The Death Knell

Chapter 1571? Task assignment

"Let him run away! Damn it!"

Hal's green light beam was in vain, and he raised his hand and slapped himself on the forehead, looking very annoyed.

Although he has a tough attitude, he only has doubts about Batman and Deathstroke's judgment. If he didn't believe in Star Man, he would not have led the Green Lantern Corps to the breach in the Origin Wall to join the battle.

However, now that Star Man has simply slipped away without even a chance to defend himself in the future, what does that mean? It shows that this person has a ghost from the beginning!

Hal felt that he had seen the wrong person and wished he could blind himself.

But after thinking about it, he realized that the eyes were his own, and they were still useful if he kept them, so he immediately turned them into a palm.

Diana's movements were even slower. As soon as she put her hand on the lasso, the World Forger and Star Man disappeared. There was not a single Speed ​​Force user present, and no one could react.

She pursed her lips, took a deep breath, turned to look at the two stopped doors behind her, and then looked at Deathstroke and Harley in the crowd...

This made Su Ming even angrier. Su Ming acted as if nothing was wrong. Not only did he hug Harley and drink soda together, but he also brought out spicy sticks to entertain the two young men from Titan.

The green squirrel was eating until his lips were all red, sticking out his tongue and purring like a dog, asking Gass to change some water for him to drink.

Garth created hard water and almost knocked out the front teeth of the eager Beast Boy. He suddenly felt like he was standing up, and finally got back into the trap again!

Su Ming and Ha Li seemed to regard this as a comedy performance and were so happy that they rewarded them with more snacks.

After all, they are all young people in their early twenties, and the earth's supply of supplies has been insufficient for more than two months. Some common snacks are very valuable at this time.


Diana stopped talking and just stood there with her arms folded and looking at the death knell, her fingers still tapping rhythmically on the white and tender skin, as if she was very impatient.

Su Ming sensed the gaze immediately and rubbed his face. He didn't like to show up in public.

Everyone present is a superhero, what's the point of a mercenary going up to speak? The worldviews are all different.

However, the heroine's head tilted, she changed to a more relaxed posture, and still stared at him.

"Xiao Dai seems to want to kill you?"

Harley looked at Diana and then at Deathstroke, grinning.

"Really, I told her the plan. If Star Man also told her his escape plan, why do you still insist on me stepping forward?"

Su Ming rubbed Harley's head, gave her the soda bottle in his hand, and walked out of the crowd.

When she came to Diana's side, she gave her a knowing look, raised her chin, took a step back, and gave up her position with satisfaction.

Seeing dozens of people around him looking at him eagerly, Su Ming was speechless.

Maybe Old Deathstroke has faced this situation before. It's really sad that a group of heroes have to rely on an anti-hero to save them.

If you look at the Avengers next door, they never expect their little cousin to save them, although Wade does do so.

Forget it, cheering people up is not my style, so just arrange the task: "Hello everyone, everyone must know me. I will convey the next order on behalf of Batman."

Yes, no matter whether the new plan works well or not, it is right to throw the blame first on the bat's head. If someone thinks the plan is unreasonable at that time, it has nothing to do with Su Ming.

There's no time to explain too much now. Just saying it's Batman's arrangement can also reduce resistance.

"Magical girl, are you there?" Seeing a raised little hand in the crowd, and the magical girl leading her teammates to squeeze out of the crowd, Su Ming smiled and nodded: "You teenagers are joining hands with Donna and Kara. Send him to Paradise Island and lock him up. Do you know the prison under the big tree by the sea? The one used to imprison Ares, the God of War."

Cassie looked at Diana and agreed when she nodded: "Okay, Mr. Deathstroke."

"Don't be so polite, we are all a family." Su Ming waved his hand and motioned for Hal to hand over the two stretchers to the Shaozheng team: "Jonathan, please don't go to Paradise Island. If you can't get in, go back to the metropolis by yourself. Patrol, I will get your father back."

The Young Justice League is actually in bad shape right now. Apart from Cassie, Princess Amethyst, and Ginny Hux, there is only one Jonathan Kent left.

The original member also included Red Robin Tim Drake, but he was captured by Mr. Oz and has not returned yet.

Pulse Bart Allen, but since Barry now has a different girlfriend, this Barry and Erin grandson has yet to appear.

The little black girl of Teen Lantern should be at the Green Lantern Corps headquarters at this time, so she is not here either.

Superman's son also has Superman's problem, which is that without Red Robin Tim, the little boy has almost no IQ to speak of, and now the Teenagers are reluctantly led by Cassie.

It is indeed very reluctant. Compared with Diana and Donna, Cassie has not killed many people. She lacks the iron-blooded style and looks like a blonde Sailor Moon.

Jonathan was supporting his mother Louise. He was indeed very worried, but he didn't know what to do. He only got rid of his dazed state after hearing the words of the death knell.

"Then we made an agreement, we must rescue my father."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say." Su Ming smiled gently, like the kind Colonel Sanders: "Just take good care of your mother."

Louise seems to be in a very average mental state now. Also, her father died not long ago and her husband lost her again. Who can withstand this?

Shaozheng left and everyone went about their own affairs.

"Adam Stranger, Animal Man, Day and Night, and Star Chaser." Su Ming called on a few more names: "Star Chaser also has a star staff. I need you to find the location of Star Man. Don't act rashly and just send the information back. "

Star Chaser wears a red, white and blue uniform that looks very much like Captain America, and holds a long, shiny staff in her hand, which is her Star Staff. To be precise, she is actually the twelfth generation. Starman.

With the connection between the stars, she is the easiest person to find other Star Man. No matter where they go in time or place, the starlight will always provide guidance.

These people looked at Diana again, and after Wonder Woman agreed, they accepted the task and left.

Su Ming saw that there were so many people and sighed slightly. He knew that everyone who could come after something happened here came to watch the fun. Superheroes are really curious guys.

"The Seven Victorious Warriors, you are responsible for sending the stranger to the Forgotten Bar. When you get there, Bobo will tell you what to do next."

He asked Hal to deliver the last stretcher, watched the Radiant Knights and the others leaving with the unconscious Stranger, and then clapped his hands and looked at the remaining people.

"That's it for now. The remaining members of the Zhenglian Community will continue to be assigned according to the previous tasks and be responsible for the security work in their areas. The members of the Justice League will stay for a while. We need to close the door and have a meeting. The monitors and counter-monitors should also Everyone has something to say.”

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