The Death Knell

Chapter 1646? The Old Man’s Fishing Notes

The three of them returned the same way they came, and it took some effort to climb back up to the deep well full of devil's ivy. Fortunately, in order to deal with unexpected situations, Hermione had prepared a hook and rope in her bag. All she had to do was wave the torch to drive away the plants while climbing up. Just climb.

It was easy to think of how to do it, but only Hermione's strength and stamina supported her to climb up like this, while the other two were dragged up by her with ropes.

They were panting from exhaustion, and when they went out together with each other, they found Professor Wilson waiting for them outside the door. Under the moonlight, he looked unspeakably powerful.

"Did you find something?"

He actually followed them in. When they faced Voldemort, he watched in the sea of ​​fire to avoid any surprises.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with her education, and Hermione was doing even better than she imagined.

But most people are forced to kill for the first time. At this time, it is better not to let Hermione know that she actually has other choices.

Hermione's hair was a little messy, and there were some stains on her forehead. The marks soaked with sweat looked like lightning.

When she heard the professor's question, she didn't panic at all because she was discovered during her night outing. Instead, she rolled her eyes, took out the ring from her pocket, and spread it in her palm.

"I found it, but I don't think it is Nico Flamel's red stone. It feels... very evil to me. Just holding it in my hand makes a whisper sound in my mind. "

At this time, she noticed that the professor frowned. She had never seen such an expression on his face.

Scary serious.

The professor's thinking lasted only a few seconds, and he took the ring: "I roughly understand what's going on. This is indeed not the magic stone, this is the resurrection stone. Let's go, let's go see the principal and ask him what to do. What on earth do you come here to fish for?”

Countless question marks seemed to pop up in Hermione's little head, but she probably heard that her professor might have known about this adventure in advance, but the result was not what he thought.

"Are they coming too?" Hermione said, referring to her little friends.

"If you call me Charlie from now on, and you think you are Charlie's Angels, you can follow me." He motioned for several people to go upstairs together. The principal's office was on the eighth floor.

Hannah and Susan didn't understand the gag at all, but Hermione did.

"Although we are the same three people, we are not Charlie's Angels..." Her big eyes narrowed again and her little teeth grinded: "Isn't this serious? Why are you joking again?"

Su Ming touched her head and looked at the other stairs to return to the correct position: "It's not serious, it's just that the principal started planning in advance without saying hello to me, which is just a little bit unpleasant. By the way, how do you know about Charlie's Angels? "

Hermione sighed, put away her wand and firearms again, and followed him: "Although they are American TV series from the 1970s, my mother likes them very much. She rented the video and watched it at home. I didn't choose the channel at all. s right."

"Well, in a few years Hollywood's Charlie's Angels will be making a movie."

As Su Ming said this, he quickly walked up the stairs. The corridors of the castle were empty at night, and the people or creatures in the portraits on the walls were all asleep.

Hermione curled her lips, feeling that the professor had changed the topic about the Resurrection Stone:

"I don't believe it. Those TV series are already clichéd. Do you have to pay for your life by making a movie?"

"Not only will there be no compensation, but it will also be made into a series of movies. If you don't believe it, we will see."

The professor smiled again, as if he was very confident.

The little girl had no intention of arguing about this. She had just returned from the expedition and the professor not only didn't ask her how the three of them were doing, but also didn't answer the question directly. She pouted.


However, when everyone arrived on the eighth floor and knocked on the door to wake up the principal, who was still wearing pajamas, the professor still asked and asked them to tell Dumbledore, as well as Flitwick and Snape, the detailed story.

Being stared at seriously by so many professors, even Hermione was a little nervous, but as she talked about her short adventure, a novel feeling filled her heart.

She felt that she might really be suited to a life of adventure, and it was a very indescribable joy to tell her story to others.

Especially when there are friends around, they will add their own descriptions from time to time, and it is even more wonderful for everyone to talk about their shared experiences together.

No wonder the four founders of Hogwarts liked taking risks. They had a good relationship at that time, and it wasn't until they stopped taking risks that they parted ways in their ordinary daily lives.

Dumbledore was wearing a white nightgown with lace, and his nightcap hung softly on his head. There was a big pom-pom on the tip of the hat, which swayed from side to side as he nodded from time to time.

Flitwick used his wand to light up all the lights in the office, while Snape added fuel to the fireplace, and they all listened to the trio's descriptions.

It wasn't until he heard Hermione say that she had used the 'Alchemy Automatic Wand' to blow up the back of her head that Dumbledore said something:

"Are you sure he is Voldemort?"

