The Death Knell

Chapter 1568? The chaotic Zhenglian

Earth 0, Washington DC, aboard the Dome 4,000 meters directly above the Hall of Justice.

The Monitor and the World Forger are trying to repair the time and space portal, but even if it is repaired, it is not easy to determine the location of Superman and the others in countless time streams.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the sea is still completely dark.

"I don't care so much. If he kills Arthur, I will kill him myself."

Mela had lost her patience, and her indifferent energy came back. At the same time, she was holding the Poseidon Halberd in her hand, as if she was planning to punch five holes in Star Man's forehead.

The Martian girl and Jessica both hugged her to dissuade her. There were enough troubles now, and there must be no more internal strife.

Guy Gardner was in a calm mood. He was blindly optimistic about Superman. At this time, he was leaning against the wall of the cabin not far away and was like a crowd.

He was originally a straight-tempered person. He didn't understand anything about super time flow, timelines and points. He just knew how to do it and be done with it.

In addition to the green light ring, he also wore a red light and a blue light, which shows that in addition to being strong-willed and full of courage, he is also a violent and irritable person, but his heart is always full of hope.

Superman always has good hopes, and Clark has proven in the past that he has the ability to turn hopes into reality, so Guy is more inclined to Superman's position.

Since Superman thought Star Man's plan worked before and was willing to take risks and work hard for it, the rest of the people should respect Superman's choice and not keep arguing here because of a little accident.

But having a straight temper does not mean being stupid. Guy still holds the record for the number of bar fights among superheroes. He knows very well that he must not stand in the middle of the dispute in this situation.

The green light uniform's protective ability is good, but it doesn't mean it will be comfortable if it is stabbed by an artifact.

Star Man knew he was in the wrong. He didn't even dare to look at Meila. He just lowered his head and checked the equipment: "That shouldn't be the case. How does the enemy know how to intercept our team? It doesn't make sense..."

The World Forger rested his head on his sledgehammer, and he thought of a possibility: "Could it be because...the Legion of Destruction occupied those time points first?"

"But we clearly saw Sinestro and the others in Covad not long before that. There were no traces of time travel on them. You know, entering the time stream will leave traces on people. A special kind of ripple."

Star Man's long white hair was trembling. He had always wanted to save the earth and the universe, but it seemed as if the world was against him, and everything went wrong.

"Yes, you saw Sinestro, Leopard Girl, and Gorilla Grodd." Firestorm came over, and he seemed very helpless: "But in addition to Luther and them, the Legion of Destruction also has Dr. Ivo and Boo Leniac.”

The white-haired hippie suddenly realized, yes, there are others in the Legion of Destruction. Weird, why didn't you think of it beforehand?

"If we just face the Amodra army and Brainiac's robot army, I think Superman and the others can handle it." The steel armor who came to help repair the equipment said this. The black girl was also helpless, but the mission needed to continue.

After both Donna and Raven disappeared, Seastorm Garth, who was discharged from the hospital, was determined to find his teammates, so he returned to the front line with Beast Boy and Steel Armor. As a result, he didn't hear any good news when he came back, so he could only squeeze into the warehouse. Come, mix in the crowd and watch the fun.

Because the only thing that can help a little bit is the steel armor, her technological level is slightly worse than that of Cyborg, and she can barely do some repair work.

Beast Boy turned into a big squirrel, and the green animal was currently holding pine nuts and happily eating them, completely heartless.

"Kick, click, click..."

Gas next to him hit him on the head and cursed in a low voice: "Shut up, you green stapler, be quiet and let me think."

"Huh? You want to think?" A funny expression appeared on the squirrel's face, and the next second he fell to the ground laughing, pounding the floor with his fist while rolling: "Who else heard you? Garth said he wanted to think, no. Wow, I’m going to die laughing..."

"Come here and see if I don't chop you to death!"

Sea Storm's face turned green and white, and a scimitar transformed from hard water appeared in his hand. Beast Boy turned into a mouse and started running wildly, and the two began to chase each other again.

Not far away from the Titans duo was Damian's Teen Titans.

He went to find Thalia before and threatened her with suicide to get her to hand over Louis.

Louis actually wanted to come back a long time ago, but was just deceived by Thalia. At this time, with the help of the djinn's magic, the group of people returned to the Hall of Justice easily.

Damian knew his mother, and Thalia held Louis hostage, probably because he wanted to exchange benefits through her, not because he really wanted to persuade the Superman couple to divorce. This was what he expected.

Unfortunately, his original plan was to bring Lois back to Superman, hoping that she could revive Superman, who had been depressed and mentally unstable during this period.

However, when he came back, he found that Superman was gone.

Seeing the Dome high in the Hall of Justice, he asked the giant spirit to teleport everyone in, and what he saw was such a farce.


Damian gave his evaluation expressionlessly. Seeing the chaos in the warehouse-renovated transfer room, he knew he couldn't count on these people.

Not to mention the funny duo who are surrounded by Titans, they have ruined the name of 'Titans'. If someone can't figure out the difference between the Titans team and the Teen Titans, the blame will fall on themselves and their teammates. superior.

Do you want to change your name?

Just as he was thinking, the Bat communicator on his waist vibrated. He picked it up, looked at it, turned around and left.

"Red Arrow, I'll let you lead the team for the time being. Go down and maintain the security around the Hall of Justice, at least to ensure that those who came to protest can stay alive."

"Where are you going?" Green Arrow's sister asked, her big eyes above the black mask flickering a few times.

Damian's small figure suddenly stepped out of the posture of a male model, and his black and green cape was raised high as he walked: "Batman keeps urging me, and I have sent the same message dozens of times. It seems that I can't ignore it. Now, I have to go to Gotham. If there is an emergency and I need to be contacted, you know how to find me."

Emiko glanced at Hei Wally. The little black man was playing PSP at this time and didn't pay attention to what the two of them were talking about. She pushed Wally:

"Stop playing around and send Robin back to Gotham. It's time for us to take action."

"Okay, Tigress, why don't I go? I died when you touched me just now."

Wally pressed pause with a grimace, put away the game console, and went out to chase Damian.

However, as soon as he went out, he saw Damian not far away, talking to Deathstroke and his group. The short man looked up at each other, his mouth moving constantly.

Judging from his body language, Damian seemed very happy to see Deathstroke, and he was still asking for credit. It always felt like something was weird...

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