was his weakness. The Joker and many acquaintances in Gotham had proven this in the past, but this time he ignored the threat posed by Thomas because of the influence of the Laughter Virus.

But Thomas's madness comes from twisted love. He loves his son too much. After discovering that the main world is too dangerous, he wants to completely replace Bruce.

He wants to face any dangers and difficulties by himself, and uses his own methods to rule Gotham, so that his son can stay at home safely and live a carefree life.

He simply couldn't imagine what would happen if he saw his son dead in the alley behind the movie theater again.

Batman sighed in his heart, maybe he was deceived by that face. Although this Thomas looks exactly like his father, his past memories are exactly the same...

But after all, he is completely different from his father.

Deathstroke, whose real name is Su Ming, did nothing wrong. He sent Thomas after he lost Selina, probably to make emotional compensation and prevent himself from going completely crazy.

And after he realized that things were out of control, he immediately sent Cindy and Constantine. This response was even faster and decisive than the rest of the Bat Family.

It's just that Batman is struggling with this. What Deathstroke wants doesn't seem to be a stable seat in the official alliance, so what does he want? Is it simply to protect the earth?

With too much to think and not much to do, Batman now has his own set of troubles.

He can't stay here for long, because whether it's Luthor or the Laughing Bat, there must be Batman among the top few targets.

Staying here by yourself will only bring more danger to Alfred and Gotham.

"All love encounters are impermanent and rarely last long. There are many fears in this life, and life is in danger from the morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there is no worry or fear." Dr. Frith bypassed He got out of the machine and walked up to Batman. He didn’t make any close gestures, but the words he said were to comfort Batman: “I can understand your fear, the fear you feel when someone you love deeply is on the verge of life or death. This makes us Anything could be possible.”

Dr. Frith is qualified to say this.

He just wanted to save his wife who was suffering from terminal cancer, but building the freezer emptied his savings. The power supply company therefore cut off the power supply to the doctor's laboratory, causing him to fall into a special liquid nitrogen pool in the dark while he was conducting experiments. , turned into Mr. Freeze.

It doesn't matter to the doctor himself, but if the temperature of the freezer drops, his wife's condition will deteriorate rapidly, which is not okay.

The behavior of the power company drove him crazy, but after using a freezing gun to deal with these capitalists, his laboratory no longer worried about power supply problems. He gained inspiration and transformed the diamond generator.

If you lack energy, you go out to steal and rob. This is the way to survive in Gotham. An honest person will only die.

But he did this for himself, because he didn't dare to imagine what life would be like without his wife. He was afraid of the unknown within the known, and this left him with no way out.

"The Buddha Speaks of the Deer Mother Sutra, the Buddha Speaks of the Wonderful King's Cause and Destiny Sutra, and the Diamond Sutra. You have been studying the views of Buddhist scriptures recently." While Batman was thinking about his own question, he also instantly remembered the quote quoted by Freese. The origin of the verse: "All beings suffer, it's true. I've hidden some diamonds in the Batcave, and I'll get them for you."

Comparing foreign languages ​​and unpopular knowledge with Batman, most people are no match. However, the doctor helped save Ah Fu, and the bat will also help him save his wife.

Although diamonds cannot cure cancer, as long as the cryostat operates normally, she can live forever.

"Recent experiments on the treatment of cancer have reached a dead end. When I have no inspiration, I read Buddhist scriptures to change my mind. The theory of cause and effect and reincarnation is indeed more interesting than the theory of everyone's sin in the Bible."

The doctor was still expressionless. The two paralyzed people stood together and matched each other perfectly. He would not refuse the diamond either.

Frith doesn't think magic is very reliable. The magic circle that looks like a ghostly symbol may even lose its cooling effect at any time. He still believes in technology more.

In the end, several robotic arms of the machine were running at high speed. It was currently treating Alfred's hemodural hemorrhage. The smell of laser cutting skin and bones was nauseating. Cindy and Constantine simply walked away. Leaning on Batman's big dinosaur legs, smoking a cigarette and waiting.

Constantine touched a bottle of medical alcohol and put it under his nose to smell it as if he was going to drink it. He whispered to Cindy: "Where do you plan to go next?"

"I think I won't have anything to do next. I'm going to a nice place for vacation." Cindy puffed away her breath skillfully, her expression very relaxed.

"Oh? Is there a door or a way?" Zha Kang became a little interested. He felt that it was time to prepare a way out for himself and Zatanna.

Cindy raised an eyebrow and raised her hand to touch the eye mask: "There is someone."

"Ah, I understand, okay, I'll go talk to him later." Constantine still got rid of the temptation of alcohol. If he has serious business, he should drink less: "Since there is a way out, I plan to take the raven In exchange, do you want to go together? Take a trip to hell."

The female Deathstroke took a deep breath from the cigarette, the smoke billowing between her red lips: "You are really smart. You have calculated that Diana will definitely ask Su to save Donna, and he will definitely succeed, so you plan to take advantage of Raven and Donna's teammate relationship. Want to get on the boat?"

"Tsk, I really don't like dealing with you Deathstrokes. Why would I say it when I thought of it?" Zha Kang's tone was helpless, but he had a mean smile on his face.

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