Hermione closed her eyes and recalled carefully. There was still a drink given to her by the professor in her little hand. She plucked the mouth of the bottle with her finger: "I'm not sure, and I haven't seen him before, but it was a pale-skinned man with long hair." A man with snake-like eyes looks like a poisonous snake."

Professor Flitwick nodded and looked at Dumbledore. The purple pajamas he wore looked like a children's version because they were embroidered with yellow star patterns: "It is almost certain that dark soul magic resides in other people's bodies. "

Snape didn't speak. He just looked at the fire in the fireplace with a gloomy face. Even though the room was not cold, he kept rubbing his palms.

"Yeah, that's almost it." Dumbledore stood up and reached for the pile of cockroaches on the table: "Ladies, tomorrow I will announce to the whole school that you have recovered the Sorcerer's Stone and foiled Bad Quirrell's theft. The intention made him flee Hogwarts in panic... Now you can go back and rest. If you want a pile of cockroaches, you can get some, but it is best not to eat sweets at night."

"But what we found is not..." Hannah wanted to express something. Professor Wilson said that it was the Resurrection Stone, but her mouth was covered by Susan.

The principal smiled and asked them to relax, and then gave away the sugar bowl in front of everyone:

"It is indeed not the red stone or the magic stone, but we need to keep the real situation secret for the time being. You must know that after Voldemort was defeated ten years ago, many of his subordinates did not receive the punishment they deserved. They just hid. If the news of Voldemort's return is confirmed, the good people will be afraid and panic. The bad people will find their master and have a goal of unity again. This is by no means a good thing, and you will also be in danger."

Hermione looked at the cockroach candy crawling in front of her, and then at the physical education professor who was sitting on his desk smoking:

"Understood, principal, what we were guarding was Nick Flamel's Philosopher's Stone. We defeated Professor Quirrell with a little cleverness, but he escaped. No one knows where he escaped."

"Professor Wilson, you have indeed found a genius student. They are all very smart."

Dumbledore still gave Susan the basin of all-flavored beans and smiled with satisfaction:

"Good children, you have done a good job. Remember, we are not afraid of Voldemort, but when it comes to him, we must be more careful. I need everyone present to cast a loyalty spell to ensure that this news will not spread."

Hermione looked at Su Ming again, and he nodded to her.

Deathstroke blew out a smoke ring, and Dumbledore seemed to have changed his plan, but this was exactly what he wanted...

Sure enough, the principal's brains are not free. The condition he put forward when applying for the job was to help deal with Voldemort.

Dumbledore realized that the guy might be back, so he was ready to verify this before school started, and even went to the abandoned Gaunt family mansion to get the Gaunt ring.

This is probably the easiest thing to confirm as a Horcrux. Voldemort is a descendant of the Gaunt family, and the ring inlaid with the Resurrection Stone is regarded as one of the Three Holy Artifacts.

As Voldemort's former professor and his enemy for decades, Dumbledore knew him very well and knew that the Dark Lord had a strange passion for well-known magical treasures and a crazy obsession with his own blood.

The purpose of hiding the ring in the magic mirror and fishing was to lure Voldemort to get it and verify whether he was really alive.

It's nothing more than telling Voldemort: 'I know about the Horcruxes, and I know how to completely eliminate you.'

Lao Deng really should know that when he first met Harry ten years ago, he should have recognized that the boy was also a Horcrux, because no baby would have the strong aura of darkness and death in his body.

If he didn't recognize it, then Dumbledore was not worthy of being called the greatest wizard of the century. Horcruxes might be able to be hidden from others, but they could never be hidden from him.

Now that Quirrell has missed, it remains to be seen whether Voldemort will panic and will he hurriedly 'move' several other Horcruxes that Lao Deng doesn't know about?

If Voldemort really made the mistake of not having three hundred taels of silver here, then the old man could snatch them and destroy them. He would not even have to go through a large-scale search, and would only need to keep an eye on a few key places.

Today's enemy's bait allowed Dumbledore to confirm that Professor Wilson was a trustworthy person, proving that Voldemort was still alive. At the same time, he also used the trick to push out Hermione, leaving Potter in a safe position, and satisfying Snape's desire. wish.

It really kills multiple birds with one stone.

Su Ming watched the little girls leave, and they reminded the three-headed dog that it needed treatment.

He blew out the smoke. It didn't matter if the plan changed. As long as the price was right, the mercenary didn't care how the mission came about.

Even if Dumbledore didn't do this, Su Ming had originally planned to let Hermione destroy three Horcruxes within a year, and first make a name for herself within the "small area" of the Order of the Phoenix.

Now that Lao Deng has made such an arrangement without saying hello, he will be the one to blame, and he can get some extra benefits...

I wonder how much elixir he has in stock? How about a few bottles to try?

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