The Death Knell

Chapter 1649? Become a hero

"Because Hermione Granger has recovered the Ravenclaw golden diadem that has been lost for thousands of years for the college, so the house she belongs to adds one hundred points! Gentlemen and ladies, please stand up and applaud, this means Ravenclaw Crowe's wisdom has returned to us! And all this was obtained by Miss Granger with her intelligence and carefulness."

At breakfast the next day, Dumbledore said this while standing behind the podium at the teacher's seat, and at the same time he took the initiative to applaud Hermione.

He was sincerely happy, and the return of the golden tiara, one of the symbols of Hogwarts, meant a lot.

Especially the discovery that the Golden Crown was actually Voldemort's Horcrux, which probably gave Dumbledore some ideas.

Gryffindor's sword was always in his hand, undoubtedly clean.

So the 'Wand' as the symbol of Slytherin has been destroyed in the United States, and only the 'Slytherin Locket' is still considered an inheritance. Could it also be a Horcrux?

Thinking about it this way, is it the same for Hufflepuff's Gold Cup?

Dumbledore didn't know where the locket was, but he knew that the gold cup was in the underground vault of Gringotts and had been put there to prevent theft.

There is no doubt that Voldemort can enter the Gringotts vault. Neither goblins nor dragons can stop him. Perhaps the golden cup has also been transformed into a Horcrux.

You'll know after a while, and it's easy to verify this.

In this way, Lao Deng found out the location of the three Horcruxes without doing anything. He has now shifted the focus of his plan to Hermione and allowed Harry to live peacefully.

Potter no longer has to take risks, and Snape no longer has to be nervous every day. It is said that he was recently seen smiling by students.

While leading the teachers and students in the school to applaud, Dumbledore looked at the man who called himself Deathstroke with emotion. At first, he was said to be the principal of Karma Taj Magic Academy, but he still didn't believe it.

It turned out that he was really capable. Not only did he have a good eye for selecting students, he was also very capable.

Dumbledore himself planned to use his sword to destroy the Resurrection Stone because he could not use magic to purify the fragments of Voldemort's soul in it, so he would destroy it physically.

But Professor Wilson said that he had a way. He only needed a bottle of elixir and a loaner ring for a few hours to bring back a clean Deathly Hallows.

After careful consideration, Dumbledore let him try it. Sure enough, when he came back in the middle of the night, the Resurrection Stone no longer had that cold feeling.

The soul fragments inside? It is said that he was thrown into hell.

It was the same this time. Hermione accidentally discovered the golden diadem yesterday and recognized it immediately because the portrait of the lady in the Ravenclaw common room was wearing it on her head.

Then Professor Wilson found the principal again and left briefly with the Horcrux. The golden crown was also purified.

It is now kept in the principal's office, guarded by past principals in portraits and a phoenix pet on a shelf.

Not to mention anything else, just based on the progress made so far, Dumbledore felt that agreeing to Deathstroke to become a professor was probably the wisest thing he had done in this century.

The price is nothing more than a few bottles of blessing elixir.

This kind of potion is indeed very difficult to make, but wasn't Snape the one who made it?

Lao Deng only needed to use the school directors' money to buy some materials, and he felt happy.


"Why her again."

Ron clapped reluctantly and sat down, lying on the table like a salted fish who had lost his dream, looking at the empty plate in front of him.

The principal hasn't left yet, which means the meal hasn't been served yet, but he's hungry!

That Ravenclaw girl always stole the show, and Gryffindor was probably out of the running for this year's Academy Cup. Thinking of this, Ron felt like a knife.

Obviously, before coming to school, everyone in his family said that Gryffindor was the best house. He also patted his chest and promised: 'Now that I have entered school, this year's House Cup will definitely be ours.' This kind of self-confidence was reflected in Harry. Porter also reached his peak when he was sorted into the Lions House.

But why is it different from what you imagined?

Mingming entered Gryffindor like his brothers in the family, became roommates with Harry, and conducted wonderful magic studies.

With so many happy things added together, we should be happier. Why is it like this?

If Harry Potter caused a few weeks of celebrity effect at the beginning of the school year, a few weeks later, the entire school's focus was almost entirely on that girl.

She has good things that others don't have, and she knows various skills that others don't have. The professors like her. She even defeated the troll and the bad professor later, becoming a hero and a new idol in one fell swoop. Now she has found her lost love again. A thousand-year treasure...

Ron looked at the petite figure on the other long table, but he seemed to be looking up at a high mountain.

What shocked him the most was that after the last time he wrote home, even his little sister Ginny said that she no longer wanted to come to Gryffindor and that she was going to Ravenclaw.

Although he always thought that his sister was a little trouble, she was still a sister! As an elder brother, how could he let his sister go to the Yingyuan as a traitor? ! !

Ron's heart was burning with an unknown flame.

However, it is useless. In the real world, strength is still respected, and luck is also a kind of strength.

Even Harry seemed to have become Miss Granger's fanboy. Just looking at his expression, Ron felt that he had never looked at the principal with such admiration.

Maybe the gap between peers is too big to even generate jealousy.

What a pity that he lost his mouse. Although it was an 'adopted' pet from his brother, Ron actually had quite a relationship with Scabbers.

This time I finally have an excuse to ask my mom for money to buy a new pet!

He suddenly patted his head. Others became heroes, but he was still thinking about pets. How sad!

Ron sighed helplessly. Harry was also out of date now. Only Draco was still so good. He always worked tirelessly to provoke himself and Harry, which barely provided some fun and excitement to the dull college life. .

It seems that I am no different from my brothers. I think I will spend my entire school career miserable and mediocre, right? There is no way, this is the life of ordinary people...


"Finally, I would like to remind everyone that after today's class, remember to keep your greetings. At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, the prefects will lead the students leaving school to take the bus."

Dumbledore stroked his beard and looked at the Christmas decorations in the Great Hall with satisfaction. The tree Hagrid picked this year was very good. It looked as round as a lollipop:

"Christmas is less than a week away. I wish everyone who is leaving school a Merry Christmas in advance. You can play as much as you like, but please pay attention to safety and don't use your magic wand at home. Okay, now let's eat."

After saying that, the old man took Snape and the others to the teachers' lounge next door, where teachers usually ate.

But today, every one of them looked happy, and even Professor Flitwick was a little excited when he walked, pulling Snape's sleeve and saying something to him.

Hermione glanced at the physical education professor, who secretly gave her a signal. She understood that tonight was the time to slay the dragon!

Her big eyes lit up and she looked at her friends on the Hufflepuff table. The other two girls also nodded slightly at her, indicating that they would follow.

Just be Charlie's Angels, there's nothing wrong with it.

Hermione smiled confidently. She had been prepared for a long time. The weakness of dragons? She now knows everything by heart.

Just start and that's it.

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