The Death Knell

Chapter 1629? Wilderness Gourmet

During the lunch break, Hermione was sitting in the Great Hall, the sunlight from the ceiling shining on her long brown hair, but she was staring at the empty plate in a daze.

Even though she had taken the History of Magic course after the gym class, she still had no appetite at all. Just thinking about the content of the gym class made her stomach feel sour.

The hateful professor took the pale-faced girl and the little badgers into the Forbidden Forest. At first, everyone looked around curiously, touching the tree and then the grass as if on an outing.

Principal Dumbledore said it was very dangerous here and no one knew why the professor brought them here.

As a result, they soon learned that the so-called wilderness survival courses actually focused on eating and drinking, and how to eat and drink in the wild.

It sounds good, but what you eat is another story.

The professor caught a huge spider and told him that it could be eaten if the head was removed. Then he did so, punching the spider's head open and then roasting it on the fire.

Hermione still remembered the way he smiled while his face was covered in green juice, and the crackling sound the spider's cilia made in the flames.

He sprinkled the salt he carried with him on the roasted spider in a weird gesture, saying it infused soul into the food, and then invited the students to have a taste.

Everyone refused at first, and many people even vomited at that time. It smelled like burning protein, just like burning hair.

But the professor said again that Hufflepuff is a branch that specializes in cooking technology. In the past more than a thousand years, most common ingredients have been tested by our ancestors. If you want to make new progress, you must try the previous ones. Things that people are afraid to eat may inspire inspiration.

This spider looks like a crab, and it is also very big. Finding so much meat in the wild is a guarantee of survival!

He also assured the kids that it tasted like chicken.

Hermione was still very resistant, but she unexpectedly discovered that the Hufflepuff students were a little eager to try after hearing the professor's words. Their eyes were shining with abnormal light, and looking at the spiders spinning on the fire seemed like What treasure has been found?

Finally someone tried and got a leg.

The big spider's legs were thicker than a child's arms. After peeling off the outer chitinous shell, the flesh inside was so white that it shone brightly.

The little badger really took a bite, and then said with a silly smile:

"It smells so good."

Then the spiders were eaten. Of course, the silk sacs and internal organs in the stomach were not eaten. In fact, one spider only ate eight legs. Because there were many students, the professor went to catch a few more and brought them back. This time he simply gave them to the students. They handle it themselves and are encouraged to use their imagination to cook them as they wish.

Of course, the premise is that you are not allowed to use magic, and you have to use materials that are readily available around you.

At this time, even making fire became a problem, so the professor started with how to choose firewood, how to make a drill bow, how to use a bow to make fire, etc. He also taught the children how to obtain salt in the wild.

Seeing the little badgers working so enthusiastically, as if the whole world had turned into a kitchen, Hermione felt that she was being isolated again, so she protested to the teacher on the spot.

Because there is a magic wand, there is absolutely no need to learn how to make a fire in the wild. And with the help of the Traceless Stretch Charm, you can always bring enough food when you go out. How can you learn to survive in the wild?

However, the professor just smiled and asked her what if she was chased by the enemy, her wand was lost or damaged, her bag with the Traceless Stretching Charm was also lost, and she escaped alone into the mountains and wild forests, what should she do?

In modern society, wilderness survival skills are meant to prepare for emergencies, and being prepared for everything in advance is an essential quality for a wizard.

You have to anticipate things beforehand so that you don't panic when things happen.

Don't just look at cooking in the wild as a Hufflepuff style. It has nothing to do with you as a Ravenclaw. In fact, surviving longer is what everyone desires. If you want to live, food and water are indispensable. , no one can be exempted.

It sounds reasonable, but Hermione still can't bear to eat spiders. Looking at the big furry spiders makes her sick.

She was still a little unwilling to give up and asked if there was also 'casting without a wand'?

Someone just smiled and told her that she could only use some basic magic to cast spells without a wand. The wand was supposed to help wizards improve the accuracy of spell casting. Without the wand, most people couldn't even cast the Iron Armor Charm and the Transformation Charm. Such a more complicated spell cannot be used, let alone a more advanced phantom.

Those who should be trapped in the wild cannot escape. In future physical education classes, he will also teach students how to lurk, stalk, guerrilla, assassinate and so on in the forest environment.

It made sense, but Hermione was speechless. Her last insistence was to stop eating spiders.

Then the professor caught a number of giant centipedes from the forest, each one about the same size as a boa constrictor, and told Hermione that if she didn't eat them, he would catch some Bowtruckles for her to eat.

The little girl didn't know what a Bowtruckle was, but it didn't sound like something better, so she sighed and allowed the professor to call everyone together to demonstrate how to make centipedes spit out their venom and then cook them.

She took a bite of the cooked centipede and found that it really looked like chicken.

The subsequent experience was even more difficult to describe, because they lit a fire in the forest and attracted the tribe of centaurs living in it. As a result, the professor said that maybe the centaurs could be eaten even if their heads were removed.

Then he gave up after everyone's dissuasion. The little wizards said that they didn't want to eat intelligent creatures at all, so he drove the centaurs away with a few more punches.

Except for the fact that he was floating around on the lake at the beginning and was suspected of using the floating spell, he really didn't use any magic in the Forbidden Forest. He relied solely on his strong body. Even such a tall centaur could be knocked down with one punch. Unfortunately, the opponent's bows, arrows and spears were of no use to him.

This added a lot of persuasiveness to his physical education class. It was simple, crude and powerful without the need for explanation, which made many boys’ eyes light up.

Perhaps because they were led to discover a new way of being a 'food hunter', the little badgers were in high spirits throughout the class, while Hermione was in great distress.

Now she is sitting at the dinner table in a daze, partly because of stomach acid, and partly because her memory is too good. Everything the professor taught seems to be engraved in her mind, and she can't forget it even if she wants to!

But it wasn't all without its benefits. Perhaps because of the picnic together, Hermione became more familiar with the other two Hufflepuff girls who were assigned to the temporary collaboration group by the professor.

They were the two girls who were sorted first during the sorting ceremony, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones.

Two girls, one fat and one thin, were sitting on the left and right of Hermione. After class, they found Hermione sitting alone on the Ravenclaw table, so they kindly came to accompany her.

According to them, if we cook together, we are friends.

The little girls also comforted Hermione, saying that it is normal for friends to have differences. For example, they still eat well, but Hermione doesn't want to eat anything. They will not discriminate against her because of this. Everyone should Have the right to choose your food.

After hearing this, Hermione finally woke up, and she began to complain about Professor Wilson's various behaviors and thoughts to the two girls.

Sure enough, I felt much more comfortable after saying that.

Because she finally has friends, she can secretly talk about the professor behind her back with girls of the same age, and talk about the different gossips between the two colleges. This is the school life that the little girl imagined.

She decided to take the two girls to her dormitory to play during the lunch break after dinner, petting the cat and so on, and getting along well.

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