The Death Knell

Chapter 1655 Ilvermorny

In fact, wand registration is just a process, because many people have second wands and may steal other people's wands to cast spells. It is almost impossible to suppress crime by tracking wands.

In the messy office, the staff just asked the two of them to fill out a form, explain their purpose of entry, and finally glanced at their wands and called it a day.

Afterwards, Su Ming took out the letter of introduction he had 'bought' from Minister Fudge, which made the staff more enthusiastic and called a small leader to receive them.

As for Samuel G. Kohaug, the then Speaker of the Magical Congress of the United States of America? There was no way that a big shot like that would come to receive two Hogwarts professors, unless it was Dumbledore.

But this was enough. The section chief of the registration office obviously wanted to make good friends with the two. Not only did he personally lead the way to the 'Portkey Management Office' on the other floor, he also talked about a lot of differences between the wizarding world in the United States and the United Kingdom. , I hope the two of them can pay attention to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

For example, in the United States, young wizards under the age of 17 can be given alcohol and drugs, but they cannot be borrowed wands because that is illegal.

You can't call a black wizard a nigger to his face unless you are a pureblood and are sure you can defeat him.

Those who kill No-Majs need to participate in community service in the wizarding community to atone for their sins, but killing wizards may be suspected of being a Class 3S felony. Congress has the right to override the International Federation of Wizards and sentence foreign wizards to death.

If you accidentally have a relationship with a little wizard under the age of twelve, it is best to reconcile and get married privately, and do not use the forgetting spell to attack the other party, because the latter is illegal.

In the spacious elevator, the enthusiastic registration section chief kept talking about these trivial things, and occasionally told jokes.

Su Ming also responded with a British cold joke, and both parties were having a good time. Only Snape kept his dead face and stared at the bald head of the half-goblin driving the elevator, as if he could see flowers.

With a ding, the elevator reached another floor. The section chief opened the elevator door diligently and led the two of them out.

"Professor Wilson, you are the funniest Englishman I have ever met." He continued to say as he walked, as if he was satisfied with the priest's joke: "By the way, can I ask about your relationship with Minister Fudge?" ? Please don’t think too much about it. Actually, just because my grandmother’s grandmother’s grandmother is also British, I sometimes think about whether I can go to Great Britain to see it.”

"My relationship with him? How should I put unbreakable alliance." Su Ming showed a strange smile: "But he is retiring soon, and I and the next candidate for the Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones has a better relationship.”

The other person's nose turned red and his eyes lit up. He seemed to have heard some satisfactory answer and bent even further.

The MACUSA's management of portkeys is obviously much better than that of the British Ministry of Magic. Over there, anything can be used as a portkey, including old boots, broken hats, half-eaten cheese, you name it.

And here is a unified golden eagle statue, and each base also indicates where it leads.

The place was brought to them, and even passed by the section chief of the Portkey Management Department. The registration section chief said goodbye to the two of them: "I will go to Hogwarts to find you two when I have the chance. By the way, there is one more thing I need to remind you. Don't you argue with Mr. Gilbert Fontana, the current headmaster of Ilvermorny School, about which school is the best, don't."

"Thank you for your help. If you come to the UK in the future, I will definitely repay your friendship today."

Su Ming was polite like a gentleman, but Snape grabbed his hand and pressed it on the door key. He also grabbed one of the eagle's wings and started to use it.

As the world was spinning, the two of them were at the foot of a mountain. The thick fog at night obscured them, and some green eyes in the forest were staring at them.

Snape patted the non-existent dust on his suit and sneered: "Hogwarts is the best, there is no doubt about it."

Su Ming rolled his eyes and saw an owl flying over and taking the door key behind them: "But the principal of Ilvermorny also thinks that his school is the best. Don't forget that our excuse is to do this." Teachers communicate, not to quarrel with others.”

"Their founders are only descendants of Slytherin. Anyone with a brain knows who is more orthodox." Snape clicked his suit with his wand, turning it into the black robe he wore every day: "But , I can not worry about this with them for the time being, as long as you can confirm that the 'Snake Tree' is really helpful to our plan."

"I can't. After all, I haven't seen the miracle tree with my own eyes." Su Ming shook his head and looked at the foggy mountain top: "But if you are asking whether the leaves of the snake tree can really save people from death, Pull it back up? Then I can give you a definite answer. No matter how serious the injury is, and what kind of injury it is, you only need to put a leaf on it, and the patient will be able to get up and dance in no time."

