The Death Knell

Chapter 1606 The crisis is resolved

Ron was sent away as a joke, and he was asked to carry away the three prisoners. He called Brainiac 21 to send him a small skeleton spaceship, and the Martians just left.

Su Ming controlled the throne to deform, first taking back all the empty coffins, and then changing its image to look like the Iron Throne, with an iron halo of swords behind it.

This is in line with the image of the Supreme Mage.

Then, he sat on the throne and started racing in Sepurk, experiencing the strong push on his back and the strong wind blowing in his face, heading towards the real main control room.

The reason why he is still here is naturally because of some remaining issues, that is, the three monitor brothers are still here, and the anti-monitor may still be thinking about the contract issue.

This is a hidden danger that needs to be dealt with.

If that doesn't work, just kill the anti-monitors to avoid future troubles, and then kill the monitors to maintain the balance. There should be only one Forger left, and let him continue to go back to Dark Diversity to forge iron. There should be no harm.

This is the second reason why the battlefield was chosen in Sepurk. Once the three monitor brothers want to fall out, Su Ming has the magic circle reinforced by Ancient One to use here, and he can also immediately call out Weishan Emperor and Life. Court comes.

Sepurk is a checkpoint, and it can naturally be used as a valve. Temporarily cutting off the connection on the DC side means locking the three brothers into the Marvel Universe.

As the defenders of DC's diversity, they are nothing in Marvel. They can be squashed and rounded by the combination of Su Ming and his little cousin at will, not to mention the two magicians Gin and Mysterio are present, then None of the three guys knows magic.

I just finished dealing with Perpetua's affairs and I'm so tired. I want to take a break...

Although it only takes a few moments to actually do it, actually making plans, arranging traps, and considering all kinds of things step by step takes much more effort than a bloody battle with the enemy.

If you can avoid taking action, let's not kill those two first and see if we can resolve it peacefully.


"Touch it yourself, break the unitary nine, and pay for it."

When Su Ming returned to the control room, he realized that he might have been overthinking it, because Wade was playing mahjong with the three monitor brothers. At this time, they happened to be messing around. The bitch was like mud on the back of the anti-monitor and asked him for it. Where is the account.

These guys don't seem to be worried at all about the battle between Deathstroke and their mother. Strictly speaking, Su Ming hunted their own horse!

Is mahjong so fun? Don't you feel bad if your neighbor shoots their own horse? But yes, these three people wish that Perpetua would die soon, but they are too relaxed, right?

Gin came over, reached out and touched the floating throne, with a curious look on his face: "Why is it black?"

Su Ming pulled her up and asked her to sit on one of his legs: "I'm not Odin's kind of person who likes the golden throne. I always feel that it's unlucky. Hey, how long have they been playing?"

"We've been playing since you guys came back. It's Wade's suggestion. It's only the third round now." Gin leaned on his shoulder and sniffed his neck: "Strange, why doesn't it smell like Diana?"

Speechlessly pinching her little face, Su Ming pinched her nose again: "Are you a puppy? Diana never uses perfume, your nose is also a crime?"

"???" Gin encountered something she didn't understand again, but she had gotten used to it over the years, so she lowered her voice and got down to business: "Is the plan still going ahead?"

Su Ming looked at the counter-monitor who took out a piece of gold to pay the bill, then at the four people who were addicted to mahjong, and narrowed his eyes.

"Pause the plan. Wade seems to have helped me solve a problem. I will replace Wade with Darkseid later and let them continue fighting. It is best to fight up to 100,000 years."

Deadpool rarely has a bright idea, but he often does something that changes the situation unintentionally.

It seems like this now. He has transferred the opposition and struggle between the three brothers to the card table. The monitor and the anti-monitor have never been dealt with. Both sides want to overwhelm the other, and the outcome is not for them. ,Very important.

In other words, before the winner is decided on the mahjong table, the Anti-Monitor may not have any thoughts about the contract with Su Ming.

As for Darkseid, it’s definitely not possible to let the tiger return to the mountain. It’s better to keep him here and let him play games with the three big guys. Then send the four of them to Brainiac 21, and she will be responsible for supervision. Can be used as a balance.

Gin smiled, stood up and conveyed the order. Before leaving, he said, "Go and play with Diana. Are you going to rest for a few days? Then after I take care of Monaco, we will go back first." 40k?”

"Well, we didn't catch Luther. Now we still don't know how to cure the poison of the Laughing Bat. Donna and the others are still in a crazy state. I'm afraid Diana doesn't have the heart to travel with me..."

Su Ming pinched his hands in front of him and moved the joints of his fingers. The problem on DC's side was not completely over yet. At least Luthor and Laughter were there, and the multiverse was gradually upgrading. There must be others soon. Diversity emerges from chaos.

The diversity of DC today is like an isolated island in the fog. In the past, when it was impossible to see what was in the fog, Su Ming could fly in and out of the sea of ​​chaos, as if sliding on the fog.

However, now the fog gradually dissipates, revealing other "islands". Just where they should have been, the sea map has expanded. Is this the process of revealing the entire universe?

"I always thought that Batman hadn't shown up all this time because he was preparing to deal with Perpetua, but didn't he?" Gin jumped from the suspended throne to the ground and flipped up his long blond hair.

Deathstroke smiled and shook his head, and handed over the gold brick reward promised to Wade to Gin for safekeeping:

"No, Batman doesn't like this kind of grand story. Their enemy has always only been the fear in their hearts, which is themselves. Whether it is Bliss or Batman, their target has been the Laughing Bat from the beginning. Come to think of it, Batman went to the Dark Multiverse to recruit troops, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to expect ordinary troops to deal with Perpetua, right?"

"Is that so?" Gin nodded, and she probably understood: "Sure enough, Bliss's layout on Earth Minus 11 gave Batman some inspiration, so did he also start going to Earth Minus 3?"

"Absolutely. I'm really too lazy to think about Batman's bad things, but I'm more optimistic about the combination of him and the Joker. As the saying goes, if a husband and wife work together, they can be as powerful as gold..."

Su Ming was still talking, but Ginjiu had already turned around and walked away. She had become completely resistant to her man's behavior of always talking nonsense.


Someone sighed, and he was about to talk to Gin about his speculations about what the Laughing Bat wanted to do with the 'Three Holy Artifacts of Sin'.

Money stained with sin is the key that can open all doors, the portal leading to Earth 3.

Why does the Laughing Bat want to get these three things? Su Ming had an analysis, but she didn't want to hear it...

Forget it, I don’t think about it for now, let’s go see what Diana is doing.

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