The Death Knell

Chapter 1631? Hu Lai’s left hand

After this incident, Su Ming and Lao Deng gradually developed a tacit understanding. The principal did not pay extra attention to his physical education class, and a few weeks passed peacefully.

However, during this period, Su Ming occasionally met Hagrid in school. The big man always stared at him with resentful eyes, like a resentful woman.

There are seven grades, four colleges, and twenty-eight classes per week, but basically only the first-grade students get special treatment. The other grades are all about real physical exercise. The fifth, sixth, and seventh grade students have physical education. The class turned directly into indoor self-study, and the professor himself disappeared without a trace.

However, Hogwarts has also ushered in changes. Professor Wilson invested his own money and, with the consent of the principal, opened a 'fitness center' next to the prefects' bathroom on the sixth floor of the castle, providing a large number of barbells, dumbbells, sandbags, and boxing. Taiwan and stuff like that.

Because the electrical appliances were disturbed and could not be used in the castle, it was rumored that it was due to the lightning protection spell cast by the founder on the castle. He also made some purely mechanical treadmills and push-pull equipment.

At the same time, he also persuaded some school directors to fund the construction of a shooting range outside the Quidditch court on the other side of the castle for students to practice crossbows and 'fully automatic alchemy wands'.

Of course, many times, students and professors can only see Professor Wilson and his apprentice Hermione running a small stove there, and are surprised by the generous rewards.

As long as the girl completes the exercise goals he sets, the professor can get her whatever she wants.

High-end robe? More hair softener? Want a gift for your prefect?

All of them, as if Professor Wilson had always known what Hermione was thinking. Every time she was reluctantly taken to the shooting range, she finally gave in instantly after seeing the reward prepared aside.

This initially made other girls very jealous, and even senior sisters from other colleges spread gossip about Hermione. All kinds of rumors made her burst into tears in the dormitory.

But then she listened to the professor's advice and generously lent out all the things she didn't need. She found that she was gradually welcomed by many people, at least more than those who hated her.

Except for the small group headed by a few blonde girls in the first year of Slytherin who still disliked her, the girls in the Lion House and the Badger House liked her more.

Because they found that Hermione was nothing like a Ravenclaw in the traditional sense. She was not only smart, but also not cold and selfish at all. She even had the advantages of each house, except that she was a Muggle by blood and had two rabbits. Apart from the teeth, he looks perfect.

Little Hermione gradually understood what the professor meant when he said, 'If you want to take something, you must give it first'. Of course, she simply felt that she had gained friendship.

As her best friends in school, Hannah and Susan were naturally first served. Whenever Hermione got something good from the professor, she would first find them to share it with them, even if it was just a Muggle story. Books need to be read by three people together.

Su Ming was also very pleased when he saw Hermione running across the grass with her little friends, and the girls leaving a string of laughter like silver bells.

After a few weeks, Hermione has mastered most common long-range weapons, can quickly disassemble and assemble automatic rifles, skillfully use rocket launchers, measure the drop of crossbows, etc.

Next, it’s time to teach her to drive armored vehicles, tanks, and helicopters. However, height is an issue, so let’s start with the basics. First, learn how to repair and drive a tractor.

After the driving course is over, they will have to learn how to make and defuse explosives this semester. After all, mages who can't set booby traps and car bombs are not qualified.

As for how to tempt her to come to class this time, Su Ming also had an idea.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the new year's Quidditch match day is approaching. Hermione has recently been thinking about giving senior Zhang Qiu a new broom, because the senior has become Ravenclaw's seeker.

The little girl liked the Asian senior who was the first to talk to her very much, but the senior’s broom was just a very ordinary and old ‘Comet 140’, which was already ten years behind the times. How could she ride it in the competition? What if you fall off with black smoke in the middle of the race?

Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to leave school during the recent holidays, let alone go to Diagon Alley to buy a broom. Her pocket money is not enough, so Hermione can only worry.

But she didn’t know that Professor Wilson had already prepared this year’s new ‘Comet 260’. As long as she was willing to take driving lessons after dinner every day, this broom would be hers and she could give it to whomever she liked.

The 'Comet' series is not cheap. After all, it is a competitive product of the 'Nimbus' series. Its price is only a little cheaper than the latest 'Nimbus 2000' and a lot more expensive than the 'Sweeping Seven Stars' launched last year.

Professor McGonagall made an exception as always and recruited first-year Harry into the team, and also gave him a Nimbus 2000 at his own expense, but the performance of this broom was only slightly better than the Comet 260.

If Harry had met second-year Zhang Qiu on the playing field in first grade, and they were both seekers...

What does the future hold? Just think of it as an experiment.


Hermione was clearly arranged. In order to give her senior sister a broom, she obediently learned to use a tractor, and gradually found the joy of farming. Until Halloween came and everyone was preparing for the evening party, she walked into the shooting range. I just remembered that the professor said he would give her a day off today.

No wonder the Gryffindors who love practicing football are not on the court next door at this time, and the area around the castle is deserted.

She tightened the scarf around her neck and walked back a little faster, hoping to return to the auditorium as soon as possible to warm up and wait for dinner to be eaten.

However, as soon as she walked back to the main castle, she turned a corner of a tower and suddenly shrank back, even covering her mouth to prevent her from breathing out.

Because in the light night, she discovered that Filch, who was supposed to be guarding the door, was not outside the door at this time, and Professor Quirrell was sneaking around, dragging a huge black shadow into the castle gate using a floating spell...

