The Death Knell

Chapter 1618? Hermione’s opportunity

Deathstroke took the children and parents to exchange money and go shopping. During this period, Su Ming kept Hermione in the Ollivander's staff shop next door.

As for why? Because the Ollivander family has thirteen generations of ancestors, all of whom are Ravenclaws!

This was a layout made before Su Ming bought the current store, in order to let Hermione see the gap between the graduates of the two colleges.

After graduating from Gryffindor, you can only work as a slave in Wilson's automatic wand shop. After graduating from Ravenclaw, you can work as a shopkeeper next door. Ollivander also has almost a monopoly on all the wand business in the British wizarding world. He even made Voldemort's wand.

In fact, it has little to do with which house, because the wand point is a family's ancestral property, but how could Hermione, a child, know so much? As long as the eye can see the surface difference.

In addition, the Prim Pannier Magic Beauty Shop across the door is a magic beauty salon that girls like. The owner is also a Ravenclaw graduate. Pox Potion', thus becoming a top rich man in one fell swoop.

The housing prices in Diagon Alley are no joke. Even if Su Ming had the wealth of several planets to support him, buying such a shop gave him the urge to kill the goblin agent with a neutron bomb. You can imagine what that would be like. level.

Being able to open a flagship store here is equivalent to other top companies on the planet.

As a neighbor, Ollivander didn't think Su Ming's 'Muggle wand' would have any impact on his business. The weird old man was actually nervous most of the time, reticent, and huddled behind the shop. There were sticks and feathers playing around in the workshop.

Helping to look after the children for a while is just a daily interaction as a neighbor.

But when Su Ming left with the tour group and overheard Hermione's awkward chat while working, he discovered that the little girl's dream was Ravenclaw, and he opened up the chatter box.

As a senior and experienced person, he knew all the details that Su Ming didn't know. After doing a few brain teasers and verifying Hermione's IQ, he enthusiastically boasted about all the benefits of Ravenclaw.

It also talked about some in-depth things, such as using traditional Ravenclaw crafts - negotiating conditions to achieve the benefits of several other colleges at the same time.

As a student of Ravenclaw, he spends most of his time in a state of invisibility, working on his own research and inventions, and not paying much attention to the disputes in other houses.

Can I win the Academy Cup? It doesn't matter at all, because the smart Ravenclaw has already discovered that there is no substantial benefit to winning the Academy Cup.

There would be no benefit except that next year the banner decorating the auditorium would be the color of the winner's college, so why bother fighting? How much is a few compliments from the principal worth?

It's better to use the credits as bargaining chips to make deals with students from other colleges and manipulate the results of the College Cup to gain benefits.

Otherwise, why do you think Slytherin won the House Cup for six consecutive years before Harry Potter enrolled? Being strong yourself is one thing, but doing business with Yingyuan is another.

The wand man thought of the prosperous years in the past and couldn't help but tell Hermione some interesting past events. For example, as long as they were smart enough, the fools in the other three colleges could take advantage of them.

Hufflepuff students can freely enter and exit the large kitchen throughout the day, use the ingredients there, and order the house elves to cooperate with them in cooking.

But Ravenclaw students only need to pay a bottle of love potion, and in exchange for a semester's supper and snacks, a little badger will deliver them to the tower, and they will also thank you for your help.

Yes, the senior who invented the love potion was also Ravenclaw. Compared with Snape, Ravenclaw's secretly circulated craftsmanship was even more advanced, not to mention that it was still one of the contraband items within the school. Snape This kind of thing will never be configured for students.

Can you continue your research experiments without gold galleons on hand? It's simple. The pure-blood nobles in Slytherin have a lot of money. The little eagles often only need to help write a paper or answer some questions, and they can get a lot of money.

As for Gryffindor, those goods are of no use. Just give them some benefits and let them work hard, such as helping to steal some alchemy materials in the Forbidden Forest, or running errands in Hogsmeade to buy some candies and drinks. .

Buy back a bag of candy and share it with them. Those guys will be so happy that they can’t open their mouths from ear to ear.

Of course, if the smugglers are unfortunately caught by the professor, they will not be able to prove that it was Xiaoying who instructed them to buy candy, because there will be no evidence.

Having said this, Ollivander showed a mysterious smile, tapped his temple with his finger, and said to Hermione who was so surprised that she opened her mouth: "Although your Professor Wilson is an American, I have to say that he is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.”

"But why does it sound like a lie?" little Hermione asked simply.

Ollivander shook his head: "No, everything is a fair trade. It is wisdom that gives us room to make profits. Little girl, think about it, we have knowledge, wealth, and products that others desire, which are few of the others." People from a college are begging us to buy, not us insisting on doing their business. This is a seller's market, kid, you will understand later."

Hermione nodded in understanding: "Then why can't we help our classmates for free?"

A light flashed under Ollivander's glasses, and he put down the wand he was assembling in his hand:

"You are such a good boy. Of course, helping your classmates is worth advocating. But everyone's time is limited. If you spend all your energy helping others, do you still have time to explore the true mysteries of magic? And only by becoming the strongest wizard can we help more people after graduation. We don’t expect any superior enjoyment, and we exchange all kinds of conveniences just so that we can have more time to delve into our topics."

"So that's it..." Hermione seemed to understand something, and something called a sense of mission fell on her shoulders, just like holding back from buying books for two days. Just endure it for seven years without helping others.

As long as there are more research results, more people can be helped after graduation. This is for greater good.

As a veteran Ravenclaw, Ollivander deceived Hermione as if it was just for fun, but he also felt a little sad in his heart. Maybe when the child grows older, she will not have any overly enthusiastic thoughts.

Ravenclaw students are often the first to understand what interests mean in the wizarding world, just as they are often the first to know about any news in the academy.

The eagle's eyes are naturally the sharpest among the four animals.

"Well, if you can successfully enter Ravenclaw and come to my shop at Christmas, I will give you a gift." He winked at the child, then lowered his head and started playing with the half-finished wand in front of him.

"What gift?" Hermione blinked, and the little girl's attention was diverted when she heard the gift.

Ollivander didn't even raise his head, but replied in a mysterious whisper: "A secret that only your principal, Dumbledore, knows, can make you very strong."

"Then don't lie, I will definitely get in Ravenclaw." Hermione raised her chin.

The wand master found it very interesting. He looked at the people coming and going outside the door. From time to time, people came into the store to buy wands for their children.

Although they were all left to the apprentices to receive them, the store was so noisy that nothing serious could be done today.

"You come in and go to the back of the workshop. I will teach you the first magic now, as a gift from the senior. This magic is called Occlumency. Knowledge is also wealth, so you must protect it well."

Yes, Ollivander is also a unknown master of Occlumency, at least on the same level as Snape.

In the future in the original book, Voldemort caught him and wanted to interrogate him about the whereabouts of the Elder Wand, but he was unable to use Legilimency to read any information from his mind. He could only torture him with the Cruciatus Curse in an attempt to get him to let go, but in the end Failed.

Hermione didn't know what Occlumency was, and she didn't know why the old mage was so nice to her, but it would be great if there was magic before school started.

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