Snape was silent for a moment, and he looked at the shadow of the building in the darkness on the top of the mountain: "But how can we convince each other to share such a precious thing?"

"Simple, just give them an enemy they can't deal with alone." Deathstroke walked towards the mountain expressionlessly, the night and fog covering his back: "Tell me, Severus, what you told Dumbledore If so...what can you do for Lily Evans?"

"Anything," Snape replied without thinking.


This is a magnificent castle, standing on the cliff of Mount Greylock. It is different from the Scottish grass castle like Hogwarts. It looks more like the lair of wizards.

The clouds and mist make it look like it's floating in the sky. Sometimes when you close your eyes, it disappears from your field of vision, only to slowly reappear in the moonlight.

It has been cast with extremely powerful magic. There are more than ten Muggle expulsion spells alone, and you can hardly go far without going through it once.

After all, it was a strange place, and Snape had no intention of apparating, so he walked up with Su Ming. After answering some questions from the gatekeeper, they lowered the suspension bridge and welcomed the two into the castle courtyard. .

This is an octagonal castle, similar to the predecessor of the Star Castle, and entering the main entrance, you enter the space of the Traceless Stretch Spell. A courtyard is as big as dozens of football fields.

The goblins who work in the school are similar to the house elves at Hogwarts, except that these creatures are free and their ancestors were also among the founders of the school.

And unlike the British garden gnomes, the American gnomes should be classified as hobgoblins according to the DND classification. Their faces look like toads or orcs, and they are about 1.2 meters tall.

They are not only responsible for the security of Ilvermorny, they are also responsible for cooking and laundry, patrolling the corridors, repairing furniture, treating patients and other chores.

These creatures are not weak in intelligence and magic. Their hobby is collecting weird handicrafts, such as rattan hats or shoes, or dead fish bones. Their specialty is herbalism.

After passing the wand storage area and bypassing the four branching statues, the two followed the goblin upstairs. There were no stairs that would move around, so this was not a problem.

Walking through the long corridor, looking at the green plants and voodoo-like ornaments decorated everywhere, the two met Principal Fontana, who looked more like an old cowboy than a wizard.

He was wearing jeans and a floral shirt instead of a cassock. Even if someone came to visit him in the middle of the night, he was still full of energy working on some documents.

The old man stood up to welcome the two of them and invited them to sit down and drink:

"Dumbledore informed me that there are two young talents in Hogwarts who want to come to me to communicate. Of course there is no problem. He and I are old friends. He even gave me a piece of cake when he came to the United States in 1928. A watch that can bark. At that time, I had just graduated from the Water Snake Branch and was hesitating whether to be an Auror or a teacher. He said that it was better to be a teacher, and that being with students was as sweet as being in a pile of cockroaches. It was indeed the case. "

Fontana seemed very happy when talking about the past. He also asked the two of them if they had seen Newt Scamander recently, who was also an acquaintance of his and had studied some magical animals here.

What about Nico Flamel? Haven't you died recently? More than sixty years ago, I said I wanted to die, but it turns out I am not dead yet.

The three of them chatted for a while, using typical American politeness, the kind of talking about topics from acquaintances.

Finally, he asked about Harry Potter, because Abraham Potter was one of the Auror founders of the Magical Congress of the United States. His great-great-grandson went to England and gave birth to a son named James Potter. , that is, Harry's father.

Voldemort's influence at that time did not spread to the United States, but he was still a famous second-generation Dark Lord. Fontana was also a little curious about how he was defeated by a baby, not to mention that the Boy-Who-Lived was also entering school this year.

This question was asked to the right person. No one in the entire UK had more say in Harry than Snape. Su Ming just made a gesture of invitation to the Potions Professor to start his performance.

"He is very ordinary, has no talent, and was the most restless one in Gryffindor House last year. Principal Dumbledore has decided to let him live the life of an ordinary wizard."

Snape answered seriously, his eyes narrowed, as if he was angry just thinking about it.

The branch where Fontana graduated from is the horned water snake, which represents wisdom and is very similar to Ravenclaw. It doesn't have a good impression of the prickly-headed students who always cause trouble.

He wiped his hands on his pants with some regret, a trace of disappointment flashed across his red face:

"Okay, it's getting late. There are still thousands of students staying in the school. I will introduce you to the students at breakfast tomorrow. You can sit in on any holiday training class. Of course, this is not a formal teaching. , more like a hobby club.”

As the principal spoke, he rang the bell on the table, and immediately a goblin apparated in, ready to take the two professors to rest.

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