Through the light of the moon that had just risen, she saw clearly that the black shadow was a giant monster with a snot-bubbled nose. Quirrell tiptoed, presumably not wanting to wake it up.

Because she had read the Care of Magical Creatures textbook in advance, Hermione already knew what kind of creature a troll was. At this time, she felt that Quirrell letting such a dangerous thing into the castle must not be as simple as a Halloween prank.

She thought about standing up and asking him, but remembering the strength gap between her professors, she suppressed her inner curiosity and decided to stay away from Quirrell and go directly to the auditorium to find Professor Wilson.

He always had a way, because when giving her tutoring lessons, he always boasted that all the professors at Hogwarts combined were no match for him, and he also analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each professor for Hermione. Coming.

Although Hermione didn't believe it at the time, as she learned more and more, she found that she actually believed it already.

As for always showing reluctance to make up lessons, it’s actually just to extort more prizes, hehe...

Just like today, she walked to the training ground without knowing it. She felt uncomfortable without practicing for a day.

Watching Quirrell dragging the troll away from the gate with his wand, she approached cautiously. Winter was coming, and he had a strange turban on his head, which made his big head very conspicuous.

He moved along the wall of the hall and looked in the direction of the basement, which should be the corridor of the Potions classroom.

When Hermione saw him disappearing at the top of the stairs, she got into the castle gate, ran directly through the smooth hall, and rushed into the great hall with the cold wind. The bustling environment made her feel relieved.

What's even more rare is that on this special holiday, even Ravenclaws, who usually do experiments in the lounge, are basically here. Zhang Qiuzheng waved to her and asked her to sit down.

"You're already late and we can't find you," she said.

Hermione's face was a little red. She took off the blue scarf around her neck and put it on her senior sister's lap: "I just went outside for a walk. I was distracted and missed the time. Can you hold the scarf for me? I have to go. Find Professor Wilson for the professorship.”

"He won't give you candy, no matter how nice he is to you." Zhang Qiu squeezed Hermione's little hand and did not let go. Instead, he put it in his palm and rubbed it to warm it up: "If he If he gives you candy in front of so many people, other girls will ask him for candy."

Dumbledore had already stood up, looking around the auditorium with his chin raised, as if counting the number of people in the hall. It seemed that the banquet was about to begin, and it was certainly impossible for Hermione to run up to the professor's chair in full view of the public and say Bad words from another professor.

She decided to wait until no one was around after the meal. She took back her scarf and let her little hands be played with by her senior sister:

"Why do they ask the professor for candy? I remember many girls gnashing their teeth when mentioning him, especially the Gryffindor girls. Those people told me that their calves are now full of muscles, and I am afraid they will have to wear long skirts in their lives."

Zhang Qiu rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "But the senior students don't think so, especially after knowing that he spent tens of thousands of Galleons just to buy you prizes in half a semester... ....He is actually quite handsome and very strong.”


Hermione was confused. She didn't understand the relationship between Halloween candy and appearance and strength.

However, the principal had already started to speak at this time, so she could only swallow the questions on her lips and wait quietly for the principal to finish speaking, and then the meal session began.

She saw Professor Wilson and Professor Flitwick drinking wine side by side again.

Many times, she would see Professor Flitwick waiting by the shooting range after finishing her homework, because the two professors frequently met up to go out together, saying they were going to a place called the Three Broomsticks to drink.

She covered her forehead weakly, praying in her heart that he and Professor Flitwick wouldn't be drunk and unconscious by the time the dinner was over, and then she might have no choice but to find Principal Dumbledore.

Compared to the professor she was most familiar with, Hermione was not familiar with the principal at all. She only knew that he liked Gryffindor's Harry Potter, and nothing else.

Eating the same fried chicken legs as always, she felt a little anxious, but before she could finish her meal, the door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open.

Professor Quirrell ran in with a look of horror on his face and shouted in a sharp voice: "Troll! It' the underground classroom!"

After saying that, he passed out and his acting was very exaggerated.

Hermione, who had already seen through everything, immediately looked at the teacher's desk. Dumbledore's face was ashen. He lit his throat with his wand and ordered the prefects to take the students back to the dormitory.

At the same time, the little girl found that Professor Wilson seemed to have expected all this, and was looking at her with an encouraging look.

"Principal, I will deal with the troll. I plan to use it for temporary teaching, is that okay?"

Then he walked to Dumbledore's side. Although his voice was not loud, Hermione had already gotten close to him under mysterious circumstances and heard him very clearly.

"Are you sure?" Dumbledore released his wand and watched the students leave the auditorium.

"Of course, I think it's time for Miss Granger to learn how to hunt." The professor flew over the professor's chair without waiting for the principal's consent, and put his hand on Hermione's head: "You see, she came over on her own initiative, because she Her left hand burned like a bright red fire, shouting for her to seize victory!"


Hermione was no longer nervous immediately, but looked like a dead fish. Her hand was rubbed by her senior sister just now. Where did it scream? The professor is still messing around as always...

Dumbledore looked at him deeply, looked at the girl again, and shook his head: "This is not safe. Several professors and I will split up to look for the troll. Of course, if you can find it first, how will you deal with it? It’s you who have the final say.”

"Let's go, Miss Granger, it belongs to us." The professor picked up Hermione expressionlessly and walked out of the auditorium quickly.

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