The Death Knell

Chapter 1657? The plan emerges

In the small castle tower, the morning light shines on the ground through the windows. The time zone here is 6 hours ahead of the American time. At this time, in Ilvermorny College, Snape is responsible for covering up, pretending that the two of them have already arrived. While resting, Su Ming himself came to find Grindelwald.

How to get Ilvermorny College to agree to produce a snake tree grown from the 'Slytherin Wand' depends on the first generation Dark Lord from the United States who can stop children from crying at night.

If this person still had the same personality as when he was young, Su Ming might not be sure that he would be able to persuade him.

But he is old now and has been imprisoned here for decades. Loneliness has become his biggest weakness.

He no longer thinks about world domination, but more often thinks about Dumbledore and recalls the best time between the two of them.

Now that Deathstroke had appeared and proposed the possibility of returning the best things to him, he couldn't help but be moved.

What has never been obtained is not precious, what is precious is what has been possessed.

For Grindelwald, it was his love that was suspended by the world.

After stating that his plan was not flesh and blood magic, Grindelwald stared at Su Ming's face with his eyes, one blue and one yellow, shining brightly in the darkness.

He read many people, and he realized that this stranger was not joking.

If Ariana can really be resurrected, then there will naturally be one less mountain separating her from her lover. Although it is not enough, it can indeed be a good start.

"Actually, Dumbledore was planning to commit suicide recently." At this time, the stranger told a shocking news. While pouring black tea into the cup, he said casually: "In order to fight against Voldemort, he originally had a plan to use his own life and The Savior’s Plan.”

Grindelwald frowned, and a cold aura emerged from him, but he remained calm, after all, he knew that not everyone could be trusted.

"Tell me more details."

So Su Ming told the original story of Harry Potter in concise language. Of course, it was just an excuse to say that he had foreseen Dumbledore's plan. If he hadn't intervened in advance and replaced the survivor with another girl, Boy, maybe this plan will actually come true.

By then, the two old men will be separated forever, which is really tragic.

Grindelwald leaned against the wall, his hand holding the teacup trembling, of course, out of anger rather than fear.

"He is even more confused! Fighting Voldemort is a matter for the British Ministry of Magic. Does he really think he is the savior?!"

Su Ming patted his arm and showed a weird smile.

"No need to perform, Lord Dark Lord, I know you very well. After all, you are also a person who has seen the world. It is impossible to be so excited about a possibility. If you want to test me with this, just don't do it. I said are all true. Look, the guard's body is at the door. You can use his wand to try the prophecy. I have prepared tea cups for tea leaf divination for you. Or do you prefer astrology? Or an abacus. ?”

As expected, Grindelwald put away his excitement. He stood up coldly, walked to the door of the cell and picked up the wand: "I only believe half of what you said, but even if I don't leave now, you will kill everyone." Is the guard issue going to be my fault?"

"Ah, as a backup plan, after all, there are only a few people who want to live in the mountain temple when setting fire to the mountain, right?"

The mercenary also stood up and put away his teapot and teacup. These are good things brought from Kama Taj and cannot be thrown away.

"But you do this only if you can knock me out and take me away so that no one can confront me. Are you really my opponent?" Grindelwald pointed the wand in his hand at Deathstroke. Only then did he truly understand He's back, transformed into the Dark Lord who kills people if he disagrees with him.

To Su Ming, this threat was like scaring him with a feather duster. He poured the tea on the ground, shook the pot and put it away: "You can try, it doesn't look like Dumbledore has been looking for you recently. , didn’t he tell you that there is a magic immune professor coming to Hogwarts?”

"Avada Kedavra!"

The tip of the wand spurted out a ball of green flame, which hit Deathstroke's breastplate. It had no impact at all and was annihilated in the bright black paint.

Grindelwald threw away the smoking wand in his hand and chewed his teeth:

"Now I completely believe you."

"That's good. This is to show sincerity, so I give you this chance to take action. But if you attack me next time, I will kill Dumbledore and let you live forever." Su Ming patted his own The breastplate has no expression.

Grindelwald smiled and clapped his hands: "You are indeed different. I believe you can do something beyond imagination. I think we will work together happily."

Su Ming shook hands with him cordially and reached a consensus: "Okay, now you are free. Is there anything you need to prepare? Since this is a perfect infiltration, you can move around in this castle, at least until the next shift. No Someone will find you."

The two of them walked down the stairs at a time. The wand they just picked up was useless because it burned the core in one cast because it was not suitable for use.

As a powerful wizard, Grindelwald can cast spells without a wand, but advanced spells still require a wand.

This castle used to be his base camp. Su Ming didn't think that someone who could become the Dark Lord would have no backup plan. Even Voldemort had seven Horcruxes, not to mention someone like Grindelwald who had more leadership and careful thinking?

He once stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovich when he was young, and later lost it to Lao Deng. So where was his original wand before he switched to the Elder Wand?

It should be hidden somewhere in the castle.

"You haven't said what I need to do to cooperate with your plan." Grindelwald was very sober and his thinking was very clear: "Only when you know what to do can you make targeted arrangements, right?"

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette. The castle stairs had not been cleaned for an unknown period of time, and spider webs would fall on the cigarette butts as he walked: "What I need is your fame, the Dark Lord's fame, which can make all American wizards sleep." The fear of not being able to catch it.”

"Oh?" Grindelwald responded, then thought for a few seconds, and shook his head: "But I have been away for too long. Decades have passed, and all the old guys who still remember me should be dead. I really Can it achieve the effect you want?”

Deathstroke's head poked from behind his ear: "But if you blow up the Statue of Liberty with fierce fire, it will definitely be more shocking than if I, an unknown person, do it, right?"

"That's true. I probably understand how to do it. It's just that I can't figure out what your plan is for? What does this have to do with resurrecting Ariana? What does it have to do with Voldemort?"

Grindelwald smiled, and there was a hint of confusion in his strange-colored eyes.

The two people who came to the castle hall walked through the pile of corpses. The blood had already covered the soles of their shoes. The one hundred wizards guarding Grindelwald in the castle were all dead. Even the prisoner himself had not heard anything before.

The young man remained calm. He even picked up a wand and played with it a few times:

"You want to resurrect Ariana to make up for Albus, and I have a friend who wants to resurrect his first love, but their death happened a long time ago. I need a method that can't live the dead, but can flesh... The magic material of bones..."

Grindelwald understood. As a veteran wizard, he was much more familiar with the United States.

"What you want is the leaf of the snake tree in Ilvermorny. Someone must have broken into that school and prepared to cooperate, right?"

Deathstroke followed him into the underground wine cellar and watched him touch each barrel with his hands: "Of course, they hid it very well. They can only count on someone to take it out on their own initiative. I hope it can be done during the summer vacation." For these things, I have to go back to Hogwarts to teach students when school starts."

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