The Death Knell

Chapter 1602 Send field cards to the cemetery

Both Luther and Perpetua narrowed their eyes. The lighting system here made them very uncomfortable. The Mother of Diversity raised her hand, wanting to use her power of rules to control everything in the multiplicity to erase these lamps and let everything return to their original state. In the dark.

However, her paws were raised and lowered in the air, repeated several times, and these bright headlights were still hanging on the scaffolding on the roof of the studio, unchanged at all.

She suddenly felt something bad. This was probably not within the multiverse, and her authority was of no use here.

So she used the torch in her hand again, trying to knock out the lights by emitting energy, but Deathstroke seemed to have expected it and took off the cloak behind him almost at the same time.

The piece of black cloth was like a living creature, fluttering left and right in the air, catching every ray and firelight, but it was still unscathed, and even trembled like a hiccup.

"The show has just started, we can't let you destroy the venue, auntie."

Well, Deathstroke and Luther are equals, so it’s okay for Luther’s mother to call her aunt. It’s being broadcast live here, so it’s better to look more qualified.

"Death knell!" Bald Luther stood in front of his mother with a gloomy face. His eyes seemed to be spitting out fire: "What other tricks are you planning to play?"

Su Ming smiled, but the black and yellow mask blocked all his expressions. He could only be seen waving in the center of the field, asking Luther to come with the horse:

"Is this our first face-to-face conversation? Do you hate me so much?"

But think about it, Luther and Perpetua are not fools. They should have realized by now that they fell into the pit, right?

This is the content of the secret discussion between Deathstroke and the hosts of Channel 52. On the one hand, he borrowed their venue, and on the other hand, he asked them to move the entrance of the TV station from hell to Sepulk.

The price is that they can also enter Marvel's 40k universe in the future, launch new shows, and gain more popularity.

Overall, it was a fair deal. Besides, even if they passed, Su Ming still had his little cousin who could restrain them, so it wouldn't be a big problem.

The point is, this space is a must.

As mentioned before, the three monitor brothers all have their own home field, and Perpetua naturally has one too. As the mother of diversity, it is almost impossible to defeat her in the multiverse where everyone lives today.

Even if you rely on superhuman thinking, you cannot be said to be completely sure. A head-on fight would probably destroy most of the parallel worlds, which is not good and would be a waste of manpower and resources.

Why did Perpetua only attack Earth 19 and Earth 44? Or even directly destroyed Earth 19?

Because the technology tree of Earth 19 went astray and took the line of steampunk, the world was soaked in exhaust gas and waste water, and it lost its use to Perpetua.

Earth 44 is a robot world and cannot provide biological substrates for evolution, so it is of no use to her.

If Su Ming hadn't sent Star Man to die, I'm afraid Perpetua's next move would be to destroy Earth 44.

She is indeed hiding deep and moves mysteriously.

But after taking two shots, Su Ming saw the logic of her thinking. It was as simple as connecting a line segment between two points.

And it is also certain that the Mother of Diversity has extremely high authority and power to destroy all parallel earths except the Dark Multiverse with a raise of her hand.

Knowing this, Deathstroke will never fight her anywhere in the multiverse. He can only use Luther's 'fake eye' inserted into the main line to deliver some news to him, leading the mother and son to a separate place. The place of the multiverse.

Star Man is really a hero. It was his death that made this plan possible. Whether Luther dissected the brain of his corpse or Perpetua directly read his memory, it seems now that Su Ming wants to pass on The message was fully conveyed.

The plan was successful, but unfortunately, only Su Ming and his little cousin knew about Star Man's death, and it would never be made public. He would probably be regarded as a deserter forever, right?

In short, the primary goal of this tactic is to first target Perpetua's field cards and abolish her home field advantage.

In fact, the logic is easy to understand. It's like two people are running a race, and the other person is faster than you. Then you take her directly to the swimming pool, which means that it is not a race but a swimming competition.

Some people may want to ask, why are people willing to change the competition events? Doesn’t the opponent know that racing is his advantage?

However, she suddenly learned that there was a bonus for winning swimming, which could be tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

The benefits are still attractive.

The so-called 'prize' here refers to the two universes connected by Sepurk, and even the ghost universe formed by it. This prize is on display here. Are you still worried that Perpetua won't come?

Su Ming speculated that Luther and the others had not found a way to leave the multiverse safely. Perpetua himself might be able to do it, but he might not be able to bring his army to deal with the Judge of Origin.

So the 'bridge' here becomes the only choice. If Su Ming sets the venue for the decisive battle in Lucifer's new universe, or the Garden of Death, the Kingdom of Dreams, etc., although Perpetua can be restrained, But I'm afraid it's not as attractive as Sepurk.

Perpetua has her own desires, and this is a weakness that can be exploited.

First she entered Sepurk, because this is the place where two universes meet. There is a lot of energy from Marvel filling the ghost universe, and she may feel a little uncomfortable.

However, after she tried it, her ability was not affected much, so she relaxed her vigilance.

But then, Channel 52 deliberately let Luther discover the entrance. Perpetua just took a small step and walked in. In fact, what she took was a big step over the fourth wall.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, she thought it was fine at first, but when she realized something was wrong, she couldn't jump out of the cauldron.

This is no longer a multi-dimensional interior, and all the rules and concepts she has mastered cannot be used. Instead, she must abide by the broadcast rules of the studio.

For example, swearing will be muted into a 'beep', taking off clothes will be marked as a mosaic, drinking water and eating during the live broadcast will be cut off the camera, etc... These are like funny venue rules.

Now she can only rely on her own energy and brute force to face the opponent Su Ming has prepared for her, with superhuman thinking.

"Let's get out of here, Mother."

Luther was too lazy to compete with Deathstroke. The other party waved him over, but he refused to go.

He didn't know what was going on with his mother, but it seemed like she had no control over this place at all, so it would be best to leave early.

He knew the commentary team on the sidelines. They were all trash. They were good at talking and had no fighting ability at all. He believed that he and the goddess could still escape unscathed.

However, when he turned around as he spoke, he saw a sturdy figure like a security guard blocking the way they came, and he also saw that very dazzling sunny smile.

"Lex, long time no see."

A white light flashed from the steel front teeth, dazzling Luther's eyes...

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