The Death Knell

Chapter 1597 Return to the Monitor Ball

Su Ming's goal is the multiverse before the last restart. To put it simply, the n52 universe before Doctor Manhattan intervened.

This is the time flow of this trip, a time on the edge of a cliff.

The location is the Watcher's hometown, the Watcher's Ball.

But compared with today's dilapidated and completely uninhabited Watcher's Ball, this man-made celestial body at this time is like a prosperous future society, with countless Watchers living here.

Theoretically speaking, regardless of whether they are male or female, they are essentially the current supervisor next to Su Ming in different universes and times. This is a society formed by one person, somewhat like the world of clones described in many science fiction novels.

Su Ming admired the buildings and scenery on the roadside while recalling the information about his previous life.

Before "Crisis on Infinite Earths", that is, in the p52 period, there was only one monitor in the DC worldview. After "Infinite Crisis", that is, in the n52 period, there is a monitor in every universe.

This information is not very useful, but if someone travels through time and lands in the DC world at an unknown time, they can determine whether it is N52 or P52 by the number and name of the monitors...

Known names of monitors in the n52 period include bob, dax novu, hermuz, nix uotan, rox ogama, solomon, tahoteh, the monitor, weeja dell, zillo valla, and more unknown names.

Of course, that is all in the past tense. After the occurrence of "Metal", the monitor of Earth 0 was killed by the Laughing Bat. After that, the other monitor clones were also taken back by the main body one by one, and became the bald man around him now. It is the so-called master monitor.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the monitor also felt a little emotional, as if he was nostalgic for the past, but he soon calmed down.

"We can't change the past too much. Your plan is very risky." He told Deathstroke.

"Haha, no matter what is done to the diversity of n52, Dr. Manhattan's attitude and behavior will not change." Su Ming shook his head and patted the monitor's arm very familiarly: "So, we don't have to worry about this What impact has diversity had, because it’s destined to be rebooted.”

"How can you be sure of this?" The World Forger frowned.

Su Ming patted his chest. A blood-stained yellow smiley face badge seemed to rise from the black water and gradually appeared on the surface of the armor.

"Just because of this, quantum is everywhere, and he may be looking at us."

Three Brothers:"!"

If these three people do not know the existence of Dr. Manhattan, they are lying. But even these three people cannot fully explain the existence of quantum states.

It seemed to be beyond all concepts of time and space, and beyond the fundamental existence form of all life.

What is particularly unbelievable is that Dr. Manhattan was once a human being, and he was an artificial god. Although more often than not, the blue man just looked at the universe to calculate and be in a daze, but whether he was a monitor or an anti-monitor, No one is willing to touch his bad luck.

That person, or rather not a human being, had no emotions at all, only endless rationality and calculations. Even for a god, it was too scary.

Fortunately, Su Ming's crow's mouth didn't appear this time. It didn't mean that Manhattan would suddenly appear in front of the three of them after saying a word.

This made the monitor breathe a sigh of relief, and lowered his voice slightly: "You are not coming to this point in time to find that monster, right? It's best not to do this, because he also has the idea of ​​​​destroying the world, and the idea is not the same as Po's. Petua is very similar, otherwise he wouldn’t have done something like restarting the world.”

The three Monitor brothers have been through several reboots of the multiverse, and they clearly remember what happened in the past, which makes the conversation much easier.

Although they were surprised at how Deathstroke knew about the past, the other party did not give an explanation at all.

"I haven't played against him, but I know he's very strong."

The Anti-Monitor recalled his former ultimate anti-monitor form. Even though he was integrated with the Anti-Life Equation and his strength reached the ceiling of the multiverse, he was still disturbed by Doctor Manhattan.

It was a long time ago, in the era of infinite earths, the ultimate anti-monitor wanted to eat the multiverse, and countless superheroes were killed by him.

However, Dr. Manhattan just showed his face as he passed by, as if he approved of his behavior, nodded and disappeared, as if the anti-monitoring had become the subject of some kind of experiment...

It was that look that the Anti-Monitor could still remember even if the universe restarted three times.

Su Ming shook his head. He reached out for his cigarette case, popped one out and lit it himself: "No problem, I am still very satisfied with the current multiverse. Restarting it is not in my interest, nor is it in your interest." Benefit."

Both the Monitor and the Counter-Monitor were silent. Only the World Forger was confused, but he soon figured it out.

After all, the three of them came together to prevent Perpetua from restarting the universe. Once the mother restarts the universe, there will undoubtedly be no more three traitorous sons in the new universe.

Seeing their silence, Su Ming stretched out his hand and pressed the Xiaojiang badge back into the armor: "This thing is both a monitor and an insurance for me. You don't have to worry about it. The reason why I chose this time is that you didn't think of anything. What?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the many watchers in the city who seemed to be in a hurry. They all seemed to be thinking about a huge building and rushing there.

But there is indeed a woman among the monitors. She is also bald and wears shoulder armor as wide as a boat. She is really eye-catching. Maybe she is a monitor from Earth 11?

The anti-monitor shook his head. He was the only one who did not land. Even the soles of his shoes were unwilling to come into contact with the road: "I only know that I shouldn't come here. The properties here make me feel sick."

The universe is divided into three types: matter, antimatter, and dark matter, which correspond to the attributes of the three brothers. If they live in a place with different attributes from their own, their strength will be greatly affected.

In other words, when it is in the Monitor Sphere, the Monitor is the strongest among the three; if it is in Korvad, the Anti-Monitor is the strongest; when it comes to the World Forge, the Forger is the strongest.

After all, it is a high-dimensional existence. Everyone still has field cards.

Su Ming smiled and looked at the thoughtful monitor: "You probably didn't expect it, but your brother seems to understand. Does he understand what time period this is?"

The monitor nodded with difficulty. He was all the monitors and had already learned about the situation through the monitor ball.

The corner of his mouth twitched with some difficulty: "This is the period when Mandrake wants to destroy the multiverse..